Actually when i say Chinese nationals it means just that, a national of china, a citizen born and bred in china.
It works for British nationals, French nationals Russian nationals, nationals is a legitimate word which is used without issue by customs and immigration authorities all the world over.
I am a british national, i was born live work and plan on dying in britain, i have a british passport, british citizenship, hence i am a british national.
That is all it means, it doesnt have any link to nationalism, im sorry for the misunderstand, but, your understanding of the word was flawed.
Now if i said i was a british nationalist, THEN it would carry the negetive meaning you were thinking of.

Edit: And i agree, many chinese posters here do seem to have an almost propaganda agent type of opinion in regard to their government, on several occassions ivd been convinced they are working for the chinese government, but then, i probably under-estimated how well the chinese propaganda works on the public in general.