Quote Originally Posted by nurizeko
I always did wonder if the states and confederation fought each other to a stalemate so that two nations occupied continental USA instead of the giant we have now.

My personal theory is that you'd have the slightly smaller C.S.A. (Confederate States of America), would be primarily farmland, crops, and oil, and the U.S.A (United States of America) producing technology, automobiles, banking, etc... Both countries would be mlitary allies and would trade freely. There are less civil rights in the CSA, as Bush is president there. The USA has some Libertarian or Democratic president. USA opposes Israeli support bias while the CSA favors it. Prohibition would have never happened in the north, and thus, hemp is legal, while the farmlands of the south aren't allowed to grow it. There is also a North American passport, and both countries use the same currency called the Americo or Amero. There is no slavery in either country, though the USA critisizes the CSA for not requiring citizenship or visas for hispanic immigrants to work on their farms for pennies a day. There are two Californias, each in a different country... United California and Confederate California. The capital of the CSA is either Atlanta, Georgia or Austin, Texas.

That's just using my imagination, though... I like to imagine alternate time lines