Quote Originally Posted by justin9213
Mandarin is most spoken in the world, because China is a big country.
Mandarin is spoken by the most people, but the most widely spoken language is English not mandarin. I'd learn Spanish. Not only is it used within the US, it is also used throughout South and Central America, bar a few countries,, Brazil being one (Portugese). Spanish is also like English in respect that it evolves and will quite readily take foreign words and 'spanishify' them. Okay Spanishify is made up, but I think it fits
Quote Originally Posted by JimmySeal
If you ask me, though, you should forget about both of those and learn Esperanto. It has very simple pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, and it will soon be spoken all over the world, so you'd only be helping yourself by getting a headstart.
That has been said for a great many years and doesn't actually hold much water.