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View Poll Results: Multiple poll (min. 5 answers, choose any that apply) - Please read carefully !

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  • 1.1 Housing : I have been refused accommodation because I was a foreigner

    25 40.32%
  • 1.2 Housing : My company provides my accommodation (so no problem)

    9 14.52%
  • 1.3 Housing : I have only stayed at gaijin houses, hotels or friends' houses

    9 14.52%
  • 1.4 Housing : I have lived in Japan for many years, rented my housing via a estate agent, and never had any problem

    4 6.45%
  • 1.5 Housing : I have only stayed in Japan for two years or less, rented my housing via a estate agent, but never had any problem

    9 14.52%
  • 2.1 Tourism : I have been refused entry to a hotel, guesthouse or weekly mansion because I was a foreigner

    6 9.68%
  • 2.2 Tourism : I have stayed a few times in hotels, guesthouses and/or weekly mansions and have never been refused entry

    19 30.65%
  • 2.3 Tourism : I have stayed numerous times in hotels, guesthouses and/or weekly mansions and have never been refused entry

    25 40.32%
  • 3.1 Entertainment : I have been refused entry to at least one restaurant, bar, nightclub, onsen or public bath because I was a foreigner

    16 25.81%
  • 3.2 Entertainment : I have been a few times to restaurants, bars, nightclubs, onsen or public baths, and was never refused entry

    15 24.19%
  • 3.3 Entertainment : I have been a hundreds of times to restaurants, bars, nightclubs, onsen or public baths, and was never refused entry

    22 35.48%
  • 4.1 Police : I have been stopped and asked for an ID (passport/alien registration) by the police for no reason

    12 19.35%
  • 4.2 Police : I have been stopped while riding a bicycle and had my bike registration checked during day time for no reason

    3 4.84%
  • 4.3 Police : I have been stopped while riding a bicycle and had my bike registration checked during night time for no reason

    4 6.45%
  • 4.4 Police : I have been mistakenly arrested (taken to the police station)

    1 1.61%
  • 4.5 Police : I have had other discriminatory problems with the police

    4 6.45%
  • 4.6 Police : I have stayed for many years in Japan and have never been checked or annoyed by the police in Japan

    15 24.19%
  • 4.7 Police : I have stayed less than 2 years in Japan and have never been checked or annoyed by the police in Japan

    24 38.71%
  • 5.1 Sexual Discrimination : I have experienced sexual harassment in Japan

    7 11.29%
  • 5.2 Sexual Discrimination : I have experienced sexual discrimination regarding promotion, salary or opportunity

    4 6.45%
  • 5.3 Sexual Discrimination : I am not a woman or have never worked in a Japanese company

    39 62.90%
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Thread: Have you encountered discrimination or prejudices in Japan ?

  1. #276
    Resident Realist nice gaijin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reyter View Post
    I was refferring to the "how delusional are you?" comment. Is that not an insult?
    No, because I was trying to clarify what you were saying, and I asked "are you really that delusional," because frankly, if you really did think that foreigners should revolt over the mandatory ID, I would think you were delusional.

    Insofar as the police, because you have adopeted a civil tone I will do likewise in refferring to them as you seem not to like it otherwise. I dont neccessarily dislike them but when one is pulled up like he is a criminal 2 times and a third time after helping them, and having my details recorded, merely for having white skin, it tends to leave a negative impression. That is on an impression which wasnt very high to start with. I wasnt belligerent the first time and wouldnt go so far as to say that the second time though I wasnt cooperative either. Of course the third time, recently, I was extremely belligerent (only after they turned on me after I helped them). I guess those ones were smarter than average becasue it wouldnt have reflected well on them if i was arrested and the details of the situation became known to a judge or someone like that.
    Insofar as my interpretation of the law, if others disagree thats fine. If I am stopped again i will test it and let you know what happens of you like. What no one disputes is that you have the right to first inspect their ID. As I have said several times, doing it slowly and publicly should be enough to humiliate them and discourage such behavior in the future. I just hope any foreigners who read this arent docile lackeys enough to just hand their I.D. over.
    Finally, it just seems like several people who have replied to me have been beated down and abused so much they actually like it. Take the message by "Pachipro" as a classic example. I just got the impression giving yourself a username that is generally used as a derogatory term to be an example of this. It is basically the same as a 3 letter word (which I never use because I dont like to insult people on the basis of their race, ethnic group or nationality.) for Japanese people. The origin of the name isnt derogatory but it has come to be derogatory. Being a 外国人 here, I would hope that you would discourage people from using it because I dont want them to think they can use it with me.
    I think there's a matter of decorum that is important when you deal with these kinds of situations in Japan. Like it or not, you are viewed as a guest, and being visibly foreign will make you a target for discrimination both benign and tiresome. When you're stopped by the police, most of the time they are just doing their job and enforcing the law as they see it. This doesn't mean they're necessarily power hungry or looking to ruin your day. But the more of a fight you put up and refuse to cooperate, the more suspicious they're likely to become, and the less likely they are to let you get on your way. If you have a lot of free time and feel that your rights are being violated, go right ahead and exercise those rights, but realize that it's much more important how you say things than what you're saying in Japan. This is pretty apparent as the police will approach you as politely as possible, even if they're asking for your ID for no apparent reason. If you bristle up and get defensive, they're just going to pry deeper, and like it or not, they still probably know the law much better than you, and they are more than capable of looking for things that they can stick to you, or even worse, simply waste your time. 9 times out of 10, compliance is completely harmless, and you can just chalk it up to the experience of living as a foreigner in Japan. This isn't likely to change for a few foreigners that raise a stink when they're stopped by the cops.

