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Thread: Test your Japaneseness !

  1. #1
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    Test your Japaneseness !

    Alright, this test was made by me and can still be improved. Feel free to add more. But here we go. Count the number of yes for each category, so that you know how Japanese you are from 0 to 10 for each, then in total (Japanese are welcome to take the test too ) :


    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi
    2) Natto
    3) Hijiki
    4) Oden
    5) Tofu
    6) Umeboshi
    7) Takuan
    8) Fried fish
    9) Whale
    10) Miso soup


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house
    2) slurp your ramen
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations)
    5) bow when you talk on the phone
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days)
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking.

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand
    4) sit in "seiza"

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop
    6) like kabuki
    7) read manga
    8) like sumo
    9) like everything that is cute
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring)

    I am a little bit ashamed that I scored only 9-6-5 - but I was severe enough to exclude things I can't really do or don't really like. Actually, nothing bothers me very much, except the smell of natto. I can't slurp my ramen eventhough I try, can't refrain from eating outside or standing (and can't understand why Japanese have invented such stupid rules), then of course, I am too frank to have a tatemae side.

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    "What is the use of living, if it be not to strive for noble causes and to make this muddled world a better place for those who will live in it after we are gone?", Winston Churchill.

  2. #2
    Traveler of eternity dreamer's Avatar
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    8yes I can't bear Natto and Never tried Hijiki... -_-


    6 yes here ^^' I don't slurp my ramen don't bow to the phone Never bought an omiyage and I don't take bath like japanese people
    Cultural adaptation

    Hum...7 yes here because I can't even ride a bicycle even without an umbrella, bear Kabuki and I find sumo boring (sorry for those who like this sport)

    Well...I'm above average I guess...
    One of the most adventurous things left for us is to go to bed. For no one can lay a hand on our dreams....

  3. #3
    Where I'm Supposed to Be kirei_na_me's Avatar
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    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi-yes
    2) Natto-no
    3) Hijiki-yes
    4) Oden-yes
    5) Tofu-yes
    6) Umeboshi-no
    7) Takuan-no
    8) Fried fish-yes
    9) Whale-no
    10) Miso soup-yes

    Total = 6


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house-yes
    2) slurp your ramen-no
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong-no
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations)-no
    5) bow when you talk on the phone-no
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days)-yes
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone-yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think-yes (but I've always been like that)
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath-no
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking.-no

    Total = 4

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon-yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes-no
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand-yes
    4) sit in "seiza"-no (not for long, anyway)

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop-no, no, no
    6) like kabuki-yes
    7) read manga-no
    8) like sumo-yes
    9) like everything that is cute-no
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring)-yes

    Total = 5
    i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)

  4. #4
    Samurai Golgo_13's Avatar
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    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi YES
    2) Natto YES
    3) Hijiki YES
    4) Oden YES
    5) Tofu YES
    6) Umeboshi YES
    7) Takuan YES
    8) Fried fish YES
    9) Whale NO WAY
    10) Miso soup YES


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house YES
    2) slurp your ramen YES
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong NO WAY
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) NOT ALL THE TIME
    5) bow when you talk on the phone NEVER
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) OCCASIONALLY
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone OFTEN
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think NO
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath NO
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. NO

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon YES
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes ARE YOU KIDDING? I PAY MONEY AND RENT THE VIDEOS
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand NO
    4) sit in "seiza" NOT WITH MY ARTHRITIC KNEE

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop NO
    6) like kabuki NO
    7) read manga GOLGO 13
    8) like sumo YES
    9) like everything that is cute ONLY SOME THINGS
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) YES


  5. #5
    Regular Member
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    Oct 23, 2003

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi no
    2) Natto never tried
    3) Hijiki never tried
    4) Oden yes
    5) Tofu never tried
    6) Umeboshi never tried
    7) Takuan never tried
    8) Fried fish yes
    9) Whale never tried
    10) Miso soup never tried


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house yes
    2) slurp your ramen yes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong no
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) no
    5) bow when you talk on the phone no
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) no
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone no
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think no
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath no
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. no

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon no
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand no
    4) sit in "seiza" not for long

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop yes fir J-rock
    6) like kabuki I don't know what that is
    7) read manga no
    8) like sumo yes
    9) like everything that is cute no
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) yes

    8/30 total , ôright!

  6. #6
    So....Sleepy...*snore* Kuro_Tsubasa69's Avatar
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    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi Yes
    2) Natto No
    3) Hijiki No
    4) Oden No
    5) Tofu Yes
    6) Umeboshi No
    7) Takuan No
    8) Fried fish yes
    9) Whale No
    10) Miso soup Yes


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house Yes
    2) slurp your ramen Yes (Always get yelled at for doing such! .)
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong Yes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) Yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone No
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) No
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone Yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think Yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath Yes
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. No (Impossible! .)

