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Thread: Test your Japaneseness !

  1. #51
    Regular Member
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    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi yes
    2) Natto no
    3) Hijiki no, never tried
    4) Oden yes
    5) Tofu no
    6) Umeboshi yes
    7) Takuan yes
    8) Fried fish yes
    9) Whale no
    10) Miso soup yes


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house yes, see below
    2) slurp your ramen yes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong yes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) yes, i find myself bowing very slightly now strangely
    5) bow when you talk on the phone no
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) no
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath no, but i haven't taken a "bath" in about 6 years though. I take showers every day.
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. no. im a "eat on the go" person. I eat a bag of chips and and drink a soda while riding my bike sometimes

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand yes
    4) sit in "seiza" yes

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop yes
    6) like kabuki yes
    7) read manga yes
    8) like sumo yes
    9) like everything that is cute only some stuff
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) yes

    So I scored a 6-6-9 = 21. Not bad.

    About the taking off the shoes thing. Im an ABSOLUTE NUT about this. I currently live in a dorm room by myself and I even take off my shoes before entering my room. When I go over to my cousin's house (where they don't take off their shoes in their house), I always take off my shoes, even when they tell me to leave them on, and sometimes we even get in dumb arguments about it. Its been standard practice in my household since i was born to take off my shoes. I can't walk in someone's house with my shoes on. Period. It just feels REALLY weird to do it

  2. #52
    Come into me Nightwalker's Avatar
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    Within my heart where my true love lives

    1) Sushi - Yes but it was overdue so it tasted kinda funny.
    2) Natto -No.
    3) Hijiki - No.
    4) Oden - No.
    5) Tofu - No.
    6) Umeboshi - No.
    7) Takuan - No.
    8) Fried fish- No...at least I don't think so.
    9) Whale - O___O No.
    10) Miso soup - No.


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house - No. But I take my shoes off at the door.
    2) slurp your ramen - No I just eat it.
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong - No.
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) - No.
    5) bow when you talk on the phone - No.
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) - No.
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone - Yes.
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think - Kinda.
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath - No! Bubbles! Wheeeee!
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. - No.

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon - No.
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes - Bear? I watch them I guess you could say.
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - Nope.
    4) sit in "seiza" - No.

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop - Yes!
    6) like kabuki - No.
    7) read manga - Yes!
    8) like sumo - Yes1
    9) like everything that is cute -YES!!
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) - Mmmm warm. Sure.
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  3. #53
    The Wise Idiot Clawn's Avatar
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    In the land of twilight under the moon.
    I got 5-7-7 total:19...Fried Fish? Wow, I'm more Japanese than I thought. Well at least I don't bow on the phone.
    I'm Back

  4. #54
    Regular Member
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    United Kingdon

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi = YES
    2) Natto = ?
    3) Hijiki = ?
    4) Oden = ?
    5) Tofu = YES
    6) Umeboshi = ?
    7) Takuan = ?
    8) Fried fish = YES
    9) Whale = YES
    10) Miso soup = YES

    Total = 5


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house = YES
    2) slurp your ramen = YES
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong = YES (unfortunately! HA HA HA)
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) = YES
    5) bow when you talk on the phone = NO
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) = ?
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone = YES
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think = YES
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath = YES
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. = YES (never had to)

    Total = 8

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon = NEVER TRIED, WOULDNT MIND THOUGH!
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes = YES
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand = YES
    4) sit in "seiza" = ?

    Total = 2

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop = YES
    6) like kabuki = NO
    7) read manga = YES
    8) like sumo = NO
    9) like everything that is cute = YES
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) = NEVER TRIED

    Total = 3

    Result: 5-8-2-3

  5. #55
    Registered User
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    Oct 19, 2005
    I probably wouldn't score very high, but my Korean friend's mother is very oriental. She does most of the things under etiquette, sleeps on a futon, has Korean Soap Operas on tape(many!), sits at a small table when eating and covers her mouth when she laughs. XP

  6. #56
    Registered User Kurosaki Shuichi's Avatar
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    New Jersey, USA

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi - No
    2) Natto - No
    3) Hijiki - No
    4) Oden - No
    5) Tofu - No
    6) Umeboshi - No
    7) Takuan - No
    8) Fried fish - No
    9) Whale - No
    10) Miso soup - No

    TOTAL - ...0...because I'm pathetic. ^^;


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house - Yes
    2) slurp your ramen - Sometimes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong - No
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) - Sometimes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone - No
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) - No
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone - Yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think - No
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath - Yes
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking - No

    TOTAL - 4...wow.

