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Thread: Test your Japaneseness !

  1. #101
    Comfortably Ignorant Faustianideals's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 15, 2004
    Illinois, USA

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi: Yes
    2) Natto: No
    3) Hijiki: No
    4) Oden: Yes
    5) Tofu: Yes
    6) Umeboshi: No
    7) Takuan: No
    8) Fried fish: Ye
    9) Whale: No
    10) Miso soup: Yes


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house: Yes
    2) slurp your ramen: Yes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong: Yes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations): I try to shake their hands, so no.
    5) bow when you talk on the phone: No
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days): No
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone: Yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think: No
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath: No
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking: Yes

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon: Yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes: Sometimes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand: Good idea?
    4) sit in "seiza": Yes, at times.

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop: Some, some musicians make me wonder if they were dropped on their heads as kids.
    6) like kabuki: Actually yeah, yeah I do.
    7) read manga: Yes
    8) like sumo: Never watched it.
    9) like everything that is cute: Sorta
    10) like "onsen": Yeah

  2. #102
    Ayashii Aijou Kumi-chanmi's Avatar
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    Jun 30, 2007
    I got a 4-7-8

    I haven't had much of the foods. But my etiquette and cultural adaptations seem to be high.

    The siggie is mine the ava is from photobucket, credit to whomever made it.

  3. #103
    Ayashii Aijou Kumi-chanmi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 30, 2007
    I got a 4-7-8

    I haven't had much of the foods. But my etiquette and cultural adaptations seem to be high.

  4. #104
    Regular Member drj0402's Avatar
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    Aug 31, 2007
    San Francisco, CA
    Food: 8
    Etiquette: 4
    Cultural adaptation: 7

    My etiquette score would probably rise if I went back.

  5. #105
    �̓�‚¿‚á‚ñ Kasutei's Avatar
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    Sep 5, 2007
    I might as well gie this a go ^__^

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi- hai (i like the tamago one & the cucumber one)
    2) Natto-iie
    3) Hijiki-iie
    4) Oden-iie
    5) Tofu-hai (yet i don't get many chances to eat it much)
    6) Umeboshi-iie
    7) Takuan-iie
    8) Fried fish-hai
    9) Whale-iie (seems cruel to munch a whale somehow)
    10) Miso soup-hai (tis yummy ^__^ i go through phases of haeing it wi rice for breakfast for a month or so, then not, then going back to it. In theory i should be going back to eating it soon ^_^;;)

    result - 4


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house-hai (i do this a lot, i tend to walk round the house in my "stocking feet" or bare feet a lot ^_^;)
    2) slurp your ramen-hai (often actually, i'm going through a chicken ramen phase, i eat it a lot, yet i sometimes change to the prawny seafood packs)
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong-iie
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations)-iie (i want to for some odd reason, yet i don't have the confidense to)
    5) bow when you talk on the phone-haii (i do it without realising, yet only when i speak my friend, a fellow "aspie")
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days)-iie (;_; erm, what omiyage?)
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone-hai (another thing i do without realising ^_^;)
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think-hai (but thats just me being me, yet i tend to grump to other people, mainly family later on)
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath-hai (seeing as i only hae a shower, lol)
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking.-hai

    result - 7

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon-hai (i'm a navy-brat, i've had to sleep on a few floor level things when in the process of moving house ^__^; seeing as the bed got packed up)
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes-haii (so much that i get bored with whats on the digital tv)
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand-iie (sounds dangerous)
    4) sit in "seiza"-hai (until my legs start dying of lack of circulation, its usually when i'm engrossed in drawing-30 mins or sometimes a full hour)

    result - 3

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop-hai! (and V-kei, and rock)
    6) like kabuki-iie (i prefer Takarazuka ^_^;)
    7) read manga-hai (only shoujo & some BL)
    8) like sumo-iie (can't be healthy to be that size O_o)
    9) like everything that is cute-hai! (i like kitty-chan & lolita fashion)
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring)-iie (too social for my tastes, plus i'm not even confident to go to the pool anymore, i'd bare too much flesh O_O;;)

    result - 3

    ^_^ soo..

    conclusion - 7 (all the "hai" answers)