    As to the other guys, I understand tempers are high, and Reyter has been rather stubborn and belligerent himself, but that's no reason to stoop so low as to respond in kind. Let's try to be civil, or simply stop responding to him, it only fans the flames.

  2. #277
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    Quote Originally Posted by nice gaijin View Post
    No, because I was trying to clarify what you were saying, and I asked "are you really that delusional," because frankly, if you really did think that foreigners should revolt over the mandatory ID, I would think you were delusional.
    Well excuse my poor English but i would have thought the question should have been put forward like this: "Are you delusional?" and I believe that may or may not be considered insulting. If you keep a civil tone, as will I and thus, its of no importance!

    Quote Originally Posted by nice gaijin View Post
    I think there's a matter of decorum that is important when you deal with these kinds of situations in Japan. Like it or not, you are viewed as a guest, and being visibly foreign will make you a target for discrimination both benign and tiresome. When you're stopped by the police, most of the time they are just doing their job and enforcing the law as they see it.
    I act like a guest here and dont mind it at all. For example, I dont engage in political activities becasue i feel its not my place to even try and impose my political views on Japanese people. That all fine.

    You really believe they are only enforcing the law as they see it? To randomly stop people with different color skin from the native people, demand to see and record the rather specific details on their I.D. and to question them is merely "doing their job as they see it" and merely doing that because the people are seen as guests????

    I'm sorry, but I cant agree with that at all. It may have been the case in the late 1930s and early 40s. I beleive to prevent this sort of abuse and harrassment is the reason why the subsections in question were added to the law. and BTW; thats not how most people, Japnese or otherwise, treat guests at all.....

    Quote Originally Posted by nice gaijin View Post
    they still probably know the law much better than you.
    If your earlier statement is true, abot them only enforcing the law as they see it, i think remembering how to read hiragana must be a tremendous drain on their powers of comprehension. I doubt they know much about the law at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by nice gaijin View Post
    9 times out of 10, compliance is completely harmless, and you can just chalk it up to the experience of living as a foreigner in Japan .
    I dont like being pulled up by the police like I am a criminal simply because I have white skin. I will never just accept that and if it ever happens again I will follow the steps I ahve outlined a few times.

    Quote Originally Posted by nice gaijin View Post
    As to the other guys, I understand tempers are high, and Reyter has been rather stubborn and belligerent himself, but that's no reason to stoop so low as to respond in kind. Let's try to be civil, or simply stop responding to him, it only fans the flames.
    I take it that means you have had a look through the thread to see who started spitting insults at me first.
    BTW: I have stopped responding to them but unfortunately I cant stop them replying to this message or earlier messages.

  3. #278
    In imagination land Chidoriashi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reyter View Post
    You really believe they are only enforcing the law as they see it? To randomly stop people with different color skin from the native people, demand to see and record the rather specific details on their I.D. and to question them is merely "doing their job as they see it" and merely doing that because the people are seen as guests????
    Have you ever thought that maybe they do this to make sure you are legally in this country, paying your taxes etc, and not because they are on a power trip out to get you?

    I beleive to prevent this sort of abuse and harrassment is the reason why the subsections in question were added to the law.
    Still going on about the law. Did you not see the link I posted, taking you back the website you have sited as supporting your view, were Debito clearly states in ENGLISH we don't have the right to refuse ID checks if the cops know the law.

