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View Poll Results: Do you believe in astrology ?

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  • Yes, I strongly believe in it

    0 0%
  • I somewhat believe in it, to some extent

    16 29.09%
  • I do not really believe in it, but I do read my horoscope from time to time

    11 20.00%
  • Astrology is a pack of lies !

    28 50.91%
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Thread: Do you believe in astrology ?

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Jan 15, 2007
    Now I look always for the horoscope in the magazines.
    And everytime it's true.
    I take my words back.

    I believe in Astrology and other things.

  2. #52
    Fear my Niftyness MadamePapillon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbal Shin View Post
    Now I look always for the horoscope in the magazines.
    And everytime it's true.
    I take my words back.
    I believe in Astrology and other things.
    NOOOO, you changed you avatar!!!
    All Hail to the HYPNOTOAD *clap* *clap* *clap*

  3. #53
    Regular Member RegDunlap's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by centrajapan View Post
    Do you have a link to your stats? Regdunlap. The suicide stats.
    I am not arguing that astrology is the answer to wisdom and every answer to the earth or how much it affects us. Are you saying the sun does not have an affect on you? In that case I would like to know your secret. You could become a millionaire.
    the stats are from Wikipedia. Do a search for "suicide rate"..

    For the money, go to www.randi.org.

    Show that astrology works, and get a cheque for $1,000,000.

  4. #54
    Regular Member Pepe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo View Post
    Practising religious people tend to find comfort in the practice of their faith, wheras non-religious people tend not to believe in non-rational things.
    One could argue that aspects of astrology reflect traits of a religion, and as such it could be considered as one. Furthermore, one could also argue that religions could be considered both irrational and illogical.

  5. #55
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    the stats are from Wikipedia. Do a search for "suicide rate"..

    For the money, go to www.randi.org.

    Show that astrology works, and get a cheque for $1,000,000.
    Apart from have completely run out of arguments don't you have any better come back than flaming and trolling? You are not the funniest comedian are you? I asked you a simple question. Do you have a source? I already did a search and debunked your stats. My source was from BBC now pretty please could you please find the link to your source please? Since you did not come up with a link or a source. Your stats does not mean much. Hence my theory about the sun affecting human beings is true and you have not been able to prove other wise. Therefore I am right and you are wrong.

    If I am wrong I atleast am man enough to say that I was wrong and don't try to flame or ridicule others especially when you are the one who have run out of arguments. A bit of friendly advice here. Please try to stay on topic the next time.

  6. #56
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    Is there anyone here who can explain, why there must be some "nests" of birthdays, because I keep having appearing same birthdays around me, or culminated times, often related to my family constellation or best friend's birthdays. Such people often also have similar interests or relation topics with me, even if they look different or come from a completely different part of the planet. And in many times I only get their birthdays later on, which means, I cannot simply have projected this, which would be one reason, that could have explained it from the point of reason. . .but I often start wondering and asking thus after a while...
    Just to say something about certain obvious "patterns", be they whatever may be.
    What are those patterns in your opinion?
    Some realised them somewhat similar to magnetic or power-patterns, that fill up with the next and best fitting available similarity, as soon as one person is not there or falls apart for whatever reason. And it comes mostly "uncalled" for. We already had much fun with this.

  7. #57
    DON'T PANIC! Tsuyoiko's Avatar
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    This poll is flawed. I don't believe in astrology but I won't call it a pack of lies. To lie means to deceive someone. I don't think astrologers are necessarily intentionally deceiving anyone. Some are, but I think most believe in it. I was very interested in astrology as a teenager - I learnt how to draw full horoscopes and would use them before making any major decision. That was before I learnt about confirmation bias. But I wasn't lying to anyone, I was just naive and needed something to believe in.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chi65 View Post
    Is there anyone here who can explain, why there must be some "nests" of birthdays, because I keep having appearing same birthdays around me, or culminated times,
    Not really an answer, just an interesting point I think, called the Birthday Paradox. Did you know that in a group of 23 people, there is a more than 50% probability that two of those people will share the same birthday? It seems intuitive that you would need a group of 366 people to get two with the same birthday. But go into any classroom and you're more likely than not to find two people sharing the same birthday. For anyone with a Maths degree, here's the proof: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_paradox
    "A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life
    merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral." - Leo Tolstoy