  6. #106
    Nekonabe ChibiSara's Avatar
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    Jul 17, 2007
    Can you eat:
    1) Sushi - Yes
    2) Natto - Yes
    3) Hijiki - I'm not sure what that is, so no
    4) Oden - Yes
    5) Tofu - Yeeesh
    6) Umeboshi - Again, not sure.
    7) Takuan - Wuzzat?
    8) Fried fish - Common around here, so yes
    9) Whale - No, they're endangered species already.
    10) Miso soup - Yes, healthy.
    Points: 6

    Do you:
    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house - Finnish custom, yes
    2) slurp your ramen - Always slurp noodles, yes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong - Only polite, yes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) - Yes, it's polite and it's really a reflex, kinda.
    5) bow when you talk on the phone - Sometimes xD reflex.
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) - Nope, haven't got money
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone - No, I just usually keep eye contact
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think - Yes, people don't like it
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath - No, we don't have a bathtub! ;_;
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. - I might drink, but not eat.
    Points: 6-7

    Cultural adaptation
    Can you :
    1) Sleep on a futon - Yes, I can sleep on the cold floor if required
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes - Yes! I love em! They're so funny!
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - No, I don't use an umbrella.
    4) sit in "seiza" - Yes
    Do you :
    5) like J-pop - Yes, some
    6) like kabuki - I'm not into theatre stuff, no
    7) read manga - Yup
    8) like sumo - Not into sports either, no
    9) like everything that is cute - Love cuteness~
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) - Yes, sounds relaxing
    Points: 7
    Total: 19-20
    Is that good?

  7. #107
    Jupa-jupa xGarnetx's Avatar
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    Aug 13, 2007
    Can you eat:
    1 Sushi - No
    2 Natto - No
    3 Hijiki - No
    4 Oden - Yes
    5 Tofu - Yes
    6 Umeboshi - No
    7 Takuan - No
    8 Fried fish - Yes
    9 Whale - No
    10 Miso soup - No
    Points: 3

    Do you:
    1 remove your shoes before entering your own house - No, take them off when I enter.
    2 slurp your ramen - No
    3 excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong - Sometimes.
    4 bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) - Yes, I always bow. It's cool.
    5 bow when you talk on the phone - No, but I nod my head. Does that count?
    6 buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) - No.
    7 nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone - Yes, always
    8 avoid teling people directly what you think - Depends on the situation.
    9 avoid putting soap or foam in your bath - Noo, I love bubbles.
    10 refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. - Yes, I always feel uncomfortable
    Points: 6

    Cultural adaptation
    Can you :
    1 Sleep on a futon - Yes, I can sleep anywhere, even on the chair.
    2 bear Japanese TV programmes - Yes
    3 ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - Noo, I can barely ride without bumping into someone/something.
    4 sit in "seiza" - Yes

    Do you :
    5 like J-pop - Yes, but not all
    6 like kabuki - Yes
    7 read manga - Of course
    8 like sumo - No
    9 like everything that is cute - aww...yesss
    10 like "onsen" - Mmmm...yes
    Points: 7
    Kai <3

    Last.fm - Myspace

  8. #108
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 1, 2007

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi- yes
    2) Natto- no(never had it)
    3) Hijiki- no (what)
    4) Oden- no (never had it)
    5) Tofu- no
    6) Umeboshi- no(what)
    7) Takuan- no(what)
    8) Fried fish- yes
    9) Whale- no
    10) Miso soup- no(never had it)


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house-no
    2) slurp your ramen-no
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong-yes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations)-no
    5) bow when you talk on the phone-no
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days)-no
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone-yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think-yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath-yes
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking.-yes

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon-yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes-yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand-no(don't own a bicycle)
    4) sit in "seiza"-yes

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop-yes
    6) like kabuki-no(what)
    7) read manga-yes
    8) like sumo-no
    9) like everything that is cute-yes
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring)-yes

  9. #109
    Regular Member
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    Oct 1, 2007

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi-Yes
    2) Natto-No
    3) Hijiki-No
    4) Oden-No
    5) Tofu-No
    6) Umeboshi-No
    7) Takuan-No
    8) Fried fish-Yes
    9) Whale-No, where can you get whale, lol
    10) Miso soup-No


