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Thread: Test your Japaneseness !

  1. #76
    Daydreamer Godisinvincible's Avatar
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    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi yes
    2) Natto
    3) Hijiki
    4) Oden
    5) Tofu yes
    6) Umeboshi
    7) Takuan
    8) Fried fish
    9) Whale
    10) Miso soup

    Total: 2 I wan't myad to cook morejapanese food:sad:


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house
    2) slurp your ramen Yes(everyone in sweden does o.O)
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong yes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) yes o.O
    5) bow when you talk on the phone no
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) no
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think yes >.<
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath o.O I don't bath, I shower >.<'
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. no

    Total: 5 (I'm so ashamed XD)

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand yes
    4) sit in "seiza" yes

    total: 4 (yeay)
    Do you :

    5) like J-pop yes..but I likej-rock more
    6) like kabuki ?
    7) read manga yes
    8) like sumo no-.-
    9) like everything that is cute yes
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) Never tried but I love the water and especially warm water so yes

    total: 4

    2-5-4-4 o.O I thought I was more japanese than that

  2. #77
    “ú–{‚ª‘åD‚«‚�· Hiroyuki's Avatar
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    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi = Definately, my favorite
    2) Natto = Yes
    3) Hijiki = Yes
    4) Oden = Yes
    5) Tofu = Yes
    6) Umeboshi = Yes
    7) Takuan = Yes
    8) Fried fish = Yes
    9) Whale = Can eat, but don't really enjoy it (a no i guess)
    10) Miso soup = Yes



    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house = Yes (we do that in Norway too
    2) slurp your ramen = Yes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong =Yes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) = Yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone = It happens (0.5p)
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) = Yes
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone = Yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think = Yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath = Yes
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. = No


    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon = Love it
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes = Some (0.5)
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand = No
    4) sit in "seiza" = For about 50 mins comfortably, a yes I guess

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop = Yes
    6) like kabuki = No
    7) read manga = No
    8) like sumo = No
    9) like everything that is cute = No
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) = Yes


    => 9 + 8.5 + 4.5 = 22

  3. #78
    Registered User
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    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi- of coz
    2) Natto- no
    3) Hijiki- wat dis?
    4) Oden- no
    5) Tofu- yes like it
    6) Umeboshi- not sure
    7) Takuan- yes
    8) Fried fish- yes
    9) Whale- no
    10) Miso soup- YES...

    TOTAL : 5


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house- yes
    2) slurp your ramen- no
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong- no
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations)- yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone- no
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days)- yes
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone- yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think- yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath- no
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking.- yes

    TOTAL : 6

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon- yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes- yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand- never try it
    4) sit in "seiza"- not sure

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop- um...
    6) like kabuki- never watch it
    7) read manga- yes.. yes
    8) like sumo- never watch it
    9) like everything that is cute- yes
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring)- yes

    TOTAL : 5

    GRAND TOTAL : 16

  4. #79
    ‚â‚Á‚½`I Tomii515's Avatar
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    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi - Never tried it, so no
    2) Natto - What's that? no
    3) Hijiki - Uhh... no
    4) Oden - Noo (I have no idea what that is) but I like udon XD
    5) Tofu - i LOVE tofu...yes
    6) Umeboshi - huh? no
    7) Takuan - i must not get around.... no
    8) Fried fish - I don't like fish...really X(
    9) Whale - aww, no...poor whaley
    10) Miso soup - I love miso soup, yes =D

    Score: 2...WOW That's loww haha


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house - most of the time, I don't like shoess...yes
    2) slurp your ramen - yupp =D
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong - I don't know what you mean...so no
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) - no... I say bye or wave
    5) bow when you talk on the phone - uhh...no
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) - whats that? no..
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone - yess ^^
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think - sometimes...If they ask, I'll tell them... I guess that's a yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath - no...
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. - pshhh I talk and run around a circleing and eat at the same time, so no XD

    Score: 4...Boooo

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon - yupp..yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes - I love it! yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - who can't? yess
    4) sit in "seiza" - yupp

    Score: 4...pretty good ^^

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop - my favorite kind of music ^^ yess
    6) like kabuki - Ummm... Not really, no
    7) read manga - chobits sometimes... yes
    8) like sumo - i think its funny... yes
    9) like everything that is cute - yeah =D KAWAII!
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) - no...never been to one o.o

    Score: 4...not bad... so...