    Currently playing: Agarest on PS3
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  8. #58
    Regular Member RegDunlap's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by centrajapan View Post
    Apart from have completely run out of arguments don't you have any better come back than flaming and trolling? You are not the funniest comedian are you? I asked you a simple question. Do you have a source? I already did a search and debunked your stats. My source was from BBC now pretty please could you please find the link to your source please? Since you did not come up with a link or a source. Your stats does not mean much. Hence my theory about the sun affecting human beings is true and you have not been able to prove other wise. Therefore I am right and you are wrong.
    If I am wrong I atleast am man enough to say that I was wrong and don't try to flame or ridicule others especially when you are the one who have run out of arguments. A bit of friendly advice here. Please try to stay on topic the next time.
    Flaming and trolling? I dont know what you mean. As for the statistics, I gave you the info to find them, but if you are incapable, then here is the link;


    It was hiding right in front of you.

    No argument that the sun does have an effect on people. THis can be proven scientifically. Hell, it can be proven by my sunburns every summer. There is a large difference between the physical effects of sunlight, and the life changing events claimed by astrology.

    As I said, it is very simple to get the cash. Just show that it works.

    For your education, here is an interesting report on astrology;


  9. #59
    INTP Derfel's Avatar
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    In this case there's a thin line between astrology, astronomy and anatomy, there are certain effects and phenomena that are scientifically proven, some mental effects are and can be proven scientifically, and some cannot be proven in any scientific way, so science should just keep its mouth shut until it actually discovers the scientific cause for a certain phenomenon.

  10. #60
    Regular Member RegDunlap's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derfel View Post
    In this case there's a thin line between astrology, astronomy and anatomy
    . No, there is a HUGE thick line between the former, and the latter two. The latter two are subject to intense scrutiny and evaluation using the scientific method. THeir hypotheses are changed, modified, and reevaluated over time.

    Astrology is none of that. This video may help you;


    Also, a little study on the Forer Effect would be beneficial.

  11. #61
    DON'T PANIC! Tsuyoiko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RegDunlap View Post
    For your education, here is an interesting report on astrology;
    Sites with names like that always disappoint me. If you want to convince someone that what they believe is wrong, calling their beliefs 'silly' is your first mistake. How you say things is as important as what you say, especially when it comes to emotive issues like personal beliefs.

  12. #62
    Regular Member RegDunlap's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tsuyoiko View Post
    Sites with names like that always disappoint me. If you want to convince someone that what they believe is wrong, calling their beliefs 'silly' is your first mistake. How you say things is as important as what you say, especially when it comes to emotive issues like personal beliefs.
    The site isnt for people who already believe in astrology- it's probably too late for them. It is a resource for sceptical and open minded people who want a resource to educate those who aren't sure about the subject.

    Since belief is first and foremost based on personal experience and feeling, it is damn near impossible to shake people from it. Anyway, if you can struggle past the site name you may be intrigued by the information it contains.

  13. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tsuyoiko View Post
    Not really an answer, just an interesting point I think, called the Birthday Paradox. Did you know that in a group of 23 people, there is a more than 50% probability that two of those people will share the same birthday? It seems intuitive that you would need a group of 366 people to get two with the same birthday. But go into any classroom and you're more likely than not to find two people sharing the same birthday. For anyone with a Maths degree, here's the proof: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_paradox
    Oops, difficult.

    Yes, I was open to something like that, but what I mean, is not the same birthdays, but also close around, most people within three days before and after and then it thins out, whereas at other times there is nothing at all. Same with appearing birthdays of my brothers time, with whom I had an especially good relation.

    And additionally few other days, that keep on appearing.

    And its not like a class, brought together from "outside", so to say, but friendship and working relations, thus on own account and choice, with other words, a personal energy pattern, and if not, those stay closer than others, thus become a part of my personal pattern, while others don't.
    I hear the same from others around them and very often.

