my name is Andreas and next year a dream comes true. For 2 weeks I will spend my vacation in Tokyo^.^
But about one thing, unfortunately, I am a bit confused.
Because here you can read, that many parks in tokyo seems to have open at night.
On the other hand, however, you can read on another website, that
many large parks seems to be closed at night, including YOYOGI PARK in Shinjuku.
Many large parks in Tokyo are closed in the evenings. Yoyogi park is no exception:
Summer Hours: 5:00 to 20:00 (May to September)Winter Hours: 5:00 to 17:00 (October to April)
There are no admission fees or closed days.
But which information is true and if these parks are indeed open at night, are there lights, which are lines the walkway?
I would be so thankful, if somebody could help me to bring light into this darkness;)