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon - Maybe...I dunno.
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes - Probably
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - I can't even ride a bike at all...so no...
    4) sit in "seiza" - Yes

    TOTAL - 2

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop - Somewhat. Prefer J-Rock though.
    6) like kabuki - Never seen one.
    7) read manga - Yes
    8) like sumo - No
    9) like everything that is cute - No
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) - Never tried

    TOTAL - 2

    Aren't I pathetic? xD

  7. #57
    So....Sleepy...*snore* Kuro_Tsubasa69's Avatar
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    Dec 10, 2003

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi - yes
    2) Natto - no
    3) Hijiki - no
    4) Oden - no
    5) Tofu - yes
    6) Umeboshi - no
    7) Takuan - yes
    8) Fried fish -yes
    9) Whale - no
    10) Miso soup - yes

    TOTAL : 5. Actually probably more, since my mom makes Japanese food alot, but i don't know the names....so i had to put no....


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house - yep
    2) slurp your ramen - yes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong - yes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) -yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone - no
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) -no
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone -yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think -no
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath -yes
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. - nope

    Total = 6

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon -yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes -yes.
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - yes
    4) sit in "seiza" - yep

    Total = 4

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop -yes
    6) like kabuki -yes
    7) read manga -yes
    8) like sumo - not really...
    9) like everything that is cute - yep
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) -yes

    Total = 5

    And the grand total is....*drumroll please* ........ 20!! Maybe i'm not so lame after all!
    "I don't wanna grow up, i'm a toys 'r us kid"

  8. #58
    Old Sansei
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    Jan 5, 2004

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi- Yes
    2) Natto- No
    3) Hijiki- No
    4) Oden- No
    5) Tofu- Yes
    6) Umeboshi- Yes
    7) Takuan- Yes
    8) Fried fish- Yes
    9) Whale-No
    10) Miso soup- Yes


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house- yes
    2) slurp your ramen- Yes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong- Yes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations)- No
    5) bow when you talk on the phone- No
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days)- yes
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone- Yes
    8) avoid telling people directly what you think- Yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath- No
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking.- No

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon- Yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes- Yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand- No
    4) sit in "seiza"- yes

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop- Yes
    6) like kabuki- Somewhat
    7) read manga- Yes
    8) like sumo- Yes
    9) like everything that is cute- Yes
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring)- Yes


    6, 6, and 8 for a very acculturated nihonjin. maybe the test is flawed?

  9. #59
    ‘�•Ï‚í‚炸•s‘©ŽÒ‚�· epigene's Avatar
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    Nov 10, 2004

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi - YES
    2) Natto - YES
    3) Hijiki - YES
    4) Oden - YES
    5) Tofu - YES
    6) Umeboshi - YES
    7) Takuan -YES
    8) Fried fish - YES
    9) Whale - YES (but don't really appreciate it)
    10) Miso soup - YES


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house - YES
    2) slurp your ramen - NO
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong - YES
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) - YES
    5) bow when you talk on the phone - YES
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) - NO
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone - YES
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think - YES
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath - YES
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. - YES

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon - YES
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes - NO
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - NO
    4) sit in "seiza" - YES

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop - NO
    6) like kabuki - NO
    7) read manga - NO
    8) like sumo - NO
    9) like everything that is cute - NO
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) - NO

    My score: 10-8-2

    Am I Japanese?

  10. #60
    Regular Member Tokis-Phoenix's Avatar
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    England, Somerset
    I scored 6-7-8, i havn't tried 4 of the foods listed(although i wouldn't eat whale anyways for reasons of morality) and i don't bow when i talk on the phone- i dont know what omiyage is and i always tell people what i think.
    I havn't seen kabuki yet although i'd like to one day but i think it would be pretty impossible for me to ride a bike and hold an umbrella at the same time .

  11. #61
    Join Date
    Sep 18, 2005

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi Yes
    2) Natto No (But many Japanese I know are the same!)
    3) Hijiki Yes
    4) Oden Yes (especially daikon!)
    5) Tofu Yes
    6) Umeboshi Yes
    7) Takuan Yes
    8) Fried fish Yes
    9) Whale Yes
    10) Miso soup Yes


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house Yes
    2) slurp your ramen Yes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong Yes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) Yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone Yes
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) Yes
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone Yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think Yes, in the sense you mean when I speak in Japanese
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath Yes
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. Yes

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon Yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes Yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand Yes
    4) sit in "seiza" Yes

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop ...Some of it...Is that a yes?
    6) like kabuki I much prefer Kyogen and Rakugo and Bunraku
    7) read manga I don't currently read manga. I used to.
    8) like sumo Yes
    9) like everything that is cute No
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) Yes

    9\10\8 or 9

    Do you really think such cosmetic things are what makes one Japanese? (I have an inkling that the answer is no, but...)