    In a way, I can imagine a certain relation to first "inputs" of unconscious experiences, that are dominant at that given time of year, like being more outwards, when born in a time of year, where you can be outside more often and enjoy a jolly good humour because of all the flowerings or so, while wintertime people may be more inwardly, to say it very roughly.
    This may only apply for your own side of the coin/planet though and can well be vice versa on the other side.

    But corresponding types that fill their own desires up for example with a cheerfull summer-child, while been born in a time of year, where everything gets more grey and dark, is as prominent.
    Thus there is for example an equal to equal as well as a contrasting thing going on, and the summer-equals are quick in hugging each other and sharing, when they find out (there is another experience, those are often misused for their kindness and start hiding with the years, but open up to equals easily), while some beginning of winter ones long for that warmth but more often seem to need a kind of challenge and (are more sceptical) to feel understood in their longing and closer to death-themes in life. ""Face it, and overcome it, it all has to die some time".

    While those closer to beginning spring show a certain relaxed "it will all bloom again, don't worry, just use your time to find out about your inner balances in the meantime to start all over again"-mentality. Good psychologists seem to culminate there around me, as friends, not doctors, always ready to uplift, when depressed one way or another.

    It becomes more difficult if you add the other family' member's inputs to a newborn baby, but something is related to seasons nevertheless.

    Thats how I see some basics, and it does meet some descriptions from astrologers, in fact, since it once was a field of long observations. Only some relatedness to farther planets make me wonder, although, why not, if you look closer to the way its all interwoven.
    Yet, there is a lot of rubbish piled up with the years, that its hard to say, which one still fits and which one not, and thus I remain rather sceptical, but not all over.

    But some basics, as explained before, may well have to be considered, because they cannot be just "counted" away, even if feelingless science wishes to do so. Humans are NOT machines, whatever they say.

    And a summerchild will mostly prefer open organic and creative examples, not safety walls.

  14. #64
    DON'T PANIC! Tsuyoiko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chi65 View Post
    Yes, I was open to something like that, but what I mean, is not the same birthdays, but also close around, most people within three days before and after and then it thins out, whereas at other times there is nothing at all. Same with appearing birthdays of my brothers time, with whom I had an especially good relation.
    Coincidence? If I look at the people close to me there's no discernible pattern - one with a birthday a week behind mine in May, a couple in January, one in Feb, one in April, one in November. Show me a statistical study of a few thousand people where 'close' is defined in some rigorous way and I'll accept it as more than coincidence.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chi65 View Post
    But some basics, as explained before, may well have to be considered, because they cannot be just "counted" away, even if feelingless science wishes to do so.
    I don't think science is 'feelingless' - science just demands that any claims like these are subjected to rigorous testing. If anyone making these claims is willing to undergo fair testing AND accept the results, then science would be wrong not to consider them.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chi65 View Post
    Humans are NOT machines, whatever they say.
    We might not be machines, but that doesn't mean we can't be explained entirely by scientific means.
    Quote Originally Posted by RegDunlap View Post
    Since belief is first and foremost based on personal experience and feeling, it is damn near impossible to shake people from it. Anyway, if you can struggle past the site name you may be intrigued by the information it contains.
    I would add to the reasons they give for astrology's persistence though - probably even say a reason that is foremost when most ordinary people read their horoscopes: confirmation bias. I used to believe in astrology because it seems true when you read it! I'm a Taurean, and I am stubborn, house-proud, a lover of luxuries, stuck in my ways, slow to anger but homicidal when provoked etc etc. I ignored the bits about how I'm supposed to be easy-going, faithful, conventional and tenacious because, like most people, I latched onto the bits I already believed were true.

