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Thread: Need China to apologize for Korea war?

  1. #1
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    Need China to apologize for Korea war?

    personally I think we need, we shielded an atrocious regime
    and made North Korea people live in poverty.
    If we don't apologize for our fault, how can we criticize
    Japan for their evil past?

  2. #2
    Happy 4321go's Avatar
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    I just read an article of Korean War,It is Kim_Il-sung's fault to start this war without inform China at first!
     Kim_Il-sung drag China into the war is also a fault!...In fact ,a majority of Chinese officeholder refuse to join the war,but Mao_Zedong's will win...
    At last, Chinese People's Volunteer Army help North Korea drive U.S force away. Kim_Il-sung did many wrong things which made North Korea fall behind South Korea.

  3. #3
    tsuyaku o tsukete kudasai nurizeko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4321go
    I just read an article of Korean War,It is Kim_Il-sung's fault to start this war without inform China at first!
    @Kim_Il-sung@drag China into the war is also a fault!...In fact ,a majority of Chinese officeholder refuse to join the war,but Mao_Zedong's will win...
    At last, Chinese People's Volunteer Army help North Korea drive U.S force away. Kim_Il-sung@did many wrong things which made North Korea fall behind South Korea.
    Your position is understandable but flawed.

    I think china should have let the north korean communists get whiped out when they were originally getting their arse kicked, but, we have to remember this was a different time, it was the cold war and china was extremely communist, it wasnt going to allow a rising communist neighbour get crushed by the invading amerikans.

    It seems at one time each durring the war the north koreans were on the verge of being whiped out, and then the south koreans + allies.

    I think china has progressed enough that, as gs001 has shown, the chinese may be regretting their part of the korean war, and its nice to know at least someone is questioning the almost insane amount of hostility and demands on japan, but china still deserves its war apology (aslong as it can see fit to forgive before hand) and as for chinas involvement in the korean war.....sad but, it was just an act of the times, when it was communism Vs Democracy, it was a crappy world and yeah, hard times had by all.

    I dont think theres any doubt the continued growth of chinas prosperity will eventually lead to a fully free and democratic china, despite its slow crawl, so china cant be considored as communist as it once was, it seems north korea is the last remenant of an old dead and un-needed philosophy.

    Communism grows from the anarchy of wars and strife and poverty, but, when things start getting good again, its soon seen to be more of a burden then a blessing, and is discarded.

    The day will come when china no longer needs it.

  4. #4
    Happy 4321go's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nurizeko
    I think china should have let the north korean communists get whiped out when they were originally getting their arse kicked, but, we have to remember this was a different time, it was the cold war and china was extremely communist, it wasnt going to allow a rising communist neighbour get crushed by the invading amerikans.
    It seems at one time each durring the war the north koreans were on the verge of being whiped out, and then the south koreans + allies.
    I think china has progressed enough that, as gs001 has shown, the chinese may be regretting their part of the korean war, and its nice to know at least someone is questioning the almost insane amount of hostility and demands on japan, but china still deserves its war apology (aslong as it can see fit to forgive before hand) and as for chinas involvement in the korean war.....sad but, it was just an act of the times, when it was communism Vs Democracy, it was a crappy world and yeah, hard times had by all.
    I dont think theres any doubt the continued growth of chinas prosperity will eventually lead to a fully free and democratic china, despite its slow crawl, so china cant be considored as communist as it once was, it seems north korea is the last remenant of an old dead and un-needed philosophy.
    Communism grows from the anarchy of wars and strife and poverty, but, when things start getting good again, its soon seen to be more of a burden then a blessing, and is discarded.
    The day will come when china no longer needs it.
    Thank you for sharing your insight about it .
    I believe Korea war is in fact the war between China and U.S.
    Korea want to unify~,it has nothing to do with the foreign force ~! If U.S. did't join the war ,I think China won't join the war either!