  12. #62
    dead loss. yup, thats me! yakutatazu's Avatar
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    Oct 14, 2005
    only 16! well, that's because I don't know most of the food.
    after that it's OK.

  13. #63
    Booyah! Da Monstar's Avatar
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    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi yes
    2) Natto Wha?
    3) Hijiki Wha?
    4) Oden Wha?
    5) Tofu Never tried it, I prefer Meat
    6) Umeboshi Wha?
    7) Takuan Wha?
    8) Fried fish "Yummy"
    9) Whale no, not availabe here I'm afraid
    10) Miso soup Wha?


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house yes
    2) slurp your ramen yes
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong no
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) yes but only in Formal situations
    5) bow when you talk on the phone wha? NO!
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) no
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath yes (I only do showers, but use soap there, does that count? I don't think so )
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. no

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes HELL YES!
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand no umbrellas are for girls
    4) sit in "seiza" yes But it hurts like hell in my legs when getting up

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop yes
    6) like kabuki no
    7) read manga yes
    8) like sumo no only occaysionally for fun, but not really
    9) like everything that is cute no Only the girls
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) yes, too bad we dont have those in Denmark

    14 total.

    If you're not already embarassed by your own sad ******* existence, then I assure you, nothing I can ever do or say is going to make you blush. -Randal Graves (the Clerk)

  14. #64
    Regular Member MWThomas's Avatar
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    Nov 29, 2004

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi No
    2) Natto No
    3) Hijiki No
    4) Oden No
    5) Tofu No
    6) Umeboshi No
    7) Takuan No
    8) Fried fish No
    9) Whale No
    10) Miso soup No


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house No
    2) slurp your ramen No
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong No
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) No
    5) bow when you talk on the phone No
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) No
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone No
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think No
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath I don't bathe, I shower
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. Yes

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon No
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes Yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand No
    4) sit in "seiza" No

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop No
    6) like kabuki No
    7) read manga No
    8) like sumo No
    9) like everything that is cute No
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) No

  15. #65
    Ai to Heiwa Mitsuki's Avatar
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    Jan 16, 2006

    1) Sushi-No
    2) Natto-Not sure what that is, so no.
    3) Hijiki-Not sure what that is, so no.
    4) Oden-Not sure what that is, so no.
    5) Tofu-Never had, so no.[/i]
    6) Umeboshi-Never had, so no.
    7) Takuan-Not sure what that is, so no.
    8) Fried fish-Yes
    9) Whale-Not quite sure if that sounds too tasty, so no..
    10) Miso soup-Never had, so no.[/i]


    Do you :

    1) Remove your shoes before entering your own house-Yes.
    2) Slurp your ramen-Nope.
    3) Excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong-Nope.
    4) Bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations)-Nope.
    5) Bow when you talk on the phone-Nope.
    6) Buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days)-Nope.
    7) Nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listening to someone-Yes.
    8) Avoid teling people directly what you think-Yes.
    9) Avoid putting soap or foam in your bath-Yes.
    10) Refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking.-Yes.

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon-Yes.
    2) Bear Japanese TV programmes-Of course. I watch subbed Anime.
    3) Ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand-Yes.
    4) Sit in "seiza"-I've never done that before, so no.
    Do you :
    5) Like J-pop-Yes.
    6) Like kabuki-Never heard of it, so no.
    7) Read manga-Yes.
    8) Like sumo-Nope.
    9) Like everything that is cute-Yes!
    10) Like "onsen" (hot spring)-Yeah.

    Total: Thirteen!

  16. #66
    Banned justin9213's Avatar
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    Dec 27, 2005

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) NO
    2) NO
    3) NO
    4) NO
    5) NO
    6) NO
    7) NO
    8) YES
    9) NO
    10) NO


    Do you :

    1) NO
    2) YES
    3) YES
    4) NO
    5) NO
    6) NO
    7) YES
    8) YES
    9) NO
    10) YES
    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) NO
    2) YES
    3) NO
    4) YES

    Do you :

    5) YES
    6) NO
    7) YES
    8) NO
    9) YES


  17. #67
    The Geezer Sensuikan San's Avatar
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    Feb 9, 2005
    Near Vancouver BC

    Moi Aussi? Let's go ...