    2 - 4 - 4 - 4




  5. #80
    김선아 Seon-a Kim's Avatar
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    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi yes
    2) Natto no
    3) Hijiki yes
    4) Oden yes
    5) Tofu yes
    6) Umeboshi no
    7) Takuan no
    8) Fried fish yes
    9) Whale no
    10) Miso soup no



    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house no but I do when I'm further inside though
    2) slurp your ramen no
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong no
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) no
    5) bow when you talk on the phone no o_O ...
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) no
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listening to someone yes
    8) avoid telling people directly what you think yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath no the more the better ^_^
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. no

    2/10 That went smooth... o_O

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand lol ..uhm well yes
    4) sit in "seiza" yes

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop Oh yes
    6) like kabuki yes yes (that only counts for one...I know
    7) read manga no
    8) like sumo yes
    9) like everything that is cute yes Such a cute question ^_^
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) yes


    16/30 = a total of 5,3/10

    That went well

  6. #81
    ¡–kŽY‹� Cue's Avatar
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    Wow, interesting!

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    Um, I can eat all of them, and have eaten them at least once. So, I'll answer if I like them or not.

    1) Sushi - Y
    2) Natto - N
    3) Hijiki - N
    4) Oden - Y
    5) Tofu - N
    6) Umeboshi - Hmm, not really.
    7) Takuan - No. I like most of the tsukemono(pickles) but not Takuan.
    8) Fried fish - Yes. I don't like fish much either, but I like it if it's fried ones and raw ones. Oh wait, what's fried fish? Yakizakana? or real deep-fried fish, like ones you can get at Mc'Donalds(in Japan) or one in the Fish and Chips???
    9) Whale - Hmm... No, I guess. I haven't had them for ages.
    10) Miso soup - N

    So, 3/10 LOL
    I don't really like Daizu except for Edamame, and accordingly, I don't like things made of it. I'm so picky...and looks like I don't like healthy food much, eh.

    Do you :
    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house - Y
    2) slurp your ramen - Y
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong - Yes. ALWAYS. xD
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) - Y
    5) bow when you talk on the phone - Y: I don't notice me doing it myself but prolly I do.
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) - Y
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone - Y: I seem to have a habit of saying "Sounan'ya." while listening to others.
    8) avoid telling people directly what you think - Hmm, Yes, I guess.
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath - No. Only bath powers sometime.
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. - Yes. But it depends. Not in the street around my neiboughor or on my way to work, but I do eat and walk around certain places... like when I'm strolling in the China town.

    Heh, 9/10. ^^;

    Cultural adaptation
    Can you :
    1) Sleep on a futon - Y
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes - Hmm, not interested much
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - N
    4) sit in "seiza" - Um, yes. But not for a long time.

    Do you :
    5) like J-pop - Y
    6) like kabuki - No. Never seen ones.
    7) read manga - Y
    8) like sumo - N
    9) like everything that is cute - Uh...yes, I guess.
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) - Y


    Total 18/30... 3/5. Average?
    But this test was fun! I love questionare and this kind of tests. ^_^

    I know nicotine kills
    But quitting smoking kills me now - ELLEGARDEN

  7. #82
    Junior Member Kkamshi's Avatar
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    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :
    1) Sushi Hai
    2) Natto Iie
    3) Hijiki Iie
    4) Oden Iie
    5) Tofu Hai
    6) Umeboshi Iie
    7) Takuan Iie
    8) Fried fish Hai
    9) Whale Hai
    10) Miso soup Hai


    Do you :
    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house Hai
    2) slurp your ramen Sometimes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong Sometimes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) Hai
    5) bow when you talk on the phone Sometimes
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) I used to do it.
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone Hai
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think Hai
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath Hai
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. Iie. I can eat anywhere.

    Y=5 1/2
    N=1 1/2

    Cultural adaptation
    Can you :
    1) Sleep on a futon Hai
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes Hai
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand Iie.
    4) sit in "seiza" Hai
    Do you :
    5) like J-pop Hai
    6) like kabuki Hai
    7) read manga Hai
    8) like sumo Iie
    9) like everything that is cute Not everything.
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) Hai
    Y=7 1/2
    N=2 1/2


    Hai = 18
    Iie = 9
    Sometimes = 3

  8. #83
    Creative Genious Tabz's Avatar
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    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi -yes
    2) Natto-no
    3) Hijiki-no
    4) Oden-yes
    5) Tofu-yes
    6) Umeboshi-no
    7) Takuan-no
    8) Fried fish-yes
    9) Whale-no
    10) Miso soup-yes



    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house-most of the time
    2) slurp your ramen-yes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong-yes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations)-yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone-no
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days)-no
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone-yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think-yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath-yes
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking.-yes


    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon-yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes-yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand-never tried
    4) sit in "seiza"-no


    Do you :

    5) like J-pop-yes
    6) like kabuki-yes
    7) read manga-yes
    8) like sumo-yes
    9) like everything that is cute-yes
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring)-no


  9. #84
    Registered User yamikitsune's Avatar
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    Sadly I can do all of them. My dad flys to Japan a lot and got me addicted to the culture.....

