God, I hate crap like that. It's like if someone's going to be racist I prefer them to just say it to my face but implying and hinting just for s**ts and giggles annoys me to no end. America does something similar with gays. They're in lots of TV shows yes but they're always shown as either the Raging Queen or the Butch Lesbian. As if to say, "Gay men are like Valley Girls and Lesbians will tear your head off. See isn't that funny? Teeheehee." No, it's not funny. Either that are they show gays as sex addicts who sleep with anything with the same gender as them. All one night stands, threesomes, etc. So what they're saying is "Gays are sluts!!!" which is not true.
I hate it when people do stuff like this. Again just say it to our faces. Racism (and homophobia) is bad but putting a "cute" face on it is worse. Honesty is better then patronizing or silent whispering. If you don't like me for my race then SAY IT. But just sweetly implying it is just...agh!!! I can deal with yelling, name calling, physical violence, because I can DO something about that. But crap like this is hard to do anything about, that's what makes it so annoying and so dangerous.