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :
    1) Sushi: Yes, Yes, Yes ... (OK, I'll just count one "yes"!)
    2) Natto: Dunno ... No
    3) Hijiki:Yes
    4) Oden:Yes
    5) Tofu:Yes
    6) Umeboshi:Yes
    7) Takuan: Dunno - so No
    8) Fried fish:Yes
    9) Whale:I've had it, so Yes
    10) Miso soup:Had it yesterday for lunch. Yes
    Do you :
    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house:Yes (I used to live in Ontario!
    2) slurp your ramen: Yes.(Who can't?)
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong:Sadly, Yes.
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations):Yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone:Yes(Why...?)
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days):No.
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone: Doesn't everyone? Yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think:Are you kidding? Yes.
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath:No.
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking.No.
    Cultural adaptation
    Can you :
    1) Sleep on a futon - Yes.
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes - Yes. I Roll around at the more violent game shows I've seen!
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - Yes. I'm British and live in Vancouver. Not that you're likely to see me doing it ....
    4) sit in "seiza" (What the hell is a 'Seiza'?) No
    Do you :
    5) like J-pop :No
    6) like kabuki:Hmmmmm.... No.
    7) read manga: Hmmmmmm ... I have ... so Yes.
    8) like sumo: Yeah ... Sumo's OK ... Yes.
    9) like everything that is cute: Pretty much ... so Yes.
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) ..... oooooh,Yes.
    Good heavens!
    Why have an electric toothbrush ... if you don't have electric teeth?

  18. #68
    Regular Member Nicky's Avatar
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    Jan 23, 2006

    1) Yes
    2) NO
    3) Yes
    4) No by default
    5) Yes
    6) No by default
    7) No by default
    8) Yes
    9) No by default
    10) Some what, but I'll pick No by default anyways.



    1) No
    2) Sometimes, No by default
    3) Never
    4) yes
    5) yes
    6) No
    7) Sometimes/ No by default
    8) No
    9) No
    10) Yes


    Cultural adaptation

    1) Yes
    2) No
    3) Yes
    4) Ouch
    5) No
    6) No by default
    7) Yes
    8) No by default
    9) No by default =/
    10) No by default


  19. #69
    Registered User gabbiechan's Avatar
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    Nova Scotia

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi - Yes
    2) Natto - Yes
    3) Hijiki - yes
    4) Oden - yes
    5) Tofu - yes
    6) Umeboshi - yes
    7) Takuan - yes
    8) Fried fish - yes
    9) Whale - no
    10) Miso soup - yes


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house - Yes
    2) slurp your ramen - no
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong - no
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) - yes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone - yes, LOL
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) - yes
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone - yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think - no
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath - yes
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. - yes

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon - yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes - yes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - yes
    4) sit in "seiza" - yes, but i prefer not to.

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop - yes
    6) like kabuki - yes
    7) read manga - yes
    8) like sumo - no
    9) like everything that is cute - ^^; yes
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) - yes


  20. #70
    Trigger Crono's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 7, 2004
    Miami FL
    I got a 4-3-5 i havent tried a lot of foods, though i would like to.

  21. #71
    Join Date
    Apr 22, 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by nekosasori
    5) bow when you talk on the phone - If I'm speaking in Japanese, yes
    you bow when you talk on the phone? but they won't see you!
    unless you say "by the way i'm bowing" lol

  22. #72
    Œå‹ó ‚� ‚©‚Ì‚¶‚å Takaryo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 10, 2006
    With the Sanzo-ikkou (yeah, right)

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi-yes
    2) Natto-huh?
    3) Hijiki-huh?
    4) Oden-yes
    5) Tofu-yes...(fried ones are nice)
    6) Umeboshi-huh?
    7) Takuan-huh?
    8) Fried fish-yes
    9) Whale-never ate...
    10) Miso soup-yes

    I love Japanese food. Just that some...I've never ate before...


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house-duh
    2) slurp your ramen-yesh!
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong-stragely...yes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations)-sometimes
    5) bow when you talk on the phone-uh...no
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days)- I buy them soemthing else since I'm not in Japan now.
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone-yes
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think-yes
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath-I don't have a bathtub...
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking.-sometimes

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon-yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes-I love japanese tv programmes
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand-yes
    4) sit in "seiza"-I sit like that almost all the time

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop-yes!
    6) like kabuki-yes!
    7) read manga-of course...yes!
    8) like sumo-it's quite entertaining. ^^
    9) like everything that is cute-yup. But I like those that are the opposite of cute too.
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring)-oooh...nice...
    –¼‘O ‚́u‚è‚å‚­‚ñvB ��‚� ƒAƒjƒ� ‚� �V‹L ‚� ��‚̐l ‚� Œå‹ó ‚�·B