    I doubt they know much about the law at all.
    And I think you would probably be making a mistake for doing so, the cops that helped me out knew the law very well.

    I dont like being pulled up by the police like I am a criminal simply because I have white skin.
    That's fine. I understand how you might feel this way. But you are in their country, and that is the way they do things here. You choice is to accept it, or go home. Reyter there is nothing significant you can really do unless you become a citizen, and join up with Debito. Do you honestly care that much? If you did I think you would have gave up posting here a long time ago and started going to the very few channels foreigners have here to protest things they disagree with.

    BTW: I have stopped responding to them but unfortunately I cant stop them replying to this message or earlier messages.
    No, you cannot huh. I can keep this up as long as you can. You are never going to have your doctrine in pristine condition sitting on this forum for all to see. I am so sorry that you think I keep on sullying your every post, but forums are for discussion. Why don't you just go start your own website or blog where you can post whatever you want, and then nobody can try and challenge your assertions?

  4. #279
    Regular Member FrustratedDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reyter View Post
    I take it that means you have had a look through the thread to see who started spitting insults at me first.
    You sound like a 3 year old.
    Quote Originally Posted by Reyter View Post
    BTW: I have stopped responding to them but unfortunately I cant stop them replying to this message or earlier messages.
    You go girl!!!

  5. #280
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    Believe it or not, Reyter, but the link I supplied to you was a legitimate place for the advancement of human rights in Japan, dealing with all sorts of issues, including foreigner issues. I do not know how to interpret your lack of a response. Given your past relations with other members, I am tempted to fear the worst, however.

  6. #281
    Just me Glenski's Avatar
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    Will everyone please stop feeding the trolls, especially those who claim to leave for a week, yet don't?!

    In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

  7. #282
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikawa Ossan View Post
    Believe it or not, Reyter, but the link I supplied to you was a legitimate place for the advancement of human rights in Japan, dealing with all sorts of issues, including foreigner issues. I do not know how to interpret your lack of a response. Given your past relations with other members, I am tempted to fear the worst, however.
    I'm sorry, I didnt see it until now. Thanks for that! I looked at it and that is definitely someone else to speak to if I am harrassed by the police again. I will check it more carefully in the next few days. There are only 2 members I had a problem with. One is an unabashed fascist and the otehr a simplistic fool! No problem anymore because I just chose to ignore them. Of course one more can be added to that list now. I will deal with that now and then ignore him too.

  8. #283
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glenski View Post
    Will everyone please stop feeding the trolls, especially those who claim to leave for a week, yet don't?!
    I was going to say something else but it could be grounds to ban me so I will just leave it at this: Its not surprising at all that you would "spy" on university coworkers and report their activities to management in a desperate bid to stay in their good books. Like a desperate little poodle dancing to the masters tune.

  9. #284
    Regular Member bruno's Avatar
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    The troll is here again ! Already wondered where he/she is fighting this days !

  10. #285
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    Im not even going to bother replying to these #%$&% but if anyone is interested, find the thread about police harrassment, have a look through, carefully and see who started insulting who first. Same for this thread. I stopped replying to them very early on but........... I just wonder what they did with themselves before I appeared here..........

  11. #286
    Regular Member FrustratedDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glenski View Post
    Will everyone please stop feeding the trolls, especially those who claim to leave for a week, yet don't?!
    Thanks Glenski, that was some interesting reading on trolls. I tried to tell myself that it wasn't so, but in the end you are right.

  12. #287
    In imagination land Chidoriashi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reyter View Post
    Im not even going to bother replying to these #%$&% but if anyone is interested, find the thread about police harrassment, have a look through, carefully and see who started insulting who first. Same for this thread. I stopped replying to them very early on but........... I just wonder what they did with themselves before I appeared here..........
    Reyter, your tone in every single one of your 60 something posts has been, offensive or confrontational, and you really are a fanatical living in a dream world if you cannot see this. Really what do you expect when you come on here and immediately start sounding like a jerk? You insist on your views, don't really care what others think, and don't listen to anybody else's opinion when they disagree with you. I don't know much about fascists but it seems to me a guy like you has what it takes to become a class-A one.

    So to everyone who cares enough, please do look through, and see who you think is credible, the calm posters with more knowledge and experience trying to talk reasonably.

