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Thread: The Unbiased Truth About Nova

  1. #101
    soon to be in Isesaki! jhough37's Avatar
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    It depends on your housing situation, but if you live in NOVA provided apartments, your utilities and monthly rent are deducted from your monthly paycheck. You get paid the month after you work. So you need to bring enough money to live in Japan for at the most, a month, before you get paid.

    Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible ~Escher

  2. #102
    Anjin Brooker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Apri1
    do you have to have a bachlors degree to teach with nova?
    Yes, although I've heard they'll do a part-time deal for people who don't have degrees with the possibility of becomming a full-time employee at your next contract.

    jhough37 a lot of people leave NOVA early. Our esteemed Brooker did himself...
    Well, yes and no. I broke the second contract I signed, but I completed the first one. I didn't find any repercussions from breaking my contract, although they weren't very happy about it.
    For information on the pros and cons of teaching at Nova English schools in Japan, check out

  3. #103
    okonomiyaki=bliss duff_o_josh's Avatar
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    i heard nova teahcers are in for a pay cut. also in osaka there was manager and some teachers traficking drugs from the building and when they were caught nova didnt turn them over, they just simply transfered them to other branches throughout japan. with them hiring anyone with a degree, no wonder they are blacklisted.

  4. #104
    I didnt do it
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    thank you, brooker!

  5. #105
    Regular Member
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    Hope you all are having a wonderful day. I found Booker’s article quite constructive. You really were able to objectively relay information about NOVA, exactly what I was looking for.

    I have my interview with NOVA in their Toronto office next week. I was wondering if anyone can share their interview experience with me, especially if it was at the office in Toronto.

    I can speak, read, and write Japanese quite well. I understand how NOVA can see this as a hindrance to my teaching ability since their classes are based on total immersion. However, do you really think my language ability will be seen as a large negative if I make it clear in my interview that even though I know Japanese I feel it should not be used when I am teaching clients?

    One final question for now, does anyone know anything about the Multimedia branch in Osaka? I am hoping to get a position in Osaka and see they have sponsored multi-media positions open. Wondering if anyone has worked for or has heard anything? Objective information would be most helpful.

    I currently teach high school English in NYS in the United States. A lot of the negatives I hear about NOVA are very similar to the negatives of working as a teacher in the US. I just wonder how many people who work for NOVA are teachers and have taught in the past. I wonder if their opinions are seriously different. (I can’t say much on this though until I go and experience it for myself.

    Thanks in advance,
    All my best,

  6. #106
    Anjin Brooker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hintgiver
    Hope you all are having a wonderful day. I found Booker’s article quite constructive. You really were able to objectively relay information about NOVA, exactly what I was looking for.
    Glad it was helpful.

    I can speak, read, and write Japanese quite well. I understand how NOVA can see this as a hindrance to my teaching ability since their classes are based on total immersion. However, do you really think my language ability will be seen as a large negative if I make it clear in my interview that even though I know Japanese I feel it should not be used when I am teaching clients?
    It probably won't come up, so you could just not mention it. And, even if it does come up, I don't think they'll care. There are lots of Nova teachers who speak Japanese quite well (just not in class).

    I just wonder how many people who work for NOVA are teachers and have taught in the past.
    Round about none of them. I met very few teachers who had prior teaching experience. I think you'll be rather unique in this respect.

  7. #107
    Go to shopping PopCulturePooka's Avatar
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    Actually doesn't NOVA pay experienced teachers a slight extra in their salary?
    Or has that too been a victim of the cost cuttings?

  8. #108
    soon to be in Isesaki! jhough37's Avatar
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    NOVA does pay teachers an extra bit, or at least they did when I interviewed with them in FEB, they had an extra bonus to your monthly wage if you were certified.

  9. #109
    Junior Member el_toro's Avatar
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    I've got an interview with Nova next month - can anyone help and provide advice on what i should be expecting at the interview?

    Cheers guys.

  10. #110
    Anjin Brooker's Avatar
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    Go to "Interview and Qualifications."

  11. #111
    #1 procrastinator masayoshi's Avatar
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    This is an informative thread indeed. Thanks to Brooker and others contributing!

    Nova caught my attention at a graduate fair since it seems to be quite relaxed about its recruitment process (I'm not British national BTW but studied in English since small). I'm not making teaching a career but would like to experience Japan and its neighbours. So Nova, with its 1 year contract, looks promising

    I've read about how selfish and unconsiderate the corp is and the hectic schedule it imposes on its employees. But one thing I'd like to know. Is the pay any decent? Can you actually save with the salary? If I'm applying, I'll be going for the flexi-schedule. The pay is less though

    From Nova's site, working say, in Tokyo reaps 195,000-223,000 yen per month. Is that enough? I've heard of the high cost of living in Japan, especially Tokyo (If it's more expensive than London, should be pretty tough >_<)

