It is very difficult to determine southern and northern Chinese even the two are genetically quite different. I pick him because I have seen thousands of Chinese who look roughly like that. In the case of Chinese, it is not accomplishable to search for an individual model or an original as symbolic of her community, exclusively for potentially definite cultural factors.
What I don't agree on your arguments are the bits where you discussed about the double eye lids of East Asians. Are you certain when Japanese have double eye lids they are mostly of what your pictures suggested? It is just that I have seen quite some number of Japanese with similar double eye lids to those of Chinese. I also disagree that you think on average, Japanese appearances are nowhere in East Asian.
If that is really the case why they couldn’t tell I am not Japanese by just looking at me, I am sure other Chinese or Koreans, possibly even Vietnamese probably have experienced similar things.
I found a Chinese girl which has a rather typical Chinese face.
This is a Taiwanese singer, his face is quite typical of Han, Chinese.
This is Ren Xian Qi, a Taiwanese singer.
I choose these two celebrities because they are not pretty boys, but rather average Chinese looking, they are famous for their talents not for their looks unlike some others.
Another Chinese person with a common chinese face.
Out of these three pictures which one do you think is Japanese, Chinese and Korean?
Why don't you take a quiz to see whether you can determine who is who?
Below is the link to the quiz: