I do agree that most of those questions can be offensive, but for me,
i don't take offense to many things.

Like the Chopstick question, i went to a korean restaurant once,
this was the first time i had ever been to any kind of "Asian"
restaurant and i had never used Chopsticks, i had seen them used.
The waitress asked if i wanted a fork, but i told her i would try the
Chopsticks, i think i was as surprised as she was that i handled
them so effortlessly, she had a big grin the rest of that time.

If i ever move to Japan i think i would enjoy the Japanese
people's questions as much as i enjoyed that Korean lady's,
even if they do sound offensive. But maybe that's just because
no one in my own country seems to want to carry on any
kind of conversation with me, not even a meaningless one.