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  1. Poll: I think the issue of Japanese speaking English to...

    I think the issue of Japanese speaking English to western looking foreigners stem from a few factors:

    The OP did not discuss the number of western looking foreigners who are actually fluent in...
  2. It may definitely seem shocking at first to those...

    It may definitely seem shocking at first to those of us who are educated outside of Japan. The fact is Japan has had a long history of determining what is their own and what is not their own. They...
  3. Poll: You are never going to be a Japanese if you were...

    You are never going to be a Japanese if you were not born Japanese. Just have a look at Lafcadio Hearn's story and you shall know. The Japanese are fascinated with being in omote and ura groups, so...
  4. Poll: Most of them don't speak English... so although...

    Most of them don't speak English... so although they want to say that Japanese is difficult, they cannot be sure that it is harder than English. That's the impression that I have been getting
  5. Replies

    Pinyin is not difficult if you have a native...

    Pinyin is not difficult if you have a native pronouncing them for you. It's quite straight forward. Also, you can guess the pinyin of certain characters just by looking at certain components of the...
  6. Replies

    They have to stop wasting money in these projects...

    They have to stop wasting money in these projects and distribute the money to the poor who suffer from chronic corruption in the rural areas. Fundamental infrastructure is more important than hi-tech...
  7. Replies

    Poll: It has got to be the listening due to the vast...

    It has got to be the listening due to the vast number of homonyms... you really have to catch the meaning of the words from context. And since ppl tend to speak very fast (esp among elder men), once...
  8. Replies

    Poll: I used to get stuck on -morau - kureru -...

    I used to get stuck on -morau - kureru - sashiageru those kind of stuff, but then later on I found out that they don't use much of the other ones except for -morau and -kureru, so I was able to use...
  9. Replies

    Poll: You are right, the university that I am in is...

    You are right, the university that I am in is located in Canada. If I were in Japan, I guess the listening part would've been much better by now. From what I heard from friends who stayed in Japan,...
  10. Replies

    Poll: I think I would put myself in the higher...

    I think I would put myself in the higher intermediate section, but then some of the listening still troubles me. I guess it's because the language has too many homophones. That, coupled with the...
Results 1 to 10 of 16