Hmm that's a very good question, I read the information you provided about the nato, and stuff. My opinion is that, Japan will always be an eastern country, in the far east. I would never say that Japan is a western country regardless to what happens in the future. The reason for this is simply because of respect, and manner. if Japan was colonised in the future, which will likely never happen. I'm very sure that the majority of people in Japan, would still like to call Japan an eastern country.

Even if you have the theory that, Japan might be a western country. It wouldn't be a good idea to share this theory with the public. I have nothing against you, I live in a country where each individual have rights to express what we want to say. We call it freedom of speech.

Strangely, even this is a "multicultural" country. There are people who are against that. For example last month a group called the "FLQ" resurfaced. They also have a theory similar other people's theories about countries, literature, land, and people.

I don't mean to sound rude, but I'm just elaborating on how different groups of people have different view on theories.