  15. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tsuyoiko View Post
    Coincidence? If I look at the people close to me there's no discernible pattern - one with a birthday a week behind mine in May, a couple in January, one in Feb, one in April, one in November. Show me a statistical study of a few thousand people where 'close' is defined in some rigorous way and I'll accept it as more than coincidence.
    Well, I am not interested in getting scientific confirmations or acceptance, but I could well write a book about it, with lots of examples and surprises.
    It would surely be fun to have such ongoing observations in a more formal way as an individual can do, but so far, I have not heard about it, but would not mind attending actually.
    I don't think science is 'feelingless' - science just demands that any claims like these are subjected to rigorous testing. If anyone making these claims is willing to undergo fair testing AND accept the results, then science would be wrong not to consider them.
    There I am on another boat, as much as I and O is a rough scale, although surely helpfull in a way, while humans have a far wider range and even in faster or slower metamorphing circles and definitely related to empathy, which for example no computer would. Its a much finer tuning, still.
    I am nevertheless willing to see, that one day this finetuning may come closer and then also such patterns would show up, since they are definitely there, even if some have not yet paid attention to them.
    The rules for tests are often not yet(!) adequate and or the interest too low to even try it. I discussed this at length in another matter on science foren, by the way and as said, my father was a scientist, thus my interest in that side is as high. Its a not yet for me, like many other things too.
    I see no reason for calling it a claim, just an observation for more than about 40 years now, and also not only from me. Its a kind of common knowledge for some, like certain flowers start blooming at that and that time. Only, this flower does not yet have a name hereabout, in the east it is pretty wellknown, also amomgst native indians (former asians) etc.
    And its always good fun!
    We might not be machines, but that doesn't mean we can't be explained entirely by scientific means.
    Since everybody is different, it will not be able to explain everybody entirely, sorry to say, too quickly new variations are born or change. Even twin-researches are only at the beginning after all. But there you already have certain "similar" patterns, and it may well be or become part of the explorations in that direction.
    I would add to the reasons they give for astrology's persistence though - probably even say a reason that is foremost when most ordinary people read their horoscopes: confirmation bias. I used to believe in astrology because it seems true when you read it! I'm a Taurean, and I am stubborn, house-proud, a lover of luxuries, stuck in my ways, slow to anger but homicidal when provoked etc etc. I ignored the bits about how I'm supposed to be easy-going, faithful, conventional and tenacious because, like most people, I latched onto the bits I already believed were true
    Also taureans appear in "bunches/bundles" for me, but mostly around the 10th to 15th of may, as one example. No idea, why. Longlasting emotionally steadfast and reality loving friends, by the way. More "earthed", if not stubbornly positive than many others for sure, partly oversexed or body-(work or workout) possessed in one way or another, not very near to death themes at all, in contrary to those as prominent "bunches" in november. Thus with a certain assemblance of what is said about them. At least those around me. Many brilliant active and activating artists too around me. I am happpy with them. They do get my feet on the ground when needed, and do it with pleasure. Quite some massages go on their account too, plus teachings of this. But as said, thats my personal pattern. They may be different at other birthdates, but then they did not stick very long, thus I can't speak for them all, only for those above, but there it is more than obvious and fits me well in a way. They may even appear after years again, as if there was no time in between, and if so, then not only one of that kind, even uncalled. They just appear again, and as for the fun, in bunches once more.
    Again, that may just be the insurance of new successfull growth in nature in its happiest blooming beauty. First inputs once more.
    Thats not even unscientific, if you go and watch chemics or physics or biology. There you also have certain "formations" (and desires) at certain stages of growth (or decline).

  16. #66
    DON'T PANIC! Tsuyoiko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chi65 View Post
    Well, I am not interested in getting scientific confirmations or acceptance
    I think that's another reason people still believe in astrology. They aren't interested in knowing facts but would rather hang onto their beliefs, ignoring any evidence to the contrary.

  17. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tsuyoiko View Post
    I think that's another reason people still believe in astrology. They aren't interested in knowing facts but would rather hang onto their beliefs, ignoring any evidence to the contrary.
    I have not said, that I believe in astrology, by the way.
    I even wrote, that I have my doubts, but something as described before is simply going on, however you call it.
    That happens all the time in science too, that there are some questions, observations, and many rules are later changed accordingly.

