- when travelling abroad, they care little about the local culture except food
At least the Japanese have an interest in the foods of these places, not only does the typical American not care about the culture, you can see a bunch of them trying to find the nearest Mc Donalds. They also expect everyone they come in contact with to be able to speak English.

- they have casual sex with several partners without protection and don't worry about STD's
Is this not a worldwide phenomenon, turn on the TV in the US, and you can see "Hi, I'm pregnant at 13 yrs old," as a theme.

- when they do not talk about food, they talk about money or sex
If you are talking about Americans the ranking of subjects for conversation goes Sex, money, TV/ Movies, Alcohol/drugs A.K.A. partying....

- they tend of lack sexual morals and don't mind cheating "as long as their partner doesn't know"
There's many Westerners who really don't have any remorse for cheating even when their partner knows about it and confronts them.