I found the unbiased truth article a little naive. You only need to read the Nova Union websight or to have been a victim of Nova management to know that it is not always a genki experience working for this language school. During the induction process you are warned that if anything goes wrong with a student and they accuse you of wrongdoing, that Nova will always side with the student. Fine, so they warn you. But when a psycho decides to accuse a teacher of something and you are transferred schools and not offered another contract, it really irritates you. It seems that students do not need to provide evidence supporting their claims, but can make accusations about teachers and get them sacked at will. A company with a backbone would at least give a teacher working in a foreign country the opportunity to appeal or view the evidence, but all they are concerned with is keeping things out of newspapers. I'm sorry, but could someone please write an article titled, 'The awful truth about Nova.'