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Well I have been 1 week in november 2006 and I spent
in a Shinjuku hotel superior 80 euros a day less than in Rome
bear our main train station,
for meals normally I have spent for a complete japanese meals
from 5000 to max 7000 yen....for electronics in akihabara
some of the guys of my group mad a good purchase and save a lot of money for cameras mp3 and notebook....
what is more expensive for us are transports... but my daily
expenses for meals and bevarage was less than 15.000 yen per day
In Rome, where I live a medium price for a meal (acceptable) is
15-20 euros (per meal) eve a simple pizza and coke seated at a table costs around 10 euros so around 15.000 yen.
Perhaps the high cost of the life there are houses (to buy) I guarantee
you that in Rome or Milan for a small appartment to rent downtown
is not less than 100.000 yen but it is difficolt to find....