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house-YES!
    2) slurp your ramen-Yes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong-Yes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations)-No
    5) bow when you talk on the phone-No
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days)-No
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone-Yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think-Yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath-No
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking.-No

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon-Yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes-Yes, watch them all the time!
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand-No
    4) sit in "seiza"-No

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop-No
    6) like kabuki-No
    7) read manga-Yes
    8) like sumo-No
    9) like everything that is cute-No
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring)-No

  10. #110
    Genocide And Mass Murder Bintang's Avatar
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    Sep 28, 2007
    Surabaya, Indonesia

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi-yes
    2) Natto-no
    3) Hijiki-yes
    4) Oden-yes
    5) Tofu-yes
    6) Umeboshi-no
    7) Takuan-no
    8) Fried fish-yes
    9) Whale-no
    10) Miso soup-yes


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house-yes
    2) slurp your ramen-no
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong-no
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations)-yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone-no
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days)-yes
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone-yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think-yes (but I've always been like that)
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath-no
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking.-no

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon-yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes-no
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand-yes
    4) sit in "seiza"-no (not for long, anyway)

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop-yes
    6) like kabuki-yes
    7) read manga-yes
    8) like sumo-yes
    9) like everything that is cute-yes
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring)-yes
    my bad, my english is so poor!

  11. #111
    To the Land of the Purest EarthlyBeauty's Avatar
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    Jul 24, 2007
    Oregon, US

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi - No
    2) Natto - Yes
    3) Hijiki - ?
    4) Oden - ?
    5) Tofu - Yes!
    6) Umeboshi - ?
    7) Takuan - ?
    8) Fried fish - NO
    9) Whale - BIG NO-NO
    10) Miso soup - Yes



    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house - Hehe, yeah...
    2) slurp your ramen - Sure, if it's wet enough to... lol
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong - Yeah, sometimes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) - Always, it's a habit.
    5) bow when you talk on the phone - I don't know...maybe once. hehe
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) - No...
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone - Always
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think - Sometimes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath - yes
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. - I never eat on the street.


    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon - Never tried it...
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes - Of course.
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - Haha, probably.
    4) sit in "seiza" - Never heard of it...

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop - Hell no, metal is 1,000,000 times better.
    6) like kabuki - Maybe a little...
    7) read manga - Not really
    8) like sumo - No, I hate sports.
    9) like everything that is cute - No, the world is not cute.
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) - I haven't ever been to one.


    Total Final score: 3-9-3

    Hehe, not bad I guess...

  12. #112
    Junior Member
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    Nov 13, 2007
    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi -yes
    2) Natto - no
    3) Hijiki - never tried it
    4) Oden - never tried it
    5) Tofu - yes
    6) Umeboshi - yes
    7) Takuan- yes
    8) Fried fish - yes
    9) Whale - never tried it
    10) Miso soup - yes


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house - yes
    2) slurp your ramen - yes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong - yes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) - yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone - no
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) - yes
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone - yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think - yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath - yes
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. - generally

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon - yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes - yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - yes
    4) sit in "seiza" - yes

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop - yes
    6) like kabuki - yes
    7) read manga - yes
    8) like sumo - yes
    9) like everything that is cute - yes
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) - yes

    6 - 8 - 10

    I didn't realise how assimilated I am till I did that!

  13. #113
    LOVE♥SWEETS Amaya's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 27, 2006
    Over the Rainbow
    I tested my Japaneseness.
    Food: 4
    Etiquette: 5
    Cultural adaptation: 4

    I think it says enough xD


  14. #114
    Registered User
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    May 6, 2008

    1) Sushi YES
    2) Natto NO
    3) Hijiki NO
    4) Oden NO
    5) Tofu YES
    6) Umeboshi NO
    7) Takuan NO
    8) Fried fish YES
    9) Whale NO
    10) Miso soup YES
    TOTAL= 4


    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house YES
    2) slurp your ramen YES
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong NO
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) YES
    5) bow when you talk on the phone NO
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) NO
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone YES
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think YES
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath YES
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. YES
    TOTAL= 7

    Cultural adaptation

    1) Sleep on a futon YES
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes YES
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand NO
    4) sit in "seiza" YES
    TOTAL= 3

