Well.I'm Brazilian, Japanese descent, Third generation... I've been living in Japan for about 3 years...Since then I never suffered any kind of racism here in Japan...Well, My Japanese is not that perfect...And when I talk they can know that I'm a foreigner. But when i'm hanging out with my Brazilians friends there are always Japaneses staring and pointing to me...But when I'm with my American,Australian friends...Then it's different...It's feels so sad!!!But this Generation must change...I'm hope so.....

P.S. In Brazil there are Chineses, Koreans and Japaneses Descents...And they dont like to "mix up", That means a Korean descent must hang out just with another Korean descentfriends....etc.....I dont know what about others countries. Are there that kind of discrimination between descents too?But I think from the fourth generation all this "things" will be ended.......I LOVE BRAZIL