Just wondering what the forum population's average height is...
I am 1m90
Over 2m10 (Over 6'10")
2m to 2m10 (6'6" to 6'10")
1m95 to 1m99 (6'5" to 6'6")
1m90 to 1m94 (6'3" to 6'4")
1m85 to 1m89 (6'1" to 6'2")
1m80 to 1m84 (5'11" to 6'0")
1m75 to 1m79 (5'9" to 5'10")
1m70 to 1m74 (5'7" to 5'8")
1m65 to 1m69 (5'5" to 5'6")
1m60 to 1m64 (5'3" to 5'4")
1m55 to 1m59 (5'1" to 5'2")
1m50 to 1m54 (4'11" to 5'0")
1m45 to 1m49 (4'9" to 4'10")
1m40 to 1m44 (4'7" to 4'8")
1m30 to 1m39 (4'3" to 4'7")
Under 1m30 (Under 4'3")
Just wondering what the forum population's average height is...
I am 1m90
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"What is the use of living, if it be not to strive for noble causes and to make this muddled world a better place for those who will live in it after we are gone?", Winston Churchill.
Well, I thought in centimeters I was 165, but that only comes out to 5'4" (a little over). I'm a little over 5'5", so I'm thinking I would be more like 168 cm. This foot/inch thing really irritates me! Why can't we be like the rest of the world and use the Metric system?Anyway...
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)
I'm so short
1m65 only and I'm sure I'm not making mistake on conversion![]()
One of the most adventurous things left for us is to go to bed. For no one can lay a hand on our dreams....
Dreamer you are not short!! I am 160cm!!!
In NZ I was very short, here in Japan I just fit in!![]()
but nzueda i ththink dreamer is a boy (aren't you?)....as for me i'm 1.72m tall (5"7 i think)
A Girl Can Mack...
I am 5'11 so I am not sure of this in cm?
"Kanpeki to chau, jinsei no shuushi
Puramai zero da nanteba honto ka na?
Shinu made ni tsukaikiru, un no kazu
Semete, jibun de dashiire wo sasete
My husband is 165 cm and he's shorter than me by about an inch, maybe a tad more than an inch. Sometimes, I wish I could wear my 3.5/4 inch heels and still be shorther than the person I'm with...
I'm 175cm![]()
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Originally Posted by kirei_na_me
Wear them, and let's go out!![]()
6' beautiful 3
Go me...im tall![]()
"An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind." ~ Buddha
"I am clever because I know the cause of my ignorance..." ~ Bruce Lee
Cacawate Fan Club: President "Personal" Assitant
7' 5 , 226 cm..............................and thats the height of Yao Ming
5' 8,about 173 cm,thats my height
about 180....![]()
5'8" or 173cm
maciamo, i hope you dont mind, i added in the american equivilents to the poll.![]()
Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.
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Actually yes I am ^^'Originally Posted by sayuri
Lol everyone's so tall here ...
I'm 1.78m
That would be 5'10" (1" = 2.54cm)
You're same height as me.
Sie sind ein grosse fraulein!
Always was 5ft8in and at 50 started with the age &
spinal shrinking bit. Now at 54 , down to 5FT 7IN; if I live long enough, might make it to dwarfdom!
By then, there might be a role for you as a Munchkin in the re-make of the "Wizard of Oz".
I thought Americans also used the metric system for sciences.Originally Posted by kirei_na_me
Anyhow, 1 foot = 30,48 cm and 1 inch = 2,54 cm. I think that the height in cm is more accurate than in inches.![]()
lol golgo, lina ist ein er.Originally Posted by Golgo_13
Danke Jeisan,Originally Posted by jeisan
Lina ist ein herr! LOL ! Ich bin so dumm !
Auf wiedertypen!
AAHH!!! I feel so short... T.T *hides in corner and cries* hmm... I don't seem to be growing... *cry cry*
Back in the 1970s, Randy Newman had a song called "Short People".
Click on song #9 at http://www.towerrecords.com/product.aspx?pfid=2555631
It was pretty funny, but also touching.
Yes, people in the medical field and other science fields use the metric system, but generally, it's not taught in our school systems. At least, it's not taught anywhere around here. Maybe they spend 10 minutes on it one year and that's all. I think it's a real handicap, because everybody else in the world uses it, and yes, I also feel it is more accurate.Originally Posted by Maciamo