Quote Originally Posted by mAD pIERROT
I'd run towards him and snatch his bag.
uh...wait! No! That doesn't sound right...erm.....

I meant to say, I'd knock his arse out, take his wallet, and run away giggling.
This is so typical of you, Mad Pierrot, however...
I was thinking of robbing him not only of his bad, but what else he's got before the snatching, say his wallet of the Japanese male-purse.
After stripping him of all his clothes except the bare essential last, and tying him up with clothes-stringing in the manner of SM, I'd make him give up all his personal belongings, take a hundred mug shots of semi-nudity for posting all over the WWW, I would go through all his personal belongings, register them in a police report list as evidence, and request a national lost-and-found survey to see if any of those were stolen also. And then I would proceed to psychologically torture him for a confession of all dishonest behaviour, whether he has ever spat out profanity or participated in any right-wing political rally on one of those black buses, raise a wooden cross, and hang him high for public ridicule for 3 days and 3 nights non-stop, and take him down only on condition that he will willingly do public service such as cleaning the public bathrooms or catch 10 other snatchers before he can go free... naw, that too easy. First I will brand him on the forhead and buttocks with the words in kanji, "stupid bag snatcher of womens' hand bags." He would have to report to the forum penitentiary weekly to show evidence that he has been a good boy for the rest of his life, or else, "whack !!*

I shall remind him that Mad Pierrot also has murderous thoughts about thieves who doesn't live too far away from him. Of course he can take to the sea and drown himself to escape Justice, but the sharks will get him eventually. Hahahahaha...