I don't understand why a non-Japanese who is fully caucasian would want to become Japanese in the first place. The very thought of this is very weird in my mind. It upsets me very much to see Japanese-Americans officers and soldiers who wear US Solder's uniform occupying and controlling the country of their own ancestors. This is really a shame. I can see Caucaian GI coming over but someone of our own blood, it is very shameful. I feel this is very disrespectful to ancestors. I think it should be made treason to do such a thing. When I see Japanese-American US Marine with a Class A uniform, wearing Globe, and Anchor, it was very disheartening for me.
They arent occupying anyone, the bases are leased to the US or something, if you want an occupation, google it, you will be suprised how utterly miserable a real occupation is.

As for the bases being there, well, assuming you can find a fair textbook which doesnt ommit major parts of Japanese history, theres the whole world war 2 thing Japan was involved in.

I'll tell you how it ends: Japan lost.

Live with it.

I am tolerant of Kokokushijos becoming treated as Japanese and Issei born. I am also willing to see Nissei born who are pure Japanese blood or mixed Japanese, if with other asian. But the question of treating full 100% Englishmen a Japanese is out of the question!! Even worse is Englishmen who is not even married to a Japanese woman, but their own Caucasian woman and still wants Japanese citizenship. Very crazy. YOU PEOPLE ARE ONLY GUESTS, VERY RUDE FOR GUEST TO FORCE THEIR STAY AS FAMILY MEMBERS.
If the world still felt the way you do the western powers would this momment still be fighting over the world, and your country really would be a mere colony of the US.

Its not your decision where someone wants to live and make a life, if they get the governments legal blessing, theres **** all you can do about it, and your only making yourself look rude and a bit primitive by getting annoyed by it.


Tough luck, get used to it, because with your country's abbismal birth-death rate you'll be seeing alot more of us and you will just have to deal with it.

So while Kikokushijos are eventually accepted as normal Japanese, they have to endure hardship of integration.
The Buraku cant even get treated like Japanese, so whats the excuse there? "we cant accept foreigners because they look different", you cant even accept your own flesh and blood, then you complain about american japanese soldiers (who are actually considored americans in every way) comming to Japan under a foreign flag, yet...that is their flag...they are americans....hmmmm...

What many Japanese suffer here is the same reason white folk used to think blacks were different, its called racism, the western world grew past this (though it lingers in a few) decades ago, were still waiting to see the "noble" Japanese come join us.

Luckily people like you are getting fewer and fewer with every year, with every foreigner that makes friends and family and a life for himself in japan, thats fewer Japanese living in self-imposed ignorance.

If Japanese were so different from everyone else then you would be a seperate species, and foreigners couldnt marry and have a family with a Japanese person.

Sorry but your dinosaur attitude amazes me, I only feel sorry for the Japanese people who were nothing but genuinly polite to me and accepted me as a fellow human being, having to even remotely be related to you.

Gaijin, who have to endure nothing in learning our ways.
Learning a new language, customs, and trying to make a life for yourself in a country arguably less welcoming of foreign immigrants then many other country's, counts as an effort in my books. If we really didnt want to or couldnt adopt "your ways" (read: culture) you would know about it, the western world is more then familiar with people who dont care less about the culture they have moved into.

So I think jealous feelings for gaijin is not warranted here. Stay American or English, and remain just tourist.
I will draw absolute pleasure and satisfaction from this so bear with me as I say this with a un-restrained tone of joy but....

It is absolutely, utterly, entirely, beyond you, not your decision whatsoever in the slightest what we "Gaijin" do in japan, when we do it, and how we do it.

Aslong as we get that magical government thumbs-up and abide by the Laws of the land, we can come and live in your country as and when we feel like it, we can work in your bussiness', we can shop at your super-markets, we can marry a Japanese man or women if we wish, we can raise children in japan, we can send them to your schools, your clubs, make friends with other Japanese children, WE can make Japanese friends, we can come and go in the land as we please as Japanese citizens, and you can do NOTHING about it.

Get used to us "Just tourists" because us "just tourists" will be becomming "Just CITIZENS" in just ever increasing numbers.

Not only is it morrally objectionable in this modern day and age to descriminate based on race, but aslong as Japans ever decreasing workforce needs workers, foreigners will be able to fill much needed roles in Japanese society.

If Japan wants to maintain that nice pretty place in the world economy, it will have to get used to being globalised and home to citizens of foreign origin.

I am so glad your kind are dying out, as slow as it is.