Originally posted by doudesuka
I think it's not healthy for a child to see his father not interested in their mother or the family.
Let's just say that Japanese have a different conception of "healthiness".

I know children are sensitive and can feel things early on between the parents. Like you can feel tension between two people who have been arguing.
Because the father comes home late, they don't have much time to meet and argue anyway. Lots of J-children rarely see their father. I know lots of J-men married with children, who go to their office even on Sundays. It's like an addiction. Japanese believe that only the mother is important for the children's emotional stability and development. If the father also has time it's good, but not indispensable.

But, here it's like the people have accepted their roles in marriages. :sad:
It used to be like that 50 years ago in Western countries. It's because we have "evolved" that it seems sad or backward for Japanese. But they seem to like it this way. Those who don't marry foreigners (but some who do also marry foreigners ).