How many "isolated cases" does it take to make an issue systemic?

1) Tons of places post "Japanese Only" signs.

2) The government ignores the Zaiinichi yet forces other non-Japanese citizens to fingerprinting and photographing, despite renouncing the fingerprinting program in place earlier.

3) Police in many districts discriminate against foreigners on bicycles, not to mention post those insipid posters about ATM thefts (despite many Japanese committing the same crimes).

4) The government (again) discriminates by the Japanese wording of its own constitution and by not enacting laws to enforce an anti-discrimination treaty it signed.

5) Many schools discriminate against students with foreign parents, not letting them take part in certain athletic events (because they make the Japanese students look bad) or because they might have better English (some don't).

6) High schools and universities with 2 separate hiring systems, based on nationality.

Systemic, bakakanadajin. And, pretty blatant.