    Strange answer indeed.
    A lifetime is not enough to ask every background and no one can be condemned for not getting every information nor scientific amen.
    You as much do not go deeper into this, and I am not asking you to do so, I just pass on what I found and will be open for other's experiences in that field. The time may not have come, and no scientist will be my pope nor judge, neither will a pope itself.
    I have no need for that, young woman, particularly not with such an answer after all.
    I prefer to leave my windows open for new fresh winds.
    Be well.

  18. #68
    Regular Member Tokis-Phoenix's Avatar
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    Actually i was just watching a program on tv on stuff like this just last night.

    Star signs as we know them were invented during the roman times by some roman philosopher, they didn't make much sense back then and they still don't make much sense now.
    Even the way the horoscopes are decided for each star sign are flawed, the roman guys formula's for figuring out people's horoscropes via the planets and stars and stuff was not correct even back in his day (he made some mathematical errors), and even if they were correct, we have discovered many more planets and stars since then, which would make the way for predicting people's horoscopes innacurate anyway.

    The way i see horoscopes, is that a lot of what it is said in them is not particularly specific and could really apply to anyone.

    For example, this horoscope below was written today on a well known newspapers website, i won't tell you which starsign this horoscope is before, but i wonder how many of you here would find that this horoscope could apply to you;

    "The changes you have wanted for a while but thought might never happen move a big step closer.

    The moon is in place to help you understand what really matters to other people.

    A cool smile is the best reply to gossip.

    Both luck and new love are waiting where pals celebrate."

    Or how about this one;

    "As your ruling planet Venus clashes with the moon, you see that expecting a little less from love will make you more relaxed – and the relationship more successful.

    At work, the professional way you handle someone who can be difficult gets results.

    Luck looks like a soap star"

    Can anyone here guess which starsigns these two horoscopes are for? Maybe they are cancer, or perhaps they are capricorn, or maybe you could be an aries which these either of horoscopes apply to you etc?

    I think that astrology is basically an attempt by people to make sense of the randomness of life. We are evolved to try and see or not to see patterns in life.
    Horoscopes basically revolve around the concept of catagorising the entire human population into 12 different signs, and aims to explain the petty occurances in these people's day-to-day lives by what it is going on in the planets. Sounds pretty plausable? I don't really think so.

    I don't really believe in astrology, there is a lot that science still can't explain, so i am always open to new idea's and ways of thinking (for example i am interested in the concept and evidence of ghosts and other paranormal happenings), but based on the evidence and facts of situation etc, i don't really believe in astrology.

    My mother is super keen on stuff like astrology, she's really into all of that new world stuff like holoistic medicines and stuff, she's always consulting her astrologer, psychics and feng shui expert guy- and don't get me wrong, i do find such things interesting, but i do think she is really gullible sometimes when it comes to stuff like that.

    I am going through a very troublesome phase right now though with stuff like my religious beliefs, belief in an afterlife, belief in the supernatural/paranormal etc right now though, so although i don't really believe in astrology, even that it is a difficult conclusion for me to come to at this point in my life even if the answer may be a bit obvious. I guess it all comes down to me weighing up my experiences, of what is said, what i know and do not know, and what the facts/evidence/proof of what is believed or being is said is etc.

  19. #69
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    To me, people have all kinds of sides, the question is, which side will come to growth according to birth-circumstances and further on influences.

    Thus I stick to the points of first inputs or chances, if you so wish.

    Who has to fight or long for being in warm sun at the beginning, may become different to one, who was born into a warm phase and thus with light clothes(baggage, so to say) and exposed thus used to the light outside.

    The other one may consider any inner "homely" heat source (oven for example) and safe walls, to be more comfortable and relaxed or inspired.
    This may be very unconscious, but does its work within people, like the roads available or not with according different outcomes and further choices.

    While some are very dilligent in building up, others take something for granted and available, simply because it was at first, etc.

    And then there are phases in life, that make you change your views and even behaviours, for example if you move to another place, cooperate with other sources etc. etc. It brings out other sides of you, so to say.

