Wow I knew it was bad, but man oh man I didn't know it was that bad. I don't have much care to as if they like me or not. I'm not even accepted here in the US that much. Because I like to dress differently I am judged before people even get to know me. So I'm pretty numb to that stuff already. I would love to live in Japan, but lack the interest to struggle in a place when I can do that here and at least be around loved ones.

Plus I think its sad that people have to act that way to make themselves feel better. We all live and die just the same, difference is when you come to America they welcome you with open arms and other places really don't care if you visit/live there or not. I guess you have to consider that in all places some welcome others and some don't. It just depends on how you were raised and the experiences that settle your judgement towards something.