Quote Originally Posted by CC1
Whenever I have dealt with Japanese people, I have always seen them as very punctual people. Living in Okinawa on the other hand is another story! It is almost expected that people will be late...no matter what! It is commonly referred to as "Okinawa Time". But I know many mainland Japanese who live here that never fall into that catagory. They are always on time!
I don't like the abusing use of "always" and "never". Anyhow, you shouldn't base yourself on such stereotypes. Among the Japanese I know, some of them are typically 10 or even 20 min late to appointments, while most of more or less on time and a few in advance. I have noticed that those who usually arrive late tend to be dressed in a much more casual manner too. The male/female rate is about the same. At least there is some regularity, and those who are late are late most of the time. Among about 100 Japanese I have had appointments with (for business), only 6 have been almost constantly late. That is few, but they exist.