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon Yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes Yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand Yes
    4) sit in "seiza" No

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop Yes
    6) like kabuki Yes
    7) read manga Yes
    8) like sumo No
    9) like everything that is cute No
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) Yes

    TOTALS:: 4 - 7 - 7
    "I don't wanna grow up, i'm a toys 'r us kid"

  7. #7
    Regular Member neko_girl22's Avatar
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    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi -yes
    2) Natto - no (well, only a little bit)
    3) Hijiki - yes
    4) Oden - yes (made it for dinner tonight )
    5) Tofu - yes
    6) Umeboshi - yes
    7) Takuan- yes
    8) Fried fish - yes
    9) Whale - no (never tried)
    10) Miso soup - yes (daily)


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house - yes
    2) slurp your ramen - yes (but it doesn't go very far...)
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong - no
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) - yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone - no
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) - yes
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone - yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think - yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath - yes
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. - yes (I don't snack)

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon - yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes - yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - no ( I don't have a bike)
    4) sit in "seiza" - no (well, for only 5, 10 minutes...)

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop - no, not really
    6) like kabuki - yes
    7) read manga - no
    8) like sumo - not really
    9) like everything that is cute no, not everything
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) - yes , I love them!


  8. #8
    Regular Member seimeinogakusei's Avatar
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    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :
    1) Sushi- Yes
    2) Natto- No (never tried)
    3) Hijiki-- Yes
    4) Oden-- No (never tried)
    5) Tofu- Yes
    6) Umeboshi- Yes
    7) Takuan- No (never tried)
    8) Fried fish- Yes
    9) Whale- No (not trying)
    10) Miso soup- Yes

    Do you :
    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house- No. I'm in the US, that just wouldn't work out.
    2) slurp your ramen- Yes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong- Sometimes (I have a tendency to do this quite often.)
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations)- No
    5) bow when you talk on the phone- No
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days)- No
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone- Yes
    8) avoid telling people directly what you think- Sometimes (another tendency)
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath- No
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking.- No

    Cultural adaptation
    Can you :
    1) Sleep on a futon- Yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes- Yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand- No
    4) sit in "seiza"- Yes. Depends on the amount of time...how long are we talking?

    Do you :
    5) like J-pop- Yes
    6) like kabuki- Yes
    7) read manga- Yes
    8) like sumo- Yes
    9) like everything that is cute- Not everything, but a good amount
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring)- Yes

    Score = 6-4-9

    This test showed me I have a hard time answering "yes" or "no" questions.

  9. #9
    Hentai Koutaishi Lina Inverse's Avatar
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    1) Sushi - hell no (I loathe anything that has to do with fish, raw or not)
    2) Natto - no
    3) Hijiki - yes
    4) Oden - yes
    5) Tofu - yes
    6) Umeboshi - yes
    7) Takuan - yes
    8) Fried fish - no
    9) Whale - no
    10) Miso soup - yes


    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house - yes
    2) slurp your ramen - yes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong - no
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) - no
    5) bow when you talk on the phone - no
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) - no
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone - yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think - yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath - yes
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. - yes


    Cultural adaptation
    1) Sleep on a futon - yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes - yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - yes
    4) sit in "seiza" - yes
    5) like J-pop - yes
    6) like kabuki - yes
    7) read manga - yes
    8) like sumo - yes
    9) like everything that is cute - yes
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) - yes


    That's 6-6-10

  10. #10
    Regular Member den4's Avatar
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    mushroom forest
    7-5-6 for me...
    Other things on the Food category, I thought, was:
    11) Eat Japanese curry thinking it's the real Indian style cuisine.
    12) Drink Sake and know which brands are good for drinking and which are used for cooking.
    13) Like eating the onigiri you find in the local kombini
    14) Tonjiru
    15) Ate beef sashimi (before mad cow became so rampant)
    16) Ate fugu
    17) Know how to prepare Nabe cuisine for winter months
    18) Drink Ocha at every meal
    19) Eat Maccha or Azuki Aisu (Ice Cream, and knew Aisu was Ice Cream before you read this)

    11) Fold the toilet paper into a triangle shape (for the guests to use) (done by women only, I believe)
    12) Never wear your slippers inside the bathroom (particularly the toilet area), and never wear the toilet slippers outside the toilet area.
    13) Know how to use them new-fangled toilets with the streaming water and heated seats without panicking.
    14) Wear Engrish T-shirts and carry Engrish-labeled goods with pride and complete ignorance of their meaning.
    15) Know when to say, "You use the chopsticks very well..." to your foreign guests.
    16) Always know when to make common sense assessments of other people's stature or physique, such as "Gee, you are very tall!" or "You have such pale skin tone..."
    17) Always know when to ask questions that you should know better...if you were outside of Japan, like asking a woman: "How old are you?"
    18) Never fail to ask each new person you meet: "What is your sign?" (astrological), "What year animal are you?" (Chinese astrological) and "What is your blood type?"