  10. #85
    ¡–kŽY‹� Cue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yamikitsune View Post
    Sadly I can do all of them. My dad flys to Japan a lot and got me addicted to the culture.....
    Haha, "sadly", eh?
    Welcome to JREF, Yamikitsune, by the way.

  11. #86
    Crazy cat man neko-san's Avatar
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    I got
    FOOD: 5
    Etiquette: 3
    Cultural adaptation: 7

    Ah well. I would have gotten higher in food if i knew what half the stuff was. I'll eat just about anything
    Etiquette seems normal for me cuz i really cant be formal no matter how hard i try.
    Funt test man. Great idea

  12. #87
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maciamo View Post
    Alright, this test was made by me and can still be improved. Feel free to add more. But here we go. Count the number of yes for each category, so that you know how Japanese you are from 0 to 10 for each, then in total (Japanese are welcome to take the test too ) :
    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    Do you :

    Cultural adaptation
    Can you :
    Harrharr forgive me, I'm Isragerman

  13. #88
    Regular Member KirinMan's Avatar
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    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :
    1) Sushi Yes
    2) Natto Yes
    3) Hijiki Yes
    4) Oden Yes
    5) Tofu Yes
    6) Umeboshi Yes
    7) Takuan Yes
    8) Fried fish Yes
    9) Whale Yes
    10) Miso soup Yes

    Do you :
    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house Yes
    2) slurp your ramen Yes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong Yes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) Yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone Yes
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) Yes
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone Yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think Yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath(Dont use a bath only shower)
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. Yes

    Cultural adaptation
    Can you :
    1) Sleep on a futon Yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes Yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand Dont ride bicycles,Location kind of problem
    4) sit in "seiza"Only when ABSOLUTELY necessary
    Do you :
    5) like J-pop Not just NO but HECK no
    6) like kabuki Yes
    7) read manga Only when bored
    8) like sumo Yes
    9) like everything that is cute No actually prefer "biijin kei"
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) Only when I have sore muscles


  14. #89
    ‚¢‚¢‚¶‚á‚È‚¢‚© chickie's Avatar
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    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :
    1) Sushi Yes
    2) Natto Yes!
    3) Hijiki Yes!
    4) Oden Yes
    5) Tofu Yes
    6) Umeboshi Yes
    7) Takuan Yes
    8) Fried fish Yes
    9) Whale Erm, no... I hate the smell of them tho my father likes them
    10) Miso soup Yes
    Do you :
    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house Yes
    2) slurp your ramen No I can't. I don't like ramen tbh.
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong Yes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) Yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone Yes
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) Yes(tho I don't like buying amiyage...)
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone Yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think Yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath No I love bubble baths.
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. Yes
    Cultural adaptation
    Can you :
    1) Sleep on a futon Yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes I don't watch TV much. Is it a "no"?
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand No. Never tried.
    4) sit in "seiza" Yes
    Do you :
    5) like J-pop Not really
    6) like kabuki Yes
    7) read manga Yes. I read way too many manga
    8) like sumo No
    9) like everything that is cute Hmm, no
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) Yes

  15. #90
    Junior Member kawaii_mike's Avatar
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    Heart Mr. Blackenese.....Maikeru-san

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :
    1) Sushi Yes...LOVE IT!!!!!
    2) Natto Yes!
    3) Hijiki Yes!
    4) Oden Yes
    5) Tofu Yes
    6) Umeboshi Yes
    7) Takuan Yes
    8) Fried fish Yes
    9) Whale Erm, no...
    10) Miso soup Yes
    Do you :
    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house Yes
    2) slurp your ramen Yes.
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong Yes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) Yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone No
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) Yes
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listening to someone Yes
    8) avoid telling people directly what you think Yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath No I love bubble baths.
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. Yes
    Cultural adaptation
    Can you :
    1) Sleep on a futon Yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes..Yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand Yes
    4) sit in "seiza" Yes
    Do you :
    5) like J-pop Yes Some
    6) like kabuki Yes
    7) read manga Yes. I read way too many manga
    8) like sumo Yes
    9) like everything that is cute Yes most
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) Yes

