I personally object to the question - I think freedom is something that we all should have as individuals, and conversely, it is not something we can "dispense" to our spouses. The most we can reasonably do is make our insecurities and concerns known to our partners, and be honest about the fact that we all have certain limits, to what we feel our partners doing.

I've been on trips (not sharing a room) but on my own where I've met up with several male friends, with whom I've been close emotionally but never involved with romantically, since I got married. The way I see it, I respect myself, my husband, and my marriage too much to let anything happen - and my husband realizes this about me and therefore trusts me. Likewise, while I haven't met my husband's friends (all living overseas, as are mine) I trust my husband to act responsibly. And this, I might add, has nothing to do with the morals (or lack thereof) that we were brought up with.

Also, the nightclubbing/dancing whatnot is a moot question for us because we're not social butterflies and neither enjoys it. I doubt I would have married whom I did if he got an ego boost out of flirting with women, to be honest - that would be an incompatibility (as would various other things I could probably live with but if I don't have to, why would I?)