Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo
the Dutch are among the most intolerant (73%) as well as the Scandinavians.
hahaha...when u ask someone about Holland they automatically say ohh WEED??? :P

The Irish are the most open (eheh) with only 34% objecting to heavy drinking neigbhours (probably because the rest are heavy drinkers ).
hehe..figures...the irish !!! lol

Isn't it strange that more Japanese fear living next to an homosexual or somebody who has AIDS than a criminal ?
yeh that's weird allright

The highest tolerance level for all countries were for living next to someone of a difference race. Belgians and Fins are the most racist here (17%), while Japan comes only 4th with just 11% (but why do most landowners make so much fuss about renting their accommodation to a foreigner, even to Japan-born Koreans ?). I guess the people who surveyed the Japanese must have been non-Japanese, and many people didn't answer frankly on this one.
Well If you live in belgium you would understand why so many are rascists...in some areas there isn't almost a single belgian...and the immigrants there act like ******* criminals XD, that Japan comes out fourth is very surprising...I guess indeed they didn't want to answer on that hehe...