Quote Originally Posted by iwumuyi
Yes, both the two cultures are admirable, but think of the war atrocities committed by japanese and the general attitude towards the past war in ja-society, who dare say chinese are loving japan?

actually, most people here like japan, not a militarily and politically ambitious japan, but a peace-loving, tolerant japan.

welcome to my blog at http://wumuyi.spaces.msn.com (blogging the ups and downs of China )
You know I am not a professor of history regarding Japan or China yet throughout the histories of both countries atrocities have been committed.

Neither country is without fault.

For Chinese to blame Japanese for their atrocities is one thing, yet in Chinese history MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of people were sacrificed from the hands of the CHINESE people against CHINESE.

In Japanese history Japanese are guilty of indiscretions against numerous countries and their people throughout Asia.

This is the history of nearly all countries throughout the world....hell in the US Native American's were slaughtered by the millions, just so the "white" settlers could have more land.

Do I need to go on..............

Almost every country every where is to "blame". Don't you think it is time to let history be history?

Why in the heck can't people learn to look to the future instead of constantly living in the past? Does it make you "feel" better as a person to blame an event that happened probably before you were born to justify your hate today?

Question here to our Japanese and Chinese members;

To our Chinese members;

Do you actually KNOW any Japanese people? AND if you do Are they decent or "nice"? OR Are they animal's to be despised and if so WHY do you despise them, because of something they did to you personally or because of something you were taught or told from a history book or teacher?

To our Japanese members;

Do you actually KNOW any Chinese people? AND if you do ARE they decent or "nice? OR Are they animal's to be despised and if so WHY do you despise them, because of something they did to you personally of because of something you were taught of told from a history book or teacher?

I personally lost relatives, my Dad's brother's among others during the Pacific War in WWII, that doesn't mean I HATE all Japanese because of an event that happened BEFORE I was born.

My wife is Japanese, my children are "half" Japanese "half" American, they are living reminders of the atrocities that Japan caused upon my family....yeah right I think not.

To those Chinese members and Japanese members out there that are over 60 years old, because the "rest" HAVE NO ACTUAL MEMORY OF ANY ATROCITIES, I ask do you hate the Japanese people so much even today?

OR have you learned that to carry such a hate does nothing but cause you heartburn.

I ASK ALL OF YOU JAPANESE AND CHINESE>>>>"WHERE DOES YOUR HATE COME FROM?" Please explain to me how you can hate a country and it's people for something that YOU are not directly concerned with.?!?!