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View Poll Results: What are your interests for Japan ?

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  • Manga & Anime

    487 57.57%
  • Video games

    335 39.60%
  • Martial Arts

    269 31.80%
  • Culture in general

    602 71.16%
  • J-pop

    330 39.01%
  • Japanese people (friendship or more)

    596 70.45%
  • Japanese language

    613 72.46%
  • Japanese food

    477 56.38%
  • Traditional Japan (tea ceremony, geisha, kabuki, noh, ikebana, ...)

    403 47.64%
  • Religion (shinto, buddhism, zen...)

    196 23.17%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: What are your interests for Japan ?

  1. #326
    Julian Julian's Avatar
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    May 4, 2006
    I am a german boy and many of my friends are interested in cars 2, but me not. That are only machines! People are yery much more interesting

    I am interested in Japan, because it is yery different than Europe or America (Usa). There is not only another culture i guess. The people there live in another system.
    But i dont know yery much about japan (thats why i search people from japan).
    Japan is great but it have (like every country) his weaknesses.
    That are points, i am interested in.
    Of course things like Manga, anime and the typical japanese art of humor i am interested too. Cu

  2. #327
    Julian Julian's Avatar
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    May 4, 2006

    I find humans much more interesting than cars

    I am a german boy and many of my friends are interested in cars 2, but me not. That are only machines! People are yery much more interesting

    I am interested in Japan, because it is yery different than Europe or America (Usa). There is not only another culture i guess. The people there live in another system.
    But i dont know yery much about japan (thats why i search people from japan).
    Japan is great but it have (like every country) his weaknesses.
    That are points, i am interested in.
    Of course things like Manga, anime and the typical japanese art of humor i am interested too. Cu

  3. #328
    Regular Member Tollen's Avatar
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    Feb 2, 2006
    what are your interests in japan? lol what isn't? ^_^

    "With prompters whispering retorts from cellar windows shy people would triumph"

  4. #329
    Regular Member Cheery Cherry's Avatar
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    I am interested in Japan because I was born there but left Japan when I was 10 years old, not by choice, of course. I've been living in America since and I am in my mid 30s now.

    I want to re-learn everything about Japan. I would love to make a few Japanese friends as well .

  5. #330
    Tokio Hotel Fan GothYoko's Avatar
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    I love the Japan Culuture. I think it's very interessting and so different than the European culture.

  6. #331
    Œ³‹C[‚Ђ� Dena81's Avatar
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    I'd have to go with the language, people, and culture in general. There's just so many aspects with J-music and how teens dress to the contrast of how tea ceremonies and meals are. It just gets me so excited and interested. I'd love to go one day!

  7. #332
    Junior Member SaTsuki_angel#'s Avatar
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    ok, I'm intrested in the music mostly , I love it!, it's started when I was a little girl and I used to watch anime on tv, I used to sing all songs of anime series, first in my language and then original japanese songs , then always listen to japanese songs until now, I think japanese songs and japanese singers are better than any another one of course for me
    and.. now i'm intrested in any another japanese things, and I'm studing japanese watashi wa nihongo o benkyoshite imasu, nihongo wa totemo sugoi desu ne! n__n
    jaja, that's all, sorry for my english I'm studing english too
    etto... ja ne~

  8. #333
    Regular Member BenWa's Avatar
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    Japan just seems like a kick *** country with a really bitchin' history. I was never a huge manga fan, I would occasionally watch some anime flick just to see if it was any good. Then I started watching miasaki movies(Princess Mononoke, Spirited away ect.). And I then saw the movie Akira. At first it just tripped me out with all the powers and gore, but when I looked back at it I realized that I loved that movie. I'm still not that big a fan of anime in genral since every show I watch seems like a cliche of the last. The one anime show that I love above the rest is the Tenchi Muyo series. I liked it because it combined the traditional REAL samurai lifestyle in with all these futuristic aspects. All that aside I realised that I should know more about Japan since I was slowly starting to get turned onto it. And I started doing research on it, and imediatly liked what I read. So ever since I've had a love
    affair with Japan and the Japanese lifestyle and people.
    I would love to hear someone elses opinion on this, so come say Hi.

  9. #334
    Regular Member taehyun's Avatar
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    I came to study Japanese folklore
    This includes ,however, many other areas of study, so I had to do much more research than I've expected.
    But I discovered many new things which changed a bit my view on Japan.
    Japanese legends and fairy tales, local festivals and small, small ,forgotten deities...All this stuff was so different from what I've read in books and seen on the TV
    Wanna walk like a normal human being again

  10. #335
    JREF Resident Alien Pachipro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taehyun View Post
    But I discovered many new things which changed a bit my view on Japan.
    Japanese legends and fairy tales, local festivals and small, small ,forgotten deities...All this stuff was so different from what I've read in books and seen on the TV
    Interesting. What exactly changed your views of Japan from what you were taught in school or read in books and seen on TV in your home country? I think that would make an interesting thread.
    Do What You Love And You'll Never Work Another Day In Your Life!

