Thank you for helping me, Elizabeth.
If you have a chance or time, please continue are probably closer to natural speech patterns.
If you have a chance or time, please continue‚Í‹°‚ç‚A‚æ‚莩‘R� Șb‚µ•û‚É‹ß‚�‚�µ� 傤B
Since it isn't necessary to emphasize English or repeat "teach."
‰pŒê‚ð‹’²‚·‚邱‚�A‚ ‚½‚�"teach"‚ðŒJ‚è•Ô‚·‚±‚ �Í•K—v‚�È‚¢‚Ì‚�B
usince = `‚Ì‚�A‚¾‚©‚çi•¶“ª‚É u‚©‚ê‚éê‡A’¼Ú‚ÌŒ´� ö‚ð•\‚µAbecause‚æ‚è�–¡‚ª Žã‚Aas‚æ‚è‹‚¢jv
ESince you feel tired, you should rest.
� ‚È‚½‚Í”æ‚ê‚�¢‚é‚� ‚¾‚©‚çA‹x—{‚ð‚�é‚ׂ ‚¾B
ESince the car isn't working, we'll have to take the train.
ŽÔ‚ª“®‚©‚È‚¢‚Ì‚¾‚©‚ç AŽ„‚½‚¿‚Í“dŽÔ‚Éæ‚é‚× «‚¾B
EIt must have rained, since the ground is wet.
’n–Ê‚ªŽ¼‚Á‚�¢‚é‚�± ë‚ðŒ©‚é‚�A‰J‚ª~‚Á‚½� É�‚¢‚È‚¢B
uemphasizei‚¦‚ñ‚Ó‚Ÿ‚³‚¢‚¸ j = ‹’²m—Í�n‚·‚é; iŒ¾—t‚Éj—Í‚ð“ü‚ê‚é; iŒ`EF‚È‚�ðj–Ú—§‚½‚¹ ‚é.v
unecessaryi‚Ë‚¹‚³[‚èj= •K—v‚Èv
upattern = –Í”�, Žè–{; Œ^, �î–{Œ^, —lŽ®; –ÍŒ^; –Í—l, •¿; i•ž‚È‚�ÌjŒ©–{, —á; ‹@\; î¨, ŒXŒü.v

In this case, it appears Mac is an administrator trying to convince Maciamo to stay on at his present job -- Please continue teaching English here no matter what.
‚±‚Ìê‡AMac‚ªMaciamo‚É”Þ� ÌŒ»Ý‚Ì–ð–ڂ𗯂܂é‚æ ‚¤‚É”[“¾‚³‚¹‚�¢‚é‚悤‚�Addmi nistrator‚ÉŒ©‚¦‚éB
"no matter what" is difficult to translate to me. Hmm.
uIt appears (that ... .) = ‚�¤‚�....‚炵‚¢Bi...‚Ì æ‚¤‚ÉŒ©‚¦‚éjv
uconvince = �mMm”[“¾n‚³‚¹‚év
upresent = Œ»Ý‚Ìv

Hmmm. It appears I have said a terrible thing to Maciamo.

My friends have said "teach me is unnatural" as well before.
But "If you have a chance or time, please continue" is enough to say?
I think I don't know what I wish to him/her.

How about "If you have enough time, please continue helping"? (^^;;;;