Quote Originally Posted by Bucko
I don't really have too many problems with Eigo-bandits nor people addressing me in English here in Osaka. In Osaka I've never had anyone try to blatently practice their English on me. I occasionally have people make small friendly comments to me in English, but never an attempt at conversation. Although last week a pervy old dude approached my girlfriend and asked if he could practice his English on her, who she politely ingnored, but this was the first time that type of this has happened to either of us. Is this a Tokyo thing? I use to live in Kawasaki but that's when Japan was totally new to me. Has anyone here lived in both Tokyo and Osaka? If so, is there a difference in the language culture?
It may explain other aspects of your experience too but Kansai people are well-known for the fierceness of their cultural pride, I would personally say even to the point of rudeness or bias but that's for another discussion, and strong defense of the dialect and traditions....in light of that I guess any reluctance to speak English it isn't too surprising.