  11. #336
    Gaijin - Not Gaikokujin! Gaijin4Life's Avatar
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    Onsen !!!!

  12. #337
    Regular Member taehyun's Avatar
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    To Pachipro
    I apologize for the belated reply.
    If you are really interested , I could send u a PM or an e-mail about the Japanese folklore and the heart of Japan
    But I just saw that thread " What is /are the greatest contribution of Japan to the world" and I think that sharing my experience and my studies in public wouldn't be so interesting.

  13. #338
    Regular Member jRus's Avatar
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    I think Japan is viewed differenly from every country. A good exapmle of american rasism is toward russians is the movies. Every movie I have seen the russians are the "bad guys". That is why I like watching russian movies instead of american ones. But going back to Japan, I read media from outside sources other than the USA cuz basicaly everything here is racist. So thats why I read newspapers and news based on other countries news. It is intersting to see the angle.

  14. #339
    Join Date
    Jun 30, 2006
    There are a lot of things:
    -Japanese food is at least very different. I've tried a lot of food from other countries, but nothing has been as "foreign" to me as Japanese food. I don't even nessecarily enjoy the taste of a lot of it, but because it's so unique I really appreciate it. Genmacha and shabu shabu are delicious, too of course. ;)

    -The culture seems to encourage cuteness/feminity more in women which I like. I don't think there's anything wrong with American culture but I don't really fit the "sexy, outgoing" ideal and I don't think it's really appealing. I feel uncomfortable in someways living in a place where it's considered strange for a woman to wear a skirt.

    -There's something incredibly beautiful about kabuki that I can't really express. It's something I really enjoy watching.

    -This will sound pretentious but I think observing another first world country and seeing how it's similar and different is really interesting.

    -I like lolita fashion, onsen, rilakkuma and (very rarely) jpop.

  15. #340
    Junior Member
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    Almost all those reasons are why I'm interested in Japan. Nothing beats eating sushiwhile watching anime.

  16. #341
    Regular Member
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    I voted for Culture in general, J-pop, Japanese people (friendship or more) and Japanese language, but I would say that all Japan has to offer interests me.

  17. #342
    Join Date
    Oct 28, 2006
    anyone could make me teach me how to dress like japanese, i am a male

  18. #343
    living in japan shadow_lady's Avatar
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    i love the way you could cosplay in japan! i love dressing up! and last saturday, me and my friends had a halloween party, and i dressed up as a ƒ�Cƒh‚³‚ñ ‚�Á‚���y‚µ‚¢‚©‚Á‚½� `

  19. #344
    The new cool justin's Avatar
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    After seeing Japantown here in San Francisco I really want to see japan fristhand.
    When you complain about the farmer try not to talk with your mouth full.

  20. #345
    JREF Resident Alien Pachipro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadow_lady
    i love dressing up! and last saturday, me and my friends had a halloween party, and i dressed up as a ƒ�Cƒh‚³‚ñ ‚�Á‚���y‚µ‚¢‚©‚Á‚½� `
    Any chance we could see some pics of you in your maid outfit? ‚�Á‚���y‚µ‚¢‚¾‚�v‚ ‚Ü‚·I@

  21. #346
    Kami Love A-chama's Avatar
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    Winter wonder land!

    Heart What I like... everything! Nya!

    ... I really can't list ALL the things I like about Japan... I like everything really!!! But what I enjoy most is the music, the language, Anime and Mangas.
    Anime is what got me in. I remember watching Sailor Moon, like, everyday, when it was aired (sadly, it isn't anymore ) Luckly there are other good animes!
    And now my current obsession is Gackt ! He's is just so awesome...
    But enough rambling on my part. Truely, I must say there is very little (if anything) I dislike about Japan.

    Fanfiction/writing site :Wingless-Dolly

  22. #347
    X Japan & Kagrra, hideto_matsumoto_RIP's Avatar
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    At hides grave
    i find manny things in japan interesting...
    but my main intrest is anime/manga and music.
    sorry for writhing annyting wrong...
    i'm not that good at writhing english
    hide saved a young girl's life by donating bone marrow, which is a very painful procedure. hide wrote to her regularly afterwards...he was so nice

  23. #348
    Junior Member
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    How many Japanese muslims existe ??

  24. #349
    ƒPƒrƒ� Homerduff's Avatar
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    My interests in Japan are merely the modern culture and the people..

    I will study product design soon, and Japan is more or less the mekka for product designers. Its amazing to see what kind of products get success over in Japan. The most bizar things exist in Japan. I would eventually like to work in Japan as product designer. Start little, as freelance designer or work for a company, maybe a foreign company situated in Japan. Or eventually start my own company in Japan. But I still miss so much experience and education to actually believe in this already. Still a long way (studying !) to go !

    Allthough I have never been in Japan, the stories I hear are really fascinating. People are so kind and helpfull. And last but not least, based on looks I prefer japanese women !

  25. #350
    Junior Member chinese boy's Avatar
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    What I like in Japan is the society, the way in which the japanese people behave, their courtesy, and the japanese girls !! haha I love the way in which japanese people get dressed especially in tokyo !!

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