Quote Originally Posted by Brooker
I went to Japan in September and visited with some of my friends who are still working for Nova and they said Nova hasn't been getting enough new applicants and they're getting desperate. If that's the case, I doubt they'd start getting rid of more people.

The only people I saw get fired or not have their contracts renewed while I was in Japan were the people who were constantly clashing with the company. If you fly below the radar and don't make a big issue over every little rule, they really aren't going to have any reason to get rid of you. The people who were clashing with the company all the time were unhappy enough that they just should have quit anyways.
Dunno where your friends are man, all the stories I've heard are 100% the opposite.

That NOVA is no longer the open doorway to Japan. That more and more applicants are failing. And again I reiterate, taht contracts are being cancelled with 'ne reason given'. That one happeed to a guy I know A popular and well liked teacher. Had a lot of good reports from students. He had one issue once with a stalker student, that was resolved. 8 months later his contract was not renewed. The official line was literally 'No reason given'. It was a big shock in the area and his AT raged against it and almost got canned for it. Rumour is he was canned because he knocked back an AT promotion.

This story has been popping up a lot. Popular well liked teachers with GOOD records, so called AT material, are being dumped recently. Some of the court cases coming up are because the fired parties believe that so called 'student complaints' that are the reasons for dismissal are being trumped up and basically fabricated, as their is no proof or paper trail of any complaints against some teachers.

It should be pointed out that most teachers who are finding themselves at the end of this treatment are long termers who have been here 3 years or more. Therefore some believe that NOVA is loosing money (maybe because of the copyright suits against them and the legions of students who quit when the horrible new lesson methods and textbook came in) and that long term teachers are too expensive. Heck the best teacher at our school has been here 3 years and makes 30,000 yen a month more than me. Is that worth it to NOVA when all the lessons can now be now by a cheap newbie of the plane in the exact same manner as you must follow a strict plan?