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Thread: China enters space race

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  1. #1
    Regular Member den4's Avatar
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    China enters space race

    need windows media player to listen...
    Space race report (4:30)
    China recently became the third country, after the U.S. and Russia, to put an astronaut into orbit. India too has big plans for space, as does the European Space Agency. All of this global activity may be the driving force behind the Bush Administration's push to return to the moon, and eventually put a man on Mars. The World's technology correspondent Clark Boyd reports.
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  2. #2
    Cute and Furry Ewok85's Avatar
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    Nov 14, 2003
    I thought they did this months ago?

  3. #3
    無修正! m477's Avatar
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    I just hope China doesn't let North Korea talk them into giving them rocket technology for "space exploration"...

  4. #4
    Co-owner: Jovesca Records EscaFlowne's Avatar
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    Orgi. Born in Ceiba,Puerto Rico, now live in orlando,Fl
    At the prospect of hearing about space exploration, I always get excited because i think we should all use more space exploration. I read that we actually don't have that much longer on Earth anyways and that our next most likey spot for us to survive would either be space colonies on the moon or mars....Seeing as mars supposely use to have life with the new information on the underground river sediments[Or i think small algae...can't remember..] they found in that little valley. I believe thats along the lines of being right....

    And just think. Star trek! That woud be great. I just all the countries would work togeather for space exploration.
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