Over 2m10 (Over 6'10")
2m to 2m10 (6'6" to 6'10")
1m95 to 1m99 (6'5" to 6'6")
1m90 to 1m94 (6'3" to 6'4")
1m85 to 1m89 (6'1" to 6'2")
1m80 to 1m84 (5'11" to 6'0")
1m75 to 1m79 (5'9" to 5'10")
1m70 to 1m74 (5'7" to 5'8")
1m65 to 1m69 (5'5" to 5'6")
1m60 to 1m64 (5'3" to 5'4")
1m55 to 1m59 (5'1" to 5'2")
1m50 to 1m54 (4'11" to 5'0")
1m45 to 1m49 (4'9" to 4'10")
1m40 to 1m44 (4'7" to 4'8")
1m30 to 1m39 (4'3" to 4'7")
Under 1m30 (Under 4'3")
Hmm.. Yeah! Might be!![]()
I'm 6'2 O_O might have to look out for door frames in Japan.
5 feet 9 or 175cm, it's in the family... tall women with short tempers![]()
im 174cm which is i think 5'8 feet...everyone points out how tall i am! for me it can be annoying at times n,n;
Angelic song What I was looking for And so sad song Was me on that day
I call out myself Before the light goes out
Now, let's run away together before the sin
Towards tomorrow
~th9 revolver.
see my art work!
182 cm.
Dont ask me how many feet wouldnt have a clue ;)
Living in the city of Famous Old Shops in the prefecture of Love and Knowledge.
I keep growing, I'm about 6'3-4 now, but I'm not considered very tall here.
1m80?? i guess haha
I'm 5'9" as of last time I checked ^-^
1m75 or so, right?
5'10 I think? Last time I checked. Hopefully I haven't gotten any taller
about 165cmi wanna be shorter..like Ruki 163cm
or better like Kyo 160 ^^
I saw you screaming and disappearing in the darkness~
Am i like... the SHORTEST PERSON HERE?!?!?!?!?!everyone's above 5"3/5"5 and I'm a friggin 5"0/5"1!!!!!
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA gods i feel short now...
no wonder everyone picks on me for being the shortest at school...
I am exactly 5 feet tall. >.<
Dream Always
Well, I'm between 1m97 (6'56") and 2.01m (6'6") Am not exactly sure because I haven't measured myself in ages, but just for the heck of it I say that I'm 2.00 meters tall to other people, don't tell anyone though ;)
actually I'm between 165 s.m to 169 s.m .......
and I have sport body lol![]()
Know what I love about this thread? That lovely curve in the poll results, with two peaks showing the average height for men and women.![]()
"A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life
merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral." - Leo Tolstoy
Currently playing: Agarest on PS3
Currently reading: The Devil Rides Out by Dennis Wheatley
1m74 (5'8")
Yay me! And I am about 6ft with heels or platforms. X3
I usually work with Metric when sewing things, making things, and ordering clothes. I used to use it waaay more when I was younger. (I was a show off...@_@)
I'm 5'11". lol
i dunno what it is in metric though...
wow i didnt even realize i alreayd posted here. ohh well.
Looks like a pretty normal distribution.
1m69 aka 5'6.
I really gotta get the metric system down. ._.
I was 5'6" until i was 16. I am 25 and now i am 6'2"
i'm 5,2 i'm short too, but i like it this way coz i'm soooooooo light and can move easily![]()