    5) like J-pop YES
    6) like kabuki NO
    7) read manga NO
    8) like sumo NO
    9) like everything that is cute YES!
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) YES
    TOTAL= 4

    GRAND TOTAL= 18 ^^

  15. #115
    ‘f“G‚È–`Œ¯Žn‚Ü‚éI Kirakira1232's Avatar
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    May 6, 2008

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi yes
    2) Natto no
    3) Hijiki no
    4) Oden yes
    5) Tofu yes
    6) Umeboshi no
    7) Takuan no
    8) Fried fish yes
    9) Whale no way!
    10) Miso soup yes

    6 out of 10


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house yes (though this isnt exclusively a Japanese thing)
    2) slurp your ramen of course! slurping cools the soup as you gulp it!
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong no
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) no
    5) bow when you talk on the phone no
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) yes, I seem to love shopping for souvenirs when i'm on trips
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think no
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath I dont really take baths so no
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. yes


    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes oddly enough yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand yes
    4) sit in "seiza" no...my knees get too numb

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop yes
    6) like kabuki no
    7) read manga yes
    8) like sumo no
    9) like everything that is cute yes
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) yes

    Living in the city of Famous Old Shops in the prefecture of Love and Knowledge.

  16. #116
    Regular Member Michelliej's Avatar
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    Mar 17, 2007
    High in sky on a pink cloud

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi yes
    2) Natto no
    3) Hijiki no
    4) Oden no
    5) Tofu no
    6) Umeboshi no
    7) Takuan yes
    8) Fried fish yes
    9) Whale no
    10) Miso soup yes


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house yes
    2) slurp your ramen yes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong no
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone no
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) yes
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath no
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. no

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon no
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand yes
    4) sit in "seiza" yes

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop yes
    6) like kabuki no
    7) read manga yes
    8) like sumo no
    9) like everything that is cute yes
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) yes

    Totals : 4 - 6 - 7

  17. #117
    Dude Kenjirou's Avatar
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    Jul 30, 2008
    I travel too much...
    I guess I'll have to work and rough out my unJapanese self while I'm over there next year >< I don't think I'm ever gonna start bowing on the phone though it just looks so stupid 0.0 lol

  18. #118
    Regular Member
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    Aug 14, 2008
    10 for food

    8 for ettiquette because I tend to tell people EXACTLY what I think of them and I love my bubbly baths

    Learning to slurp raman took some practice though but please don't ask how I picked up the habit of bowing on the phone 0.0

    Cultural adaption

    Cultural adaptation
    9 because I cannot bear to like everything that is cute.

    Total 27

    However, I would think that my general attitude renders me about as Japanese as Queen Victoria

  19. #119
    •Ï‚í‚Á‚�é tada's Avatar
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    Jun 23, 2008
    Issaquah, WA
    3 - 8 - 7.

    I don't know what a seiza is, and don't think I could ride with an umbrella in one hand. Being a native Seattleite, I never use an umbrella! Also, I think the no eating or drinking while walking thing is stupid, and some of the younger people do too (I've seen quite a few people do it in Shibuya).

  20. #120
    Regular Member Chirpy9's Avatar
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    Jul 15, 2008
    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :
    Being vegetarian, I'm sure of loosing out points here
    1) Sushi No
    2) Natto No
    3) Hijiki No
    4) Oden No
    5) Tofu Yes
    6) Umeboshi Yes
    7) Takuan Yes
    8) Fried fish No
    9) Whale No
    10) Miso soup No
    Do you :
    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house Yes
    2) slurp your ramen No
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong No
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) Yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone No
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) Yes
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone Yes
    8) avoid telling people directly what you think Yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath Yes
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking No
    Cultural adaptation
    Can you :
    1) Sleep on a futon Yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes Yes. Good learning!
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand No
    4) sit in "seiza" Yes
    Do you :
    5) like J-pop No. Not much fond of
    6) like kabuki Yes
    7) read manga Yes
    8) like sumo Not really
    9) like everything that is cute Yes
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) Yes, very much
    That makes the score as: 3/6/7.
    Vegetarians should be given some relaxation

  21. #121
    Junior Member goticazen's Avatar
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    Oct 30, 2008
    4\8\7 nice...i like more the style then food...

