Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo
I didn't say I would treat them differently. But it is certainly better (more accurate) to classify people (for statistical purpose) on these 3 criteria than just on "foreignness".
Was the registration of Jews and some certain others once upon a time in a certain European country based on some of your criteria, also just for statistical purposes?

Anyway, elitism is justified in many ways. People are what they want to become. Everybody is free to educate his/herself and behave the way they want. However, they will be treated accordingly. Elitism is just doing the selection process of those judged to have tried harder than the others to become good citizens (i.e. well-behaved, honest, well-educated, reasonable, ethically correct, etc.). Without a sense of elitism, there would be no civilisation and people would go back to the dark ages.
You're confusing the personal struggle to be the best one can be with snobbery.