If only it was a story, no it's my life and what i am experiencing. You have never experienced something like this, no reason to shoot it down in flames as a "story".

Yes, a serial killer on the loose. So hard to believe? I think it was the beginning of this year in Japan that there was a random killer on the loose and it made major headlines on the news. The guy that was on the loose in Hokkaido, just randomly attacked people too, whenever he felt like it. I'm not sticking up for my in-laws but i saw the article in the local newspaper.

Believe whatever you want, but my life is not a story. I don't have the inclination or the time to get on here and write false stuff. I came here to share my experience and maybe get abit of help with my problems. Frustrated dave was the one who said i had a narrow-minded view, i shouldn't lump all Japanese together, so why are you? (i mean you don't want to believe there are some wacky Japanese that won't let their daughter in law go out...just because you've never heard of it before, that is kind of narrow-minded in my view).