Quote Originally Posted by simrnz View Post
I've been in Japan for 2 years and it was a tough time may be it's just my personal experience so I dont recommend it for all around who have been in Japan or want to go in future; well there wre a few things I just hated about the country and the most frustrated one was the squat style Japanese toilets in the community where I reside. Plus when you go to parks or malls they stare at you as if you're a non human being or even a disgusting thing. I just hate Japanese sense of racism and their sense of supiriority.
Either you found yourself in the boondocks, I can understand, but thats all a matter to get used to. nowadays, most public toilets have a choice of either european or japanese squat types; and in most cities, private homes have more sophisticated western toilets than what you find in nz...but if you're in the boondocks,you might have to wear it out and get used to. Also if people starre at you,
then smile back at them..the best way to show them you see them, and most will turn away from embarassment...