Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo
quite a few will also have gained the desire to learn, for the sake of learning itself.
In my experience people like that are a small minority, but that could be because I live in a 'working class' area.
Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo
Hmm. I thought that Belgium was already lax in this regard, as a teacher of French (or instance) can also teach history (but not geography, arts, science or mathematics). In France, even that is not allowed. If I am not mistaken, in France, a chemistry teacher cannot even teach physics or vice versa, while in Belgium a science teacher can teach any science subject (but not maths).
AFAIK there are no regulations here about who can teach what, although the Art teacher taking Science classes is the most extreme example I have seen. He also taught IT and Maths for a couple of terms! While I was there we also had a PE teacher teaching English and Science, a Maths teacher taking IT and a French teacher who took her GCSE Spanish with the students, so that she could teach next year's GCSE Spanish classes.