hehe, you drop the "I" in Japanese.

If you're short on time and what not I can understand. But if you're waiting to go to Japan, that day might never come and you'll never have had a chance to speak Japanese. I say slug away and go slowly even if you have to. I hate seeing people give up I hope you're not though

I'm glad that we got you hooked!

What arts do/did you study?
I had a chance to study Naginata for a bit. I did the kendo thing in the states, along with Karate, kungfu, kick boxing and what not. My favorite is Aikido. I matches my personality the best.

Me and my buddy used to quiz are friends with :::
Imagine you are throwing a stone into a pond. What do you see?

My buddy had it worked out by your answer which art fit your personality the best.

lololo ... I used to be the total C grade kungfu fanatic up through high school. And yes, I had caught "yellow fever" too. My wife uses that against me now ... ouch.