    Kinkaku to Ginkaku. Futari wa youkai no ko da yo. Hitori wa Kinpatsu. Aitsu no oniichan wa Ginpatsu. Kinkaku wa me mo kin no iro de Ginkaku wa me mo gin no iro desu.
    +My site+ +My LJ+

  23. #73
    ƒtƒ@ƒ“ƒ^ƒXƒeƒBƒ| “°–{ƒ†[ƒdƒL's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 7, 2006
    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :
    1) Sushi -@LOVE IT!
    2) Natto - eeem... not sure... don't think i hate it though...
    3) Hijiki - never tried
    4) Oden - i think so...
    5) Tofu - YES!
    6) Umeboshi - yes
    7) Takuan - it's okay
    8) Fried fish - YES!
    9) Whale - uum... never tried? hehe
    10) Miso soup - YES!
    Do you :
    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house - ALWAYS!!!
    2) slurp your ramen - YEP!
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong - i do sometimes
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations) - most of the time
    5) bow when you talk on the phone - hm, when i'm talking to my sensei sometimes i think
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days) - sometimes
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone - when i want to
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think - i think i tend to do that
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath - um... i hardly take a bath anyway, mostly just shower...
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking. - i don't eat while standing/walking in public/street/sidewalk kinda thing, but i do sometimes at more informal places, such as my house...
    Cultural adaptation
    Can you :
    1) Sleep on a futon - I LOVE TO!
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes - I LOOVE NIPPON TEREBI BANGUMI!!!!
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand - hm... never tried it...
    4) sit in "seiza" - YEP! do it a lot...
    Do you :
    5) like J-pop - YES!!
    6) like kabuki - never seen one, BUT THEY'RE COOL!
    7) read manga - YES!
    8) like sumo - kinda
    9) like everything that is cute - YES!!
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring) - YES!!!

  24. #74
    Banned osias's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 5, 2006
    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :
    1) Sushi: Yes
    2) Natto:Yes, good for your health
    3) Hijiki: don't know
    4) Oden: Yes
    5) Tofu: Don't know
    6) Umeboshi: Yes
    7) Takuan: Yes
    8) Fried fish: Don't know
    9) Whale: No (Is this Japaneseness? most Japanese people don't eat whale....)
    10) Miso soup: Yes
    Do you :
    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house: No, I remove my shoes after entering my house.
    2) slurp your ramen: No
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong: No
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations): No
    5) bow when you talk on the phone: No
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days): Sometimes
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listenning to someone: don't know
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think: Yes and no
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath: No
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking.: No
    Cultural adaptation
    Can you :
    1) Sleep on a futon: Yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes: what TV programmes?
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand : Yes
    4) sit in "seiza": No, I hate it
    Do you :
    5) like J-pop: Some are pretty cool..but ..
    6) like kabuki: Never seen kabuki before
    7) read manga: Not often
    8) like sumo: No
    9) like everything that is cute: Depends
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring): Not really

    Oh, well, am I japanese? Yes!

  25. #75
    Lost in Translation Hideki_Matsui_Beast's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 24, 2005

    Can you eat/Do you like (if you don't know what it is, then "no") :

    1) Sushi-No
    2) Natto-Don't know
    3) Hijiki-Don't know
    4) Oden-Don't know
    5) Tofu-Never tried it
    6) Umeboshi-Don't know
    7) Takuan-Don't know
    8) Fried fish-Yes
    9) Whale-Never tried, but wouldn't eat it
    10) Miso soup-Don't know


    Do you :

    1) remove your shoes before entering your own house-No
    2) slurp your ramen-No, I can't stand people making noise when they eat
    3) excuse yourself all the time even when you are not wrong-No
    4) bow (even slightly) when greeting or seeing someone off (in formal situations)-No
    5) bow when you talk on the phone-No
    6) buy omiyage for your colleagues, friends or family when you go somewhere (even for a few days)-No
    7) nod or make little sounds agreement showing that you are listening to someone-Not really
    8) avoid teling people directly what you think-No
    9) avoid putting soap or foam in your bath-I don't take baths
    10) refrain from eating in the street or while standing/walking-No

    Cultural adaptation

    Can you :

    1) Sleep on a futon-Yes
    2) bear Japanese TV programmes-No
    3) ride a bicycle with an umbrella in one hand-No
    4) sit in "seiza"-No, bad knees

    Do you :

    5) like J-pop-No
    6) like kabuki-No
    7) read manga-No
    8) like sumo-No
    9) like everything that is cute-Not everything
    10) like "onsen" (hot spring)-Never tried it


    Looks like I'm not quite Japanese.
    Angels will run and hide their wings...

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