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Thread: Xmas & Love Hotels in Japan

  1. #1
    Twirling dragon Maciamo's Avatar
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    Xmas & Love Hotels in Japan

    BBC News : No room at Japan's Love Hotels at Christmas

    Like many other non-Christian countries, Japan has got into the habit of celebrating Christmas.
    But as well as the usual decorations and presents, the Japanese have also made this season into an uniquely romantic one.

    Guests pay according to how many hours they stay
    For the country's famous Love Hotels - fantastic-looking roadside buildings which beckon travellers with flashes of neon - this is by far their busiest time of year.

    Christmas Eve has, for reasons no-one has been able to explain to me, become the most romantic night of the calendar.

    At a time when many Christians are in church, it has become a tradition for young couples to enjoy their first moments of passion; for suitors to propose marriage; for older couples to escape the noisy confines of the family home for a rare night of intimacy.

    Ideally, this should happen in a luxury hotel. But these are booked up months in advance, and are beyond the pockets of many Japanese.

    However strange your preferred theme, there will be a Love Hotel somewhere for you

    The alternative is a Love Hotel. With beguiling names like the Hotel Seeds, Hotel Carrot and Hotel Be Free, they offer guests rates for what is called "rest" - two to four hours - or "stay" - in other words overnight.

    Inside you are spared the embarrassment of checking in. You simply punch the room you want on a panel of buttons and you are given a key card, which you insert at the end of your stay to pay the bill.

    The rooms themselves can have astonishing decorations. The bed might be a full-size 1950s Cadillac car. Some rooms have illuminated displays on the walls and ceiling that make it feel like you are under the sea. Some have Hello Kitty dolls in leather underwear and handcuffs.

    However strange your preferred theme, there will be a Love Hotel somewhere for you. The only disadvantage is you cannot book these hotels in advance.

    Which means on Christmas Eve, you might have to queue in the cold and unromantic street before you get a room.

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  2. #2
    Regular Member neko_girl22's Avatar
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    has anyone here stayed at a love hotel? My hubby and I were going to stay at one last weekend while we were away, because for one it is the cheapest form of accomodation plus I have never been in one and have always wanted to go! but as it turned out I was unwell and couldn't travel anyway
    anyone brave enough to share their experiences???

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 27, 2003
    They are called "No tell hotels" here in America!

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Danshaku Elizabeth's Avatar
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    Apr 22, 2003
    Originally posted by nzueda
    has anyone here stayed at a love hotel? My hubby and I were going to stay at one last weekend while we were away, because for one it is the cheapest form of accomodation plus I have never been in one and have always wanted to go! but as it turned out I was unwell and couldn't travel anyway
    anyone brave enough to share their experiences???
    I've been in one, in Yokohama, but not overnight or anything. The oddest thing in that room were two karaoke microphones on the wall....maybe to encourage serenading or romantic love ballads in the aftermath . Is that a standard feature anywhere else?

  6. #6
    Where I'm Supposed to Be kirei_na_me's Avatar
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    My best friend told me that she and her friends would skip school sometimes and go to a love hotel just to hang out. She said the main thing they did was sing karaoke, so maybe that's one of the reasons the microphones are in there? For people that just want to go there to have non-sexual fun? They didn't vibrate or anything did they?
    i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)

  7. #7
    Danshaku Elizabeth's Avatar
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    Originally posted by kirei_na_me
    My best friend told me that she and her friends would skip school sometimes and go to a love hotel just to hang out. She said the main thing they did was sing karaoke, so maybe that's one of the reasons the microphones are in there?
    Yeah, I didn't think to notice anything else about the room acoustically, but it could be for people that would be too embarrassed to go otherwise can now request a room for singing. Or as you say when a group of girl school chums really wanted to come together....

  8. #8
    You SPAM/We BAN !
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    Making Me All Hot & Bothered !!!

    Brings back a lot of memories-mirrors everywhere-large hot tub-red lighting-short timers !!!
    I bet it's an interesting story about how a libarian ended up in a LOVE Hotel ??? I'm Shocked !!!!


  9. #9
    Danshaku Elizabeth's Avatar
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    To me the decor and room size made it even more cold and impersonal, but having time to enjoy all those amenities might make a big difference. There really isn't any place like home though....;)

  10. #10
    Regular Member neko_girl22's Avatar
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    I've seen some sites of love hotels with amazing themes but I live in rural Japan and a lot of the love hotels look so run down and cheap.... they're probably just a room with a TV. I guess it's better to go to a love hotel in a city?

  11. #11
    Regular Member pdx's Avatar
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    Yeah, the ones in Tokyo are awesome. Even the cheapest crappiest one you can find in the back of Shin-Okubo is better than anything you have seen out in the country.
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  12. #12
    Regular Member Old School's Avatar
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    I lost count on how many love hotels I've been in but they've all been very different from each other - from traditional Japanese decor to rock 'n' roll to medieval
    Europe to futuristic space age. Mostly in tokyo's Shibuya and Shinjuku areas. One was kinda unintentional - I was hanging out with a bunch of girls at a heavy metal disco (Tsubaki House) and when we got out, I missed the last train. One of the girls "volunteered" to stay with me and led me to a love hotel. Well, no sleep there either. It was kinda average but I did like the 3D porn they were showing (2 pairs of 3D goggles were supplied). My girlfriend loved going to these things and was very picky so we'd go from one to the other until she made a decision. (And no I wasn't cheating on her, that other incident happened 2 months before I met her). I still have a few of the matchbooks from the places.
    When you least expect it - I will destroy you!

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