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View Poll Results: What meat have you tried ?

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  • Beef

    41 100.00%
  • Pork

    39 95.12%
  • Wild boar

    12 29.27%
  • Venison (deer)

    27 65.85%
  • Horse

    13 31.71%
  • Antelope

    7 17.07%
  • Kangaroo

    8 19.51%
  • Ostrich/emu

    16 39.02%
  • Turkey

    37 90.24%
  • Chicken

    40 97.56%
  • Pheasant

    15 36.59%
  • Smaller birds (e.g. pigeon)

    21 51.22%
  • Lamb

    36 87.80%
  • Goat

    14 34.15%
  • Camel

    1 2.44%
  • Whale/dolphin

    7 17.07%
  • Frog (legs)

    20 48.78%
  • Rabbit

    22 53.66%
  • Dog

    3 7.32%
  • Snails

    25 60.98%
  • Fried insects (grasshopers, cockroches...)

    10 24.39%
  • Snake, lizard, turtle

    7 17.07%
  • Duck, goose

    30 73.17%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: What meat have you tried ?

  1. #26
    The Geezer Sensuikan San's Avatar
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    Near Vancouver BC
    Quote Originally Posted by Ma Cherie
    Even though this isn't on the list, I was wondering if anyone here has tried cow tongue? It probably really isn't a meat, but I was just wondering.
    Yes !

    It's quite mild in flavor, and I have some in the house as I write. Bought it from the deli this morning.

    An excellent cold cut - great with mustard in a sandwich - or mixed with other cold cuts.

    Easy to find - try it !

    Bon Appetit!

    Why have an electric toothbrush ... if you don't have electric teeth?

  2. #27
    Your Goddess is here Ma Cherie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sensuikan San
    Yes !

    It's quite mild in flavor, and I have some in the house as I write. Bought it from the deli this morning.

    An excellent cold cut - great with mustard in a sandwich - or mixed with other cold cuts.

    Easy to find - try it !

    Bon Appetit!


    I've tried cow tongue before, with BBQ sauce! I was reluctant at first, but I was cajoled into trying it and I liked it!
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  3. #28
    Angel of Life Kara_Nari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustJosh
    Meh, nothing very strange I'm afraid. I'd love to try some insect based food someday though.
    I had Fried Crickets and Grasshoppers in Cambodia... tastes like fried chicken skin, just be sure to take the legs off first or they either a) get stuck in your teeth or b) tickle your throat. Really really wanted to eat a spider, as they are infamous there, but the one day I had the opportunity I had a sore stomach

    Kara-Nari Smarty-Pants Wiz-Girl of the Southern Pacific Queen of Communication and International Arbitration and Diplomatic Solutions to Hairy Territorial Issues Her Majesty the Empress コクネ・ you quite rightly deserve the title for your individuality !

  4. #29
    Economist in Residence lonesoullost3's Avatar
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    I've had quite a few of the things listed up there. No whale, turtle (etc.), pheasant or smaller birds. I'm also missing out on horse, wild boar, camel, and rabbit - oh yes and kangaroo. But I have had alligator. It's very very good!
    Create Possibilities.

  5. #30
    Irregular Member
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    New York City
    I won't eat intelligent animals (dogs, pigs, horses, dolphins), bottom dwellers, bugs, and vermin (lobster, shrimp, snails, slugs, rats, mice, grasshoppers), or meat/carrion eaters (cats, vultures, etc.)

  6. #31
    The Geezer Sensuikan San's Avatar
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    Near Vancouver BC
    Quote Originally Posted by Bramicus
    I won't eat intelligent animals (dogs, pigs, horses, dolphins), bottom dwellers, bugs, and vermin (lobster, shrimp, snails, slugs, rats, mice, grasshoppers), or meat/carrion eaters (cats, vultures, etc.)

    Are we to assume, then ... that either you feel that bovines are dumb ... or you're vegetarian?


  7. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 18, 2005
    I'm surprised to see that "whale/dolphin" has more votes than "turtle/insect/etc"
    But the strangest thing I've eaten I think is jarred bee larvae. They're quite sweet, actually.

  8. #33
    Robot/Ninja xerxes99's Avatar
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    Aug 28, 2005
    Beef, Rabbit, Lamb, Pork, Venison, Wild Boar, Bison, Moose, Ostrich, Chicken, Duck, Goose, Turkey, Pheasant, Quail, Partridge, Pigeon, Snail, Frog's Legs, Crab, Squid, Eel, Lobster, Crawfish, Alligator, Snake, Chocolate covered ants
    "We are all in the gutter,
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    - Oscar Wilde

  9. #34
    DON'T PANIC! Tsuyoiko's Avatar
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    I have been a vegetarian for 16 years, but before that I didn't eat a lot of meat. I ate beef mostly, but I have also eaten pork and chicken. I tried escargot once, but I don't think you would say 'ate' it as I spat it out again!
    "A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life
    merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral." - Leo Tolstoy

    Currently playing: Agarest on PS3
    Currently reading: The Devil Rides Out by Dennis Wheatley

  10. #35
    Angel of Life Kara_Nari's Avatar
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    Tonight I ate raw squid. I dont even like seafood anyway, but am not about to say I dont like something if I have never tried it. Its texture was more odd than the taste. It didnt really have a taste, and had been doused in lemon juice.
    Nice pink colour too.... passed on the sashimi though. But the wasabi smelt nice.

  11. #36
    The Geezer Sensuikan San's Avatar
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    Near Vancouver BC
    Quote Originally Posted by Tsuyoiko
    I have been a vegetarian for 16 years, but before that I didn't eat a lot of meat. I ate beef mostly, but I have also eaten pork and chicken. I tried escargot once, but I don't think you would say 'ate' it as I spat it out again!
    I've half a mind to give you a "bad post" for that one!

    Escargot are .... exquisite ...!


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