  22. #122
    Registered User iamyours2007's Avatar
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    Dec 2, 2008
    Cebu City


    [QUOTE=Maciamo;78768]Alright, this test was made by me and can still be improved. Feel free to add more. But here we go. Count the number of yes for each category, so that you know how Japanese you are from 0 to 10 for each, then in total (Japanese are welcome to take the test too ) :
    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :
    1) Sushi - somehow
    2) Natto - it's a big NO
    3) Hijiki - yes
    4) Oden - yes
    5) Tofu - yes
    6) Umeboshi - yes
    7) Takuan - yes
    8) Fried fish - yes
    9) Whale - NO
    10) Miso soup - yes
    Do you :
    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house - i do
    2) slurp your ramen - nope, practiced but can't bear with it
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong - nope
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) - yep
    5) bow when you talk on the phone - hmmm.. sometimes..unconsciously
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) - only when i feel like buying...lol
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone - i do
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think - nope
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath - yes
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. - yes
    Cultural adaptation
    Can you :
    1) Sleep on a futon - yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes - yes! yes!
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - nope..too hard to do.
    4) sit in "seiza" - only when needed
    Do you :
    5) like J-pop - yes
    6) like kabuki - i do
    7) read manga - depends on the story
    8) like sumo - yes
    9) like everything that is cute - all the time
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) - pretty much

  23. #123
    Regular Member
    Join Date
    Dec 31, 2008

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi - No
    2) Natto - No
    3) Hijiki - No
    4) Oden - Yes
    5) Tofu - No
    6) Umeboshi - Yes
    7) Takuan - No
    8) Fried fish - Yes
    9) Whale - Yes
    10) Miso soup - Yes


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house - Yes
    2) slurp your ramen - Yes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong - No
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) - Yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone - No
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) - No
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone - Yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think - No
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath - Yes
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. - Yes

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon - Yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes - No
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - Yes
    4) sit in "seiza" - No

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop - No
    6) like kabuki - No
    7) read manga - Yes
    8) like sumo - No
    9) like everything that is cute - No
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) - Yes

    5 - 6 - 4


  24. #124
    1000 times is not enough Jericho Desu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 23, 2008
    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :
    1) Sushi
    2) Natto
    3) Hijiki
    4) Oden
    5) Tofu
    6) Umeboshi
    7) Takuan
    8) Fried fish
    9) Whale
    10) Miso soup

    Total = 4 yes

    Do you :
    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house
    2) slurp your ramen
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations)
    5) bow when you talk on the phone
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days)
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking.

    Total = 6 yes

    Cultural adaptation
    Can you :
    1) Sleep on a futon
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand
    4) sit in "seiza"
    Do you :
    5) like J-pop
    6) like kabuki
    7) read manga
    8) like sumo
    9) like everything that is cute
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring)

    Total = 6 yes

    So thats 16/30 lol, thing is I haven't tried many varieties of Japanese food or experienced alot of the things listed. If I tried this test again in 2-3 years I bet I'd get a higher score.

  25. #125
    Angel of Death Beautiful_Poison's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2, 2009
    The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi
    2) Natto
    3) Hijiki
    4) Oden
    5) Tofu
    6) Umeboshi
    7) Takuan
    8) Fried fish
    9) Whale
    10) Miso soup

    Total= 2

    Sushi, Fried Fish, and Whale are things I can't eat. I don't know what Nato, Hijiki, Oden, Umeboshi, and Takuan is. I can eat Tofu and Miso soup. I eat that all the time


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house
    2) slurp your ramen
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations)
    5) bow when you talk on the phone
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days)
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking.

    Total = 6
    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand
    4) sit in "seiza"

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop
    6) like kabuki
    7) read manga
    8) like sumo
    9) like everything that is cute
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring)

    Total = 8

    My bed used to be a futon, I watch Japanese shows all the time, I can't ride a bike, I sit in seiza all the time, I love J-pop, I've seen a few kabuki, I read manga like crazy, I like sumo, and my room is filled with random cutesy things.

    I am 16/30. I haven't tried a lot of Japanese things.

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