  16. #91
    Regular Member 82riceballs's Avatar
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    haha... i got 5-5-5... i'm only 50% japanese ^^

  17. #92
    Regular Member Pepe's Avatar
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    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi - It would take death to get me to stop.
    2) Natto - Dunno, but stay tuned, because when I visit Japan on the 3rd of July we shall find out!
    3) Hijiki - Hi-jack? I thought that's why we had airmarshals.
    4) Oden - Meh, I'll eat them when I'm hungry.
    5) Tofu - Fried, in soup, battered, bruised, you serve it I'll eat it!
    6) Umeboshi - Haven't crossed that bridge yet.
    7) Takuan - Nor that one.
    8) Fried fish - Fish 'n' Chips mate!
    9) Whale - I'm a little too environmentally conscious (read: haven't had a chance to give it a whirl yet)
    10) Miso soup - I am a preferred instant miso customer at my local Japanese food supermarket, does that count?



    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house - I'll remove your shoes when you enter my house, whether you like it or not.
    2) slurp your ramen - only when alone, but yeah, I do.
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong - somewhat, so 1/2 a point I guess. Please excuse me for taking the liberty.
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) - we Germans invented it, the Japanese perfected it.
    5) bow when you talk on the phone - no,I am an over-polite rigid German on the phone - must be seen to be believed.
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) - my 'colleagues' aren't worth it, well some of them anyway.
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone - 'aha......hmmmm...yeah....ahhh....yeah....hmmmhmmm m..."
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think - well, I...did you see that?
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath - I don't fit in a bath (6'6")
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking - to do so would demonstrate ones lack of respect for th food...respect the food DAMMIT!


    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon - I sleep where I am at, so yes.
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes - I PAY to watch animes etc. So, yes, again.
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - been there, done that. Doesn't keep you dry much though.
    4) sit in "seiza" - what "seiza" do they come in?


    Do you :

    5) like J-pop - yep.
    6) like kabuki - no.
    7) read manga - only in English (1/2 a point I guess).
    8) like sumo - yep, and I am jealous of what they get to eat all day ong...lucky S.O.B.'s.
    9) like everything that is cute - to quote my girlfriend 'PUZZONI!'. In addition, I once had a 'conversation' with a kitten. Dedication to cuteness eh?!?
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) - if it is big enough, yes.


    So..let me see...carry the one...total equals


    I guess I'd better buy a kimono to compliment the rice cooker I just ordered.

  18. #93
    Tell me, Tell me ~! Arlet's Avatar
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    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi - no (never tried )
    2) Natto - no
    3) Hijiki - no
    4) Oden - no
    5) Tofu - no
    6) Umeboshi - no
    7) Takuan - no
    8) Fried fish - yes
    9) Whale - no
    10) Miso soup - yes

    Thats 2

    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house - no
    2) slurp your ramen - yes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong - sometimes, but i'll make it a no.
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) - yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone - no (once i did, )
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) - no
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone - yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think - no
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath - no (can't resist )
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. - yes

    And 4

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon - yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes - yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - yes (it's hard...)
    4) sit in "seiza" - no (dont know what a seiza is...)

    Thats 3

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop - yes
    6) like kabuki - no
    7) read manga - yes
    8) like sumo - yes (it's fun to watch)
    9) like everything that is cute - yes
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) - yes

    And 5... so

    My score... ehm : 2 + 4 + 3 + 5 = 14/30... good score i guess
    Funny test!
    Siwon Sarangheayo~!<3

  19. #94
    Junior Member killuakaito's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 25, 2007
    IN A BOX


    1) Sushi hai!
    2) Natto hai!
    3) Hijiki iie!
    4) Oden iie!
    5) Tofu hai!
    6) Umeboshi IIE!
    7) Takuan IIE!
    8) Fried fish IIE!
    9) Whale hai!
    10) Miso soup HAI!


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house HAI
    2) slurp your ramen HAI
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong IIE!
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) HAI
    5) bow when you talk on the phone HAI
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) HAI
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone HAI
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think HAI
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath IIE!
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. HAI

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon HAI
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes HAI
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand HAI
    4) sit in "seiza" HAI

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop HAI!
    6) like kabuki ?? HAI?
    7) read manga HAI!
    8) like sumo HAI!
    9) like everything that is cute HAI~
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) HAI!!!


