One thing that bugs me more than anything is my husband's apparent disregard for people in public places. Especially if we're in a crowded store with a shopping cart! He cut in front of people, bump into people, he won't move if he's looking at something and someone else comes along and wants to look at whatever it is, etc. etc. And he will not say 'excuse me' for anything like that! It makes me crazy! It is so embarassing and it is just plain rude.
This reminds me of when I lived in San Diego and used to shop at the Asian markets. The people who shopped there were just plain rude. Acting just like you described. I really haven't seen it much in Japan though. People seem to be very respectful to me! his inability to be on time for appointments. I don't know if this is a Japanese thing or just a guy thing or what, but he seems to think he can take his time getting to an appointment
I don't see this as a Japanese thing at all. Whenever I have dealt with Japanese people, I have always seen them as very punctual people. Living in Okinawa on the other hand is another story! It is almost expected that people will be matter what! It is commonly referred to as "Okinawa Time". But I know many mainland Japanese who live here that never fall into that catagory. They are always on time!

A couple of people mentioned the peeing on the side of the road...I never had a problem with this. I grew up in the South(in the country), and it was never a big thing to see someone stopped and relieving themselves somewhere! As long as your not flashing everyone!