  5. #5
    Junior Member Gavin_wangjz's Avatar
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    yeah, if there need a apologize indeed, ask USA first. That war is not a aggression , we lost many people in that war.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by gs001
    personally I think we need, we shielded an atrocious regime
    and made North Korea people live in poverty.
    If we don't apologize for our fault, how can we criticize
    Japan for their evil past?
    Why think it is fault? US attacked China first,it bombed Dandong and many other China-Korea border city.
    Another important thing is:US Navy came to Taiwan strait.So China thought US woud attack China from both Northeast and Southeast,Korean war is only a fuse,the real aim is China.
    In fact,China also don't like NK's war.Yes,Kim_Il-sung@drag China into the war,he should not attack SK at least at that time,didn't tell China.China didn't like Korean war broken out at that time,Taiwan had not obtained.,For CCP,KMT was still in Taiwan.
    Some people even think that's a conspiracy made by Soviet-Union and NK,Soviet-Union wanted to control China,so Taiwan can drag China and CCP.

  7. #7
    Banned osias's Avatar
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    Double-standard is a norm in china.

    I bet they never heard about the conscription and civilian massacre of S. Koreans by communist forces.

    It's great that China always has someone else to blame.

  8. #8
    Happy 4321go's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by osias
    Double-standard is a norm in china.
    I bet they never heard about the conscription and civilian massacre of S. Koreans by communist forces.
    It's great that China always has someone else to blame.
    Does it has anything to do with the topic :"Need China to apologize for Korea war? "

    Maybe you are the only one in this world who have't been brainwashed yet ~

  9. #9
    Banned ricecake's Avatar
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    The thread's topic is irrelevant as far as Korean people are concerned,not one single Korean ever brought up or discuss such " laughable " scenerio as OP fictitiously presented here.

    China has never-ending military and political involvements in the Korea peninsula for 2500 years,Korea kingdom has been first and foremost Chinese vassal state.It's Chinamen's burden keeping Korea from " foreign grab ".

    Any Chinese army had the divine duty to defend China's NE region,it's our nomadic brethren's sacred land.

    Hehe .... funny,a Japanese nationalist zealot reside in China faking as Chinese to advocate non-existent scenerio.
    Last edited by ricecake; Jul 24, 2006 at 04:36.

  10. #10
    Regular Member uloocn's Avatar
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    odd question?! what should China to apologize???

  11. #11
    tsuyaku o tsukete kudasai nurizeko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by uloocn
    odd question?! what should China to apologize???

    Long story short, after WW2 Japanese forces in NK surrendered to the communists, SK Japanese artmy surrendered to the Americans.

    NK invades SK in civil war action.

    Allies join the SK's and push the NK's nearly back to the Chinese border, hence defeating them.

    China doesnt like that idea any one bit and sends a huge Chinese force over the NK border and helps the remaining NK's to push the SK army and allies back to a small pocket round Pusan.

    Allies and SK army hold the line, get re-enforcements and push back, with a few amphibious landings further north as the advance progresses to help them advance.

    Stuff happens, blah blah blah eventually both sides settle at around a ceasefire line at the 36th or 39th or whatever parallel.

    Technically NK is still at war with the south and/or America I think.

    Anyway read the Wikipedia article, it should be quite informative.

    Sorry its in English if thats a problem, the only other Wikipedia language I found suitable was Japanese.

    www.wikipedia.org to check out the other languages avaliable at the front page.


  12. #12
    Regular Member uloocn's Avatar
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    I agree with what you have said about NK&SK civil war and you have an impersonal remark.
    But still I can't make out what and who should China apologize for?

  13. #13
    tsuyaku o tsukete kudasai nurizeko's Avatar
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    The Chinese support of the Korean war.

    The thread author wondered if China should apologise for the Korean situation as we have it now.

    Not my opinion, since, history is history, but that is what the thread author was asking.

    China played a big role in the Korean war, namely by saving NK from total utter defeat.

  14. #14
    "Nani ga okashin desu?!" CBC Guy's Avatar
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    As a Chinese.....

    I say that we should have let N Korea be wiped out.

    But then again I guess China was scared of the US back then. Understandable.... Understandable... But not justified.
    'Watashi no Nihongo wa son-na ni heta desu ka?!?!"

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