I have uploaded both the Tokyo Subway and Greater Tokyo JR maps to the transportation section here : http://www.wa-pedia.com/practical/transport.shtml
I have uploaded both the Tokyo Subway and Greater Tokyo JR maps to the transportation section here : http://www.wa-pedia.com/practical/transport.shtml
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"What is the use of living, if it be not to strive for noble causes and to make this muddled world a better place for those who will live in it after we are gone?", Winston Churchill.
respectfully suggesting bumping of the resolution for the kanji
i don't know about other people, but i always get bilingual maps, to enable native japanese people to assist me better when i'm asking for directions
and saying that the effort is much appreciated! good work!
tried printing it out on one sheet of paper -- almost made it!
again, good work!
Well these are the official maps. Either they are only in Japanese or like this. I couldm't find anything else better. Anyway, Japanese can read romaji.
Check out
at the bottom of the page for the PDF of the JR East rail map
Also you need to download the adobe asian font package to see the kanji on major stations, pitty its not on all stations
Also this site are very helpful in planning train trips
those are some phat links!
http://www.jreast.co.jp/map/pdf/map_tokyo.pdf for japanese version?
ok, so as to not disrespect no admins, ima just say that the only japanese people i've met who understood romaji were online in a chat room or through email
never met none out on the street
saying that
couldn't find the one that i was looking for, but this will do
prints out ok with 8.5x11
even better on 11x17
did not try a4 yet