  12. #112
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masayoshi
    I've read about how selfish and unconsiderate the corp is and the hectic schedule it imposes on its employees. But one thing I'd like to know. Is the pay any decent? Can you actually save with the salary? If I'm applying, I'll be going for the flexi-schedule. The pay is less though

    From Nova's site, working say, in Tokyo reaps 195,000-223,000 yen per month. Is that enough? I've heard of the high cost of living in Japan, especially Tokyo (If it's more expensive than London, should be pretty tough >_<)
    Hi Masayoshi,

    In fact, there has been numerous threads about the cost of life in Japan. First thing, never believe that Tokyo is more expensive than London, even if some dumb reports still rank Tokyo as the world's most expensive city. That is not true ! I kow both cities quite well, and I can tell you that more often than not London is twice (yes 2x) more expensive than Tokyo. This works for transportation, accommodation, restaurants, mobile phones, books, etc. The few things that are cheaper are European-made cars, brand clothes or food that are exported to Japan. Prices that are comparable include international cloth chains (Gap, Zara, etc.), computers (because it really depends where you buy it) or Japanese cars.

    You can easily find accommodation under 100,000yen/month in central Tokyo (equivalent of Westminster or the City in London, where people normally can't afford to live), and 50,000yen/month if you are willing to commute 20min (equivalent of living in Ealing or Fulham in London).

    The minimum salary legally required for a working visa in Japan is 250,000yen (what Nova pays), so even living at walking distance of the Imperial Palace you can still save say 100,000yen/month once food and transportation is paid.

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  13. #113
    #1 procrastinator masayoshi's Avatar
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    wow thanks a lot Maciamo! Sorry I didn't check other threads since I thought it would be most appropriate to ask here. Now I have a better idea about the situation. I live in Camden myself and need to travel to central London, so wouldn't mind commuting as such in Japan.

    Saving around 100,000 yen a month doesn't look too bad!

  14. #114
    Anjin Brooker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masayoshi
    Is the pay any decent? Can you actually save with the salary?
    I made more money at Nova than I've ever made at a job here at home and lived veeery comfortably while I was in Japan. I don't think there's ever been a time in my life when I had to worry about money less. I could pretty much buy, do, and go what/wherever I wanted.

    For more info on the subject, go to this article...


    and check out the section on "Money and Saving".

  15. #115
    Junior Member el_toro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by el_toro
    I've got an interview with Nova next month - can anyone help and provide advice on what i should be expecting at the interview?

    Cheers guys.

    Well the interview didn't go as well as was suggested - i was not offered a place with Nova.

    Can anyone recommend any other companies i could possibly apply with to work in Japan?

  16. #116
    Anjin Brooker's Avatar
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    Try Geos, Aeon, Berlitz. I don't have much info about these other companies but other members might.

  17. #117
    Junior Member el_toro's Avatar
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    I'm disappointed about not getting this position with Nova - i was under the impression, at least from Brookers posts, that they recruit practically anyone with a degree (i have a masters qualification) and can speak English (i'm fluent in 2 other languages too).

    One of the guys at Nova told me that they only had a certain amount of spaces so couldn't offer me a position.

    In your opinion, should i even bother applying elsewhere - especially if NOVA -the company that recruit anyone - gave me a refusal?

    Feel pretty deflated about this.

  18. #118
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    I just recently got accepted at AEON, so feel free to email me at [email protected] if you want to know anything about them. I personally chose AEON over the others, thought it was the better way to go. But everyone has their own opinions (meaning this isn't meant to be read as me saying AEON is the best). I would certainly try the others, just for the heck of it. Best luck!

  19. #119
    Anjin Brooker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by el_toro
    (i have a masters qualification) and can speak English (i'm fluent in 2 other languages too).
    Aha, you're overqualified. I never met anyone at Nova who had a masters in anything. They're afraid you'd eventually realize that you could do a lot better and leave for another company (which you probably would). Keep looking. You'll find something. I would try Berlitz. It's not easy to get into, but I've heard it's a quality company. They might appreciate your qualifications. Don't get discouraged.

    By the way, you are a native English speaker, right?

  20. #120
    Robot/Ninja xerxes99's Avatar
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    I was Just offered a job in Osaka in Nova's multi-media Center. Anyone here ever worked there?

  21. #121
    Junior Member
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    Nova is great!

  22. #122
    Go to shopping PopCulturePooka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smile7
    Nova is great!
    Hahaha why?

  23. #123
    Junior Member
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    I just left NOVA - my experience

    Hi all, I wish I found this thread before I came to Japan and joined NOVA. Here is my experience from working at NOVA:

  24. #124
    Five times to Japan. ArmandV's Avatar
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    Does Nova or any of the other English-teaching companies have age requirements? What's the maximum age?

    Armand's Rancho del Cielo

  25. #125
    Junior Member DoctorP's Avatar
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    I laugh everytime I see this thread! There is no such thing as "unbiased truth"!

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