Konnichiwa Minasan!

about 4 seasons.
The Japanese don't know the inclination of the earth's axis and revolution of the earth around the sun. The Japanese believe the Ptolemaic system even now.

about farmers vs hunters.
The God got an offering with great glee from Abel but not Kain. And the Japanese believe that the monotheism believer is a hunting people.

about European mentality is uniform.
Because all European obey the Bible. Puritan? Protestant? They are not a Christian without Catholicism.

about what is (traditionally) Japanese and what is imported
Because the Japanese believe that the ancestor of Japanese is Judea(Jew).

about sakura.
The Japanese love Sakura because the Japanese believe that the forbidden fruit is cherry.

about the chuusan kaikyuu.
Yes, most of all Japanese is the chuusan kaikyuu. Because we are all equal before the God without a heathen.

about Japanese rice and fruits.
The Japanese believe that Japanese things is better and high priced Japanese things is best. And the Japanese don't understand why the Bible is given free of charge.