What needs to be understood is that Japanese salarymen flew to China and paid Chinese women to have an orgy, there is nothing wrong with that if it's in China ! The Chinese and the Koreans complain about their comfort women but when someone offers them money they become Willing comfort women, how sick ! If you don't pay me for raping me sixty years ago I will sue you ...
Okay, so here's your kibbles & bits now , shall we have sex ?

I see nothing wrong with going to China, paying some poor uneducated Chinese women fifty yuan for a lay.

In Japan, the sex industry accounts for 1 percent of the GDP which is more than the Defense Budget ! We owe this to countries like China, Korea and the Phillipines . It's people like these women in the story that keep the night life going, thanks for the charity.

Therefore, when Tokyo's high court strikes down a class action law suit brought about by comfort women I rejoice.