    Or the foreigner that embarrasses every single one of us as they climb to the highest point and scream as loud as they can. "Look at MEEE, I'm a foreigner, pay attention to MEE, accept the way I want things to be in your country. I'm right!!! Listen to me because I am a foreigner!!! and you should respect me simply because of that!!!, do not let my bad character affect how you treat me, because I know better than you how things should be run in your country!"

    People who think that being confrontational and throwing a fit, is somehow going to help you in this country, and somehow going to make Japanese people respect you, show their small-mindedness and true lack of understand about Japan and Japanese culture. Way to go Reyter! In reality, you did not need me or FD or anybody else to tear down your credibility, you had already accomplished that for yourself ages ago.

  13. #288
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    Apparently someone was murdered close to the house of "a female acquaintance" of mine. The pigs went knocking on the doors of all the people around there asking if they had seen any "suspicious looking people" around the area.

    I hope there are no unfortunate foreigners living around there. If they can't catch the killer, the foreigner is the one the pigs will probably pin it on. It all makes sense now. In Japan the crime rate is rising but arrests falling. This is probably because the pigs prefer to harass unsuspecting foreigners than try to catch native criminals.

    They demand to see ID and record to specific details and then keep a list of foreigners they can fall back on in case they can't or don't want to arrest the criminals committing the crimes.

  14. #289
    In imagination land Chidoriashi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reyter View Post
    Apparently someone was murdered close to the house of "a female acquaintance" of mine. The pigs went knocking on the doors of all the people around there asking if they had seen any "suspicious looking people" around the area.

    I hope there are no unfortunate foreigners living around there. If they can't catch the killer, the foreigner is the one the pigs will probably pin it on. It all makes sense now. In Japan the crime rate is rising but arrests falling. This is probably because the pigs prefer to harass unsuspecting foreigners than try to catch native criminals.

    They demand to see ID and record to specific details and then keep a list of foreigners they can fall back on in case they can't or don't want to arrest the criminals committing the crimes.
    You are so ridiculous it is laughable. I will be sure and point them in your direction when they come knocking at my door. I am actually keeping tabs on all the most idiotic foreigners living in this country for them. That way its really easy to plant evidence, so they can put as many of them behind bars as possible to create more of a tax burden for the Japanese people. They like to not make sense like that... just like most of your posts... hmmm..

  15. #290
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chidoriashi View Post
    I am actually keeping tabs on all the most idiotic foreigners living in this country for them.
    i already said a few times I was ignoring you, LOL, however I can't resist this time.

    Why do I find that easy to believe? I bet you are one of those people who don the little uniforms and hang around red-light areas on you day off

    Quote Originally Posted by Chidoriashi View Post
     That way its really easy to plant evidence, so they can put as many of them behind bars as possible to create more of a tax burden for the Japanese people. They like to not make sense like that... just like most of your posts... hmmm..
    Oh, a smart fascist! I am not generalizing here because the majority of average Japanese people are quite decent in my opinion (just the police, immigration, customs and fools who stuff around the office all day and night without doing any actual work are an exception.) but you are aware of what Japanese fascists brought on themselves and the rest of the Japanese people, aren't you? Are you a masochist?

  16. #291
    Resident Realist nice gaijin's Avatar
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    Oh boy, is this going to start up again?

    Please try not to let your prejudices about the police poison your interaction with them, Reyter. Being a dick makes people think you have something to hide. If you want to report something (like this murder), please do so without any disparaging comments about the police who are doing their job by investigating this horrific crime. It'd also be nice if you'd refrain from assuming that they're just going to target foreigners. Not everyone is out to get you, don't be so paranoid.

  17. #292
    In imagination land Chidoriashi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nice gaijin View Post
    Oh boy, is this going to start up again?

    Please try not to let your prejudices about the police poison your interaction with them, Reyter. Being a dick makes people think you have something to hide. If you want to report something (like this murder), please do so without any disparaging comments about the police who are doing their job by investigating this horrific crime. It'd also be nice if you'd refrain from assuming that they're just going to target foreigners. Not everyone is out to get you, don't be so paranoid.
    Not unless somebody else wants to step in and put him in his place. He is speaking out of pure conjecture now, and he just sounds silly. So I'm pretty sure only people with IQs below about 70 will think that there is any credit to the BS he spits out, so I am done dealing with him. He is gonna rant and rave like a loon and just won't realize that his problems stem from himself. Hopefully he will figure it out soon that he just needs to leave Japan if his imaginary fascists here are just too much for him to bear.