  20. #95
    Japanese American Hapa Matthew Ota's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 28, 2006
    United States

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi, yes, but I think it is highly overrated
    2) Natto, no have not tried it
    3) Hijiki, not tried it
    4) Oden, yes I like it
    5) Tofu, yes I like it
    6) Umeboshi, yes I like it
    7) Takuan not tried it
    8) Fried fish Yes
    9) Whale I tried it once, OK
    10) Miso soup yes I like it


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house Yes
    2) slurp your ramen Yes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong Yes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) No
    5) bow when you talk on the phone No
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) Yes
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone No
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think Yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath No
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. Yes

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon Yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes Yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand No
    4) sit in "seiza" Yrs

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop Yes
    6) like kabuki No
    7) read manga NO
    8) like sumo Yes
    9) like everything that is cute Yes
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) Yes

  21. #96
    has a fan Norwegiandude's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 5, 2007
    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :
    1) Sushi-yes
    2) Natto-NO
    3) Hijiki-no
    4) Oden-yes
    5) Tofu-Yes
    6) Umebosh-no
    7) Takuan-yes
    8) Fried fish-yes
    9) Whale-yes (actually eaten in norway, quite good)
    10) Miso soup-Yup
    Do you :
    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house-yup
    2) slurp your ramen-yup
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong-nope
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) - Yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone -yes
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) - Common tradition in norway too (except mostly only long trips)
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone - Yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think - no
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath - No
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. - try to but no
    Cultural adaptation
    Can you :
    1) Sleep on a futon - Yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes - Yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - eeasy
    4) sit in "seiza" - necessity for martial arts
    Do you :
    5) like J-pop - No
    6) like kabuki - Yes
    7) read manga - yes
    8) like sumo - Yes
    9) like everything that is cute - no(not the way the japanese do)
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) - of course!

    Pretty good, my host family has a lot of meat and european food so I don't have any problems with that.

  22. #97
    Junior Member gaige's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 10, 2007

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi:yeah sometimes
    2) Natto:no
    3) Hijiki:no
    4) Oden:no
    5) Tofu:yeah
    6) Umeboshi:no
    7) Takuan:no
    8) Fried fish:yes
    9) Whale:no
    10) Miso soup:yeah


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house:sometimes
    2) slurp your ramen:yeah
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong:sometimes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations):not that often but yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone:no
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days):yeah
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone:yeah
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think:sometimes usually behind their back
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath:no
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking:yeah

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon:yeah
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes:yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand :no
    4) sit in "seiza":yeah for only three hours

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop:yes
    6) like kabukinnagatta
    7) read manga:yeah
    8) like sumo:yeah
    9) like everything that is cute:yeah girls
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring):never been but want to!

  23. #98
    everybody's doll Hara_Kei's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 13, 2007
    sprawled across Jekka and Uruha's laps
    [XD This sounds fun~]


    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi: yes
    2) Natto: no
    3) Hijiki: yes
    4) Oden: yes
    5) Tofu: yes
    6) Umeboshi: yes
    7) Takuan: no
    8) Fried fish: yes
    9) Whale: yes
    10) Miso soup: yes


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house: yes
    2) slurp your ramen: yes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong: yes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations): no
    5) bow when you talk on the phone : no
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days): no
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone: yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think: yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath: yes
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking: yes

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon: yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes: yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand: yes
    4) sit in "seiza": yes

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop: yes
    6) like kabuki: no
    7) read manga: yes
    8) like sumo: no
    9) like everything that is cute: yes
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring): yes

    So thats: 8-7-8?
    love smells like [MARLBORO&DAVIDOFF]

  24. #99
    ƒ‰ƒYƒxƒ�[ƒWƒ…[ƒX Harun's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 15, 2007
    Birmingham, West Midlands, England
    i got
    I don't slurp!

  25. #100
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Aug 16, 2007

    Don't know what that means lmao


    1) Sushi - yes
    2) Natto - no
    3) Hijiki - no
    4) Oden - no (but want to try it)
    5) Tofu - yes
    6) Umeboshi - no
    7) Takuan - no
    8) Fried fish - yes
    9) Whale - no
    10) Miso soup - yes (have it all the time)


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house - yes
    2) slurp your ramen - do noodles count?
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong - yes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) - yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone - no
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) - i do sometimes
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone - yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think - yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath - yes, sometimes
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. - yes, i hate walking when i'm eating

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon - yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes - yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - haven't tried
    4) sit in "seiza" - i think i can

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop - yes, some of it
    6) like kabuki - no
    7) read manga - does fan fiction count? i do read some manga
    8) like sumo - its ok
    9) like everything that is cute - yes
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) - yes

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