    Under cultural adaptation, I think these are appropriate:
    11) Know what Flesh Sand is at your local kombini
    12) Think nothing about having to pay gas by the liter
    13) Hand out your business card when you meet new people with both hands and a bow
    14) Drinking Calpis doesn't phase you anymore
    15) Expect to find anything you want at some vending machine somewhere nearby

    these are just a few that come to mind.....
    I know nothing...except the answer is 42. You know more than I do.

  11. #11
    Dog Youkai playaa's Avatar
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    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi YES
    2) Natto NO
    3) Hijiki NO
    4) Oden NO
    5) Tofu YES
    6) Umeboshi NO
    7) Takuan NO
    8) Fried fish YES
    9) Whale NO
    10) Miso soup YES


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house YES
    2) slurp your ramen YES
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong NO
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) NO
    5) bow when you talk on the phone NO
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) YES
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone YES
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think YES
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath YES
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. YES

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon YES
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes YES
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand YES
    4) sit in "seiza" YES

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop YES
    6) like kabuki YES
    7) read manga YES
    8) like sumo YES
    9) like everything that is cute NO
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) YES
    "Kanpeki to chau, jinsei no shuushi
    Puramai zero da nanteba honto ka na?
    Shinu made ni tsukaikiru, un no kazu
    Semete, jibun de dashiire wo sasete

  12. #12
    Follower of None jspecdan's Avatar
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    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi - yes
    2) Natto - yes
    3) Hijiki - no
    4) Oden - yes
    5) Tofu - yes
    6) Umeboshi - yes
    7) Takuan - no
    8) Fried fish - yes
    9) Whale - no
    10) Miso soup - yes


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house - haha yes
    2) slurp your ramen - of course, yes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong - no, i'm never wrong
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) - now that i think about it, yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone - yeah this too
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) - yes
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone - yup, all the time
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think - nope, i tell them to their face what i'm thinking
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath - no
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. - no

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon - yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes - yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - yes
    4) sit in "seiza" - yes

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop - yes
    6) like kabuki - no
    7) read manga - yes
    8) like sumo - yes
    9) like everything that is cute - no
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) - yes
    _J-Spec Dan

    American born with Japanese specifications.

    Saitama - home of...initial D 4th Stage's WRX!

  13. #13
    Junior Member
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    May 2, 2004
    Ok... here's my go:

    1) Sushi - Yes (still prefer Sashimi over Sushi, though)
    2) Natto - Yes (it goes very well with ika-sashimi, I think)
    3) Hijiki - Yes
    4) Oden - Yes (love it! Unfortunately none of the restaurants here have it. )
    5) Tofu - Yes
    6) Umeboshi - Yes
    7) Takuan - Yes
    8) Fried fish - Yes
    9) Whale - Yes
    10) Miso soup- Yes

    1) remove your shoes... - Yes (always did that, even before being introduced to Japan)
    2) slurp your ramen - Yes (I am not an expert, though)
    3) excuse yourself all the time... - Yes (gomen nasai! m(_ _)m )
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting... - Yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone - Yes (I really do - dunno why though)
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends... - Yes
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement... - Yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think - No (at least about half of the time)
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath - No
    10) refrain from eating in the street or... - No (me loves eating on the run XD )

    1) Sleep on a futon - Yes (even better than on a normal bed)
    2) bear Japanese TV... - Yes (I also have to confess that I *lurve* some of them TV-Doramas.)
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - No
    4) sit in "seiza" - Yes (as long as it doesn't extend 2 hours.)
    5) like J-pop - Yes (love it, love it, lurve it! \(^o^)/ )
    6) like kabuki - Yes (Chinese opera still is better imho... *gomen nasai* )
    7) read manga - Yes
    8) like sumo - Yes (fortunately one TV-channel here has the major tournaments on broadcast!)
    9) like everything that is cute - Yes (*looks at speaking Hello Kitty Doll sitting on Monitor*)
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) - No (but only because I feel kind of awkward of bathing in public)