    I can very well say quite often, who is born about when, also, because the appearing ones often show similarities with others around me (my very own pattern) and thus lead to expect them to be of a similar kind, which much more often than not is right (the bunches of birthdays).
    About others then I may know nothing, not "familiar" with them, but some are always "sticking out", make sense for me.
    Not that I go much deeper into this, but there definitely is a kind of pattern.
    Sometimes I even get forced by some to see it, because they stay on my heels until I realise and then we have this funny: ahh, once more, its "you" again, hehe (be it in close variation)! Cheers!

    Astrology or not, there is something going on, and, by the way, some indian wise elders for ages talk about the same.
    And native indians too, they are not lying, if they say, that they expected your coming.
    I am very well aware of being in such patterns from a native indian medicinman, for example, because we crossed our ways repeatedly within shortest time and then I was invited. And it turned out, that, like in a painted story, I had the next picture with me, as a present, that continued another friendship from him, also with a german woman, who also gave him a painting. Mine was like the next step in a story, as if we were the same person. It made all the sense in the world, and I will never forget, how he treated me with great friendship and how I also knew, he was "an old friend", because on the other side, he also had an answer to some of my questions, that I did not even had to ask(!). "As if he knew". He must have felt the same with me, and thus ritually introduced me to all his ancestors.
    The native indians said: you are like us, when this happened: I followed a given name, an invitation, but no adress. . . I ended up in front of one door, asking a passer-by, where they live. That one wondered, laughed, and the door opened, and here they were!
    And I had loads of such stories, silent "appointments" in my life. It comes in rows and bunches once more, when it comes.
    You would think, its a cheap film, that can't be, because its so "impossible". Wrong all along, yes it can, many times.
    While watching this, in old times people probably tried to find a system to explain this, it may work, but also not, because it cannot necessarily be called for, except by selective consciousness. . .Which means, what you expect, wish, is more likely to happen, than without "tuning" you into this.
    Ask any psychologist. Its no bogus. Only the how is still full of wonders.

    And astrology also is a way of tuning you into certain sides of you, I suppose.
    Thus for some it works and for others not.
    I do not make myself very dependant on this, except with the first above thinkings.
    (It would be interesting to live down under for a while, because there northern "experiences" would be questioned all the time, would the birthday pattern (not in terms of astrology!) go on there? And if so, how?)

  20. #70
    yaoi lova Sono Ike's Avatar
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    Hell no. I mean... how can the stars know my future? o . o ? I'm no trying to offend anyone, but I cannot understand it.

    well, well ʁ ) the stars doesn't know my future, is the people who interprets what the sky configuration blah blah blah... but I still don't believe it. But... I found funny to know someone's zodiacal sign. : )

  21. #71
    Gabby is the name yumeitsumo's Avatar
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    I read mine everyday. But not those crappy horoscopes in teen magazines.. (really, those are BS)) hmmm... I connect with them to some extent. They can mean so many things. You never know. I keep track of my horoscopes and find them to be strangly correct...
    Dream Always

  22. #72
    yaoi lova Sono Ike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yumeitsumo View Post
    But not those crappy horoscopes in teen magazines..
    well, that's a point. If you're going to read horoscopes please don't read them in teen magazines 'cuase if the horoscopes were real, believe it, in that magazines of course they'll invent all!

  23. #73
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    People who read and belive in Astrology should consider why they have the need something to tell them what's going to happen.

    The answer may sound rude so i will not write it

  24. #74
    Gabby is the name yumeitsumo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dimitree View Post
    People who read and belive in Astrology should consider why they have the need something to tell them what's going to happen.
    The answer may sound rude so i will not write it

  25. #75
    The Great Mitsuo's Avatar
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    Astrology is utter nonsense. Number one: it's a pseudoscience. There is absolutely no proof for it. Centrajapan, not to pick on you, but you are confusing correlation with causation. Those stats mean absolutely nothing. The scientific method is your friend. Number two: the constellations are not in the same location today as they were when astrology was first invented. Capricorns back then would now be a sagittarius instead. It's just flawed. However, I do occasionally read mine when I come across it. It's just for fun and should not be taken seriously. But to one's own.
    I wish I knew that I didn't know what I know. You know?

    Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.

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