  18. #293
    世にも奇妙な物語 akaitsume1's Avatar
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    A friend of mine who's lived in Japan for...oh dear, at least 14 years now made an interesting point a while back. In a lot of areas of Japan, especially rural ones, you might be the very first foreigner that the locals, especially kids, ever meet. He makes sure, as a giant, lumbering blond man, to be friendly and always smiles at the children because if he makes a bad impression, they might hold a negative image of foreigners for the rest of their lives. That's quite a bit of pressure! Any time you travel overseas, you're going up against a mountain of stereotypes.

    It kinda made me feel a little guilty for the temptation to make silly faces and noises at staring children when I was in Japan. At least I never gave in to that impulse! Haha.

  19. #294
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    Quote Originally Posted by nice gaijin View Post
    Oh boy, is this going to start up again?

    Please try not to let your prejudices about the police poison your interaction with them, Reyter. Being a dick makes people think you have something to hide. If you want to report something (like this murder), please do so without any disparaging comments about the police who are doing their job by investigating this horrific crime. It'd also be nice if you'd refrain from assuming that they're just going to target foreigners. Not everyone is out to get you, don't be so paranoid.
    I am not paranoid at all and I have nothing to hide which is why I get pissed off when the police stop me for no reason other than having white skin. You call it "being a dick" but I can't understand how anyone would react any less agitated than myself. If one were to stop talking and start throwing punches, I understand it would be extremely unwise but I could understand and sympathize with that person.

    For anyone to just accept it brings nothing but self-loathing, masochism and other undesirable qualities to my mind.

    I don't really have a problem with police. I wouldn't say I generally "like them" but I have never had any major problems with them until some of them started getting in my face just because I have white skin. That is to say; I only have a problem with Japanese police.

  20. #295
    Resident Realist nice gaijin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reyter View Post
    I don't really have a problem with police. I wouldn't say I generally "like them" but I have never had any major problems with them until some of them started getting in my face just because I have white skin. That is to say; I only have a problem with Japanese police.
    And because of your perceived discrimination at the hands of the Japanese police, you are now willing to be prejudiced against them all...

  21. #296
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    Quote Originally Posted by nice gaijin View Post
    And because of your perceived discrimination at the hands of the Japanese police, you are now willing to be prejudiced against them all...
    Hmmmmm Good point. Not much I can say except for that is an absolute cop-out! You know as well as I that police harassment of foreigners doesn't occur in some "isolated incidents" but on the contrary, is a concerted policy!

  22. #297
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    I've never had a problem with any police harassment in Japan. My encounters with police there were all pleasant and respectful. I kept my own attitude cooperative and respectful, in the same way I imagine a law-abiding Japanese citizen would do. I'm a visitor in their country, and the cops are just doing their job.

    Cops tend to become very good at reading body language and facial expressions. If you act sullen or resentful around them, their instincts may tell them to find out why, by, for example, "harassing" you.
    Last edited by RolandtheHeadless; Feb 7, 2010 at 08:18.

  23. #298
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    Quote Originally Posted by RolandtheHeadless View Post
    I've never had a problem with any police harassment in Japan. My encounters with police there were all pleasant and respectful. I kept my own attitude cooperative and respectful, in the same way I imagine a law-abiding Japanese citizen would do. I'm a visitor in their country, and the cops are just doing their job.
    Cops tend to become very good at reading body language and facial expressions. If you act sullen or resentful around them, their instincts may tell them to find out why, by, for example, "harassing" you.
    Well this isn't saying much. Did they stop you and (unlawfully) demand to see your I.D. merely due to the color of your skin? I know for a fact they very rarely ask random Japanese people to show their I.D. and if they do, the usual response is to ignore them or tell them to f##k off.

    If you go back to my original post on this thread, the first time I did just hand it over.

  24. #299
    もちもちした食感 ASHIKAGA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reyter View Post
    I know for a fact they very rarely ask random Japanese people to show their I.D. and if they do, the usual response is to ignore them or tell them to f##k off.
    No, you don't. If anything, you should be thanking the Japanese police for the Oppressed Minority Fantasy trip you seem to enjoy so much.
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  25. #300
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    Quote Originally Posted by ASHIKAGA View Post
    No, you don't. If anything, you should be thanking the Japanese police for the Oppressed Minority Fantasy trip you seem to enjoy so much.
    Right. Thanks so much for that.

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