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Thread: Meiji : a real cultural revolution

  1. #1
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    Jul 17, 2002

    Meiji : a real cultural revolution

    In the mid 19th century, Japan had been a country closed to the Western world (with the notable exceptions of the Dutch trading post in Nagasaki) for about two and half centuries. During that time, Japanese society and technological advances progressed very slowly compared to Western powers.
    Pressed by foreign insistance to open its ports to international commerce, the Japanese shogunate first tried to ignore them, but then had no choice but to cede after the Americans, under commodore Perry, threatened to use their guns' power if Japan refused to cooperate. Japanese thus reluctantly let the "long-nosed barbarians", as they were referred to, trade in a few Japanese ports under a fairly unequal trade treaties. That included not only the Americans, but also the British, French, Dutch and Russians.

    This caused great discontentment among the Japanese, and a few samurai planned to overthrow the government. Their first intention was to subsequently push the foreigners out of Japan, but as they organised their rebellion, they had no choice but to negotiate with Western powers themselves. After a failed uprising in Choshu (Western end of Honshu), some samurai from Tosa (southern Shikoku) created a alliance with samurai from Satsuma (southern Kyushu) and the remaining Choushu samurai. While France backed the shogunate, Britain helped the rebels by providing them with guns. The rebellious samurai could this way arm peasants to fight on their side, and eventually suceeded in a few weeks in taking control of the whole country.

    In a complete reversal of situation, the new leaders were now convinced that Japan had to modernize itself, which meant adopting Western technology, system and knowledge. Thus started the great changes of the Meiji restoration. Here is a list of the transformations that Japan underwent during the last 3 decades of the 19th century.


    - adoption of Western weapons
    - adoption of Western uniforms
    - adoption of Western-style military music
    - adoption of Western military organization (titles, etc.)
    - creation of a Western-style Navy
    - Beginning of conscription

    Culture & Education

    - compulsory schooling
    - first universities
    - developpement of Western-style literature (in contrast to haiku, kabuki, no, etc.)
    - developpement of Western-style painting (in contrast to ukiyoe)

    Government & Society

    - Western legal system (=> one condition to revise the unequal treaties)
    - bicameral parliament
    - nation-wide tax (as opposed to daimyo domain taxes)
    - creation of prefectures (in replacement to daimyo domains)
    - suppression of samurai rights (swords...) and stipends
    - suppression of the fixed social classes/occupations
    - permission for commoners to move outisde their villages
    - creation of family names for everybody


    - adoption of Western clothes ( 洋服 ) for everybody from the Emperor to manual workers.
    - adoption of Western hairstyles
    - develpopment of Western entertainment (dances, music, literature...)
    - Western-style houses/buildings (which has evolved to a new hybrid style after WWII)
    - Westernized etiquette (though only partly)
    - women stopped shaving their eyebrows and blacken their teeth.
    Last edited by Maciamo; Mar 14, 2004 at 00:41.

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    "What is the use of living, if it be not to strive for noble causes and to make this muddled world a better place for those who will live in it after we are gone?", Winston Churchill.

  2. #2
    Vg Eternal Wind's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 30, 2004
    Wow..........good for my knowledge
    Why is there no improvements to the law?
    just asking
    thanks for the imformation!

  3. #3
    Regular Member
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    Sep 5, 2003
    says lots of rifles, used ones in us civil war, at least 300,000 influxed just before meiji, perhaps minie rifles with better loading system for satsuma-choshu alliance and older type for tokugawa. so, would that be like as a result of a pecking order that jpn invaded neighbours under the examplary model of western powers?? just like at the time of hideyoshi.... remember a bit nhk tv documentary program several years ago, its about jpn invasion to korea, and jpn army said to have brutally persecuted specific village people saying they were descendants of samurais at hideyoshi time who defected and changed sides....

  4. #4
    ~*天 under の heaven 下*~ emperor's Avatar
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    Apr 1, 2004
    Emperor Meiji really is a praiseworthy and formidable ruler is East Asia in the late 19th century, the Westernization of Japan has made the nation became a strong power in the East. Defeat China(1895) and Russia(1905) is a great achievement for Japan, but the emperor has guilded the Japan to the militarism and imperialism way, this is really bad. WW2, Nanjing Massacre etc are the darkest point in history... Nothing to say~~

  5. #5
    Regular Member kuchi's Avatar
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    Apr 12, 2004
    vegas, 1/4 swiss + 1/4 swedish=1/2 coward
    wow maciamo, iv never encountered anyone that had it all down pat like that, rl or internet. usually i have to laboriously explain every single detail...even too japanese/americans . the only detail you left out is the advent or worsening of christianity/missionaries, and the railroad sry had too nitpick, i am still impressed tho...
    -wisdom is being able to entertain an idea without accepting it-

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