    Hmm... makes a score of 10-7-8 for me...

    ja ne,


  14. #14
    Pink Lady's Number #1 Fan Flashjeff's Avatar
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    Philadelphia, PA
    Okey dokey! Lemme give this a try:


    1) Sushi--yes
    2) Natto--hell no!
    3) Hijiki--no
    4) Oden--yes
    5) Tofu--double hell no!
    6) Umeboshi--no
    7) Takuan--no
    8) Fried fish--yes!
    9) Whale--no
    10) Miso soup--yes



    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house--no
    2) slurp your ramen--hell yeah!
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong--yes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations)--no
    5) bow when you talk on the phone--no
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days)--no
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone--yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think--yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath--no
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking--no


    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon--yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes--yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand--yes
    4) sit in "seiza"--no


    Do you :

    5) like J-pop--yes
    6) like kabuki--no
    7) read manga--hell yeah!
    8) like sumo--yes
    9) like everything that is cute--yes
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring)--yes



    So, what do I win?

  15. #15
    Regular Member sweetncute135's Avatar
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    May 15, 2004


    Hmm...let's see


    1) Sushi=HAI, HAI, HAI!
    2) Natto=Iie
    3) Hijiki=Iie
    4) Oden=HAI
    5) Tofu=HAI
    6) Umeboshi=Iie
    7) Takuan=Iie
    8) Fried fish=HAI
    9) Whale=Iie
    10) Miso soup=HAI


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house =HAI
    2) slurp your ramen = Iie
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong =HAI
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) = Iie
    5) bow when you talk on the phone=Iie
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) = Iie
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone =HAI
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think=Iie
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath=Iie
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking=HAI

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon = HAI
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes = HAI
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand =HAI
    4) sit in "seiza" = Doing so right now HAI

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop =HAI
    6) like kabuki=HAI
    7) read manga=Iie
    8) like sumo=HAI
    9) like everything that is cute=HAI
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring)=HAI

    Total number of HAIs..18
    Sometimes I really do wonder if I was born on the wrong side of the planet

    dewa mata
    ~ Sweetncute135 ~

  16. #16
    Occasional visitor nekosasori's Avatar
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    May 21, 2004

    All "yes" except where indicated


    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi
    2) Natto - absolutely love it!
    3) Hijiki
    4) Oden
    5) Tofu
    6) Umeboshi
    7) Takuan
    8) Fried fish
    9) Whale - I will not eat this on principle, though I've not had a chance to try it
    10) Miso soup


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house Always!
    2) slurp your ramen if I'm in an oriental restaurant or at home, yes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong - If I'm in Japan/am surrounded by Japanese, yes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) - If the other person is Japanese, yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone - If I'm speaking in Japanese, yes
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days)
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone - If the other person is Japanese, yes.
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think - no
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking.

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - actually have never ridden a bicycle!
    4) sit in "seiza" Yes, but it's very uncomfortable...

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop I don't know enough about this to have an opinion
    6) like kabuki
    7) read manga I'm a big Shogakukan shoujo/women's manga fan.
    8) like sumo
    9) like everything that is cute definitely yes!
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) I've never gone but would love to!

  17. #17
    Manga Psychic PaulTB's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 22, 2004
    1) Sushi Y
    2) Natto N
    3) Hijiki N
    4) Oden Y
    5) Tofu Y
    6) Umeboshi ~
    7) Takuan N
    8) Fried fish Y
    9) Whale N
    10) Miso soup Y

    +5 -4 ~1


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house Y
    2) slurp your ramen N
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong N
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) N
    5) bow when you talk on the phone N
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) Y
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone Y
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think Y
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath N
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. N

    +4 -6

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon Y
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes Y
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand Y
    4) sit in "seiza" Y


    Do you :

    5) like J-pop Y
    6) like kabuki ~
    7) read manga Y
    8) like sumo N
    9) like everything that is cute Y
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) Y

    +4 -1 ~1

    +7 from a possible range of -34 to +34, making me more Japanese than not ... but not by much.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 27, 2003
    Based on the fact that I'm a vegetarian and am not even sure what some of those foods are, here are my scores for the following:





    Cultural Adaptation


    Total: 13

  19. #19
    Cat lover Apollo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 28, 2004
    Copenhagen, Denmark

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi-yes
    2) Natto-no..never tasted
    3) Hijiki-yes
    4) Oden-yes
    5) Tofu-yes
    6) Umeboshi-yes
    7) Takuan-yes
    8) Fried fish-yes
    9) Whale-no
    10) Miso soup-yes

    Total = 8


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house-yes
    2) slurp your ramen-no
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong-no
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations)-yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone-no
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days)-yes
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone-yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think-yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath-no
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking.-yes...otherwise the food will end up on my clothes

    Total = 6

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon-yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes-no
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand-no...I'll fall!
    4) sit in "seiza"-no

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop-yes
    6) like kabuki-yes
    7) read manga-yes
    8) like sumo-yes
    9) like everything that is cute-yes
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring)-yes

    Total = 7

    Total = 8-6-7

  20. #20
    Regular Member cricket's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 26, 2004
    Let's see,hmmm..



    cultural adaptation

  21. #21
    Regular Member blessed's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 24, 2004

    haven't really tried too much japanese food, its hard to find decent places.


    i dont know why, but i bow my head the whole time when talking, its probably cause i cant be bothered to reply, so i just agree with a bow.

    cultural adaptation

    everything bar J-pop, that is simply scary.
    Who was Hitler?... a petty dictator living in the times of Stalin.

    Everyone is intelligent...some before; some afterwards.

    ... my mood while I've been on this forum... in reverse order!!! hehe

  22. #22
    anadorei anadorei's Avatar
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    Aug 11, 2004

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi - yes
    2) Natto - no
    3) Hijiki - no
    4) Oden - yes
    5) Tofu - yes
    6) Umeboshi - yes
    7) Takuan - yes
    8) Fried fish - yes
    9) Whale - not yet
    10) Miso soup - yes



    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house - yes
    2) slurp your ramen - no
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong - yes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) - yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone - no
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) - yes
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone - nope
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think - nope
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath - nope
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking - nope


    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon - yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes - yep
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - yep
    4) sit in "seiza" - nope

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop - yep
    6) like kabuki - yep
    7) read manga - yes
    8) like sumo - yep
    9) like everything that is cute - nope
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) - the only reason i go to japan



  23. #23
    –é˜IŽ€‹ê! TwistedMac's Avatar
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    Mar 4, 2004

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi - yes
    2) Natto - no what is it?
    3) Hijiki - yes
    4) Oden - yes
    5) Tofu - yes
    6) Umeboshi - yes
    7) Takuan - no what is it?
    8) Fried fish - yes
    9) Whale - no ...ew...
    10) Miso soup - yes


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house - yes (it's the norm in sweden anyway O_o)
    2) slurp your ramen - yes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong - no
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) - yes i hope it's not my japan fixation shining through...
    5) bow when you talk on the phone - no
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) - no
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone - yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think - no..NO!
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath - no
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. - no didn't we have this discussion where it turned out even japanese did?.. or was that blowing your nose?

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon - yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes - yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - sure
    4) sit in "seiza" - yes i've trained it...

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop - does j-metal count?
    6) like kabuki - what is it?
    7) read manga - yes
    8) like sumo - yes who doesnt like to see two huge guys collide?
    9) like everything that is cute - yes especially if there's blood involved.. like murderous bunny rabbits or catgirls biting the head off a rat...
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) - haven't tried.. but how bad can it be? it's cozy hot water! so yes

    I find affence at your post as I ware eyeglass and have lmited site.
    http://japan.orz.eu - A site for my trip to Japan.

  24. #24
    ...what?!... Sinspawne's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 17, 2004
    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi-yes
    2) Natto-no
    3) Hijiki-yes
    4) Oden-yes
    5) Tofu-yes
    6) Umeboshi-yes
    7) Takuan-no (what is it?)
    8) Fried fish-yes
    9) Whale-yes
    10) Miso soup-yes

    Total = 8


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house-yes
    2) slurp your ramen-no
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong-no
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations)-no
    5) bow when you talk on the phone-no
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days)-yes
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone-yes
    8) avoid telling people directly what you think-no (depends on situation and what it's about)
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath-yes
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking.-no

    Total = 4

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon-yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes-yes(?)
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand-yes
    4) sit in "seiza"-yes

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop-no
    6) like kabuki-no
    7) read manga-yes
    8) like sumo-yes
    9) like everything that is cute-yes (If it's cute in my opinion)
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring)-yes (can't see no reason why I wouldn't like it)

    Total = 8

    Grand total of 20


    Kabuki is one of Japan's traditional theatrical arts from way back from the 16th century.

    Natto is...fermented soybeans.. yeah...
    If In Doubt...
    Run And Hide...

  25. #25
    Anjin Brooker's Avatar
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    Apr 10, 2004
    Seattle, Washington
    I only got a total of 9. Thought I'd be a little more Japanese than that.
    For information on the pros and cons of teaching at Nova English schools in Japan, check out

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