I applied for a credit card from JP Bank about 3 months after arriving in Japan on a one-year work visa. A week after mailing in my application the bank called my company to verify my employment. They then spoke to me on the phone and asked to to verify my date of birth, and address. About 3 weeks later the card was delivered to my door. JP bank cards are apparently issued by SMBC.
Someone mentioned earlier in the thread that many American banks won't mail your bill to Japan, or that they require an American address. This was not true in my case. I have a World MC from Citi, another World MC from Juniper, and a Disney Visa from Chase, all three banks had no problem changing to my Japan address, and I receive bills from them in the mail each month.
I'm still trying to work something out with Amex. I have an Amex Platinum which I love to have for the travel perks, but the Japanese Amex Platinum has a much higher annual